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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi Simon, thanks for answering the question properly , I should have added the detail about being online as you described. Bald headed aussie, I normally add all the details Regards Dave.
  2. Hi Crispin, yes that is what he means. Regards Dave.
  3. Hi efi265, turn your fuel selection from sequential to off and store to the ecu. Carry out an injector output test and and ignition output test. If you are running a distributor and one coil you can only obviously test the one output. Once these are confirmed leave the fuel set to off and get a timing light and do a trigger calibration,m if you have spark out put. Check to see if the spark timing calibration offset is still correct. DONT FORGET TO TURN THE FUEL BACK TO SEQUENTIAL AND STORE F4 WHEN DONE. Regards Dave.
  4. Hi Grant, I have never been able to open G4 files with G4+ or VTS with iVTS , always will receive the error about being too old etc. Regards Dave.
  5. Dave Kriedeman

    Lambda to AFR

  6. Hi efi265, If you press R when connected to the laptop and go to the TRIGGERS tab and crank the engine, does it show trigger 1 NO, Trigger 2 Yes , RPM 0, or different. Can you bypass the ignition HOLD POWER circuit and see if the engine fires, or you get trigger 1 back. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi Amvegeta, the above screen shot shows exactly how to do this. Just don't use boost table 2 if you are not running boost. You don't use outputs you use a switching input, normally a Digital Input as per my example then you simply use the tables 1 or 2 dependant on input switch position. Please do not take offense in anyway from the following, I strongly advise seeking professional help to set things up properly for you if you do not have a very good understanding of this type of thing. Who is your local dealer, who did you purchase your ECU from, he should be your first point of contact. By all means ask away on here (FORUM) but maybe you need to make a list of everything you wish to do. Remember once the dual tables are setup they will also require tuning. Can you please give a more detailed response as to exactly what your intentions are, example low octane fuel to high octane fuel change only or is boost involved etc. Are secondary injectors and pumps involved etc, etc. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi, ok so to me it appears that by that diagram that the BROWN A , ORANGE A = MOTOR OPEN or CLOSE. RED B , YELLOW B = MOTOR OPEN or CLOSE. The remaining are the position feed back inputs. So if you can apply 12 v positive DC to the BROWN A wire and negative to ORANGE A this should drive the blade open or closed. Then do the same with RED B will be positive 12 volts and Yellow B will be negative , this will drive the blade open or closed. Please advise what colour combination opens the butterfly and what colour combination closes the butterfly. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi , I would need the unit in front of me to test or a schematic diagram of the valve to work it out. I would imagine there will be a common positive feed to power the stepper and 2 aux controlled wires 1 would be earth switched via the ECU to open the blade, the other would be earthed to close the blade. You would also have a sensor ground and an open variable resistor and a close variable resistor for control feed back. The power and open and close pins would just be of fixed resistance value, wouldn't change when the butterfly is opened or closed. The OPEN/ CLOSE feed back potentiometers would change value(resistance) when the blade is opened or closed. Regards Dave
  10. Hi, very easy to do. To make it simpler for me can you just put down wire colour and what it is. Using this format Starting top left to right. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 = YELLOW/BLACK = DESCRIPTION 2 = RED/YELLOW = DESCRIPTION 3 = BLK/ORANGE?? = DESCRIPTION 4 = BLACK = DESCRIPTION 5 = GREEN /BLK = DESCRIPTION 6 = YELLOW = DESCRIPTION. Thanks Regards Dave.
  11. Hi Grant, can you explain how you are doing this again. Sorry my brain isn't functioning correctly today, bit SLOOOOOOOOWWWWW. So have you installed the new G4+ ECU into the car, then opened the old G4 software select the old PCL file from the G4 and press F4 to download into the new G4+. Regards Dave.
  12. Hi, OK cool it is similar to what I use anyway which is a small DBW throttle body. I will need to search the wiring configuration as to what wire has what function, then I can create a schematic and file for the operation of the valve for you. What boost control range are you wishing to work with, example 7 psi to 14 psi etc. Regards Dave.
  13. Hi Ramantanis, can you please post a picture of your idle stepper bypass valve and let us know what engine it is off please. Regards Dave.
  14. Hi amvegeta, sorry I do not understand what you are asking. Are you asking to have 2 fuel MAPS 1 for normal driving and one for 95 octane racing or ????? Regards Dave.
  15. Hi R33 GTST, Traction control needs to be setup in the software, and after that the Traction Control will turn on automatically every time you start the car. Then you must turn it off with your switch (DI) if you don't want it on. The TC function works like OEM setups , on automatically and requires manual override to turn off. Regards Dave.
  16. Hi Ramantanis, Is this bypass valve used for idle speed control or boost control. Either way it can be done, depending on what Aux outputs you have spare. Regards Dave.
  17. Hi davidbek95, the analogue volt input on your V88 that you have set up as WIDEBAND AFR is the calibration set as AUTRONIC 0 - 5 VOLT. Also the Autronic Wideband has 2 analogue volt outputs, 1 = 0 - 1 volt 2 = 0 - 5 volt. The AFR these voltages represent must be programmed into the Autronic AFR meter. From memory FUNCTION 9 and 10, but not 100% on that I would have to check those FUNCTION NMBERS. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi R33GTST, You need to select a DIGITAL INPUT and set it as TRACTION CONTROL DISABLE. Please find attached a screen shot of how to set this up. Regards Dave.
  19. Dave Kriedeman

    Lambda to AFR

    Hi Rob, make sure that you don't have more than one channel set as LAMBDA/AFR 1 or 2. Please email your pcl file to Simon or myself if you still have issues. My email is [email protected] Regards Dave.
  20. Hi amvegeta, Sorry forgot to follow up and redo for you. Please find attached HOPEFULLY a screen shot of how to setup Dual Fuel, Dual Ignition, Dual Boost. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi SLO-VLT, I have looked at your PCL file. It is a mess sorry to tell you. I have found numerous issues with the tune. Blown gasket or not this was destined for failure.; Call me on 0475 388 462, later after 10 am today should be ok. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi Richard, I am not sure how similar the TI (TEXAS INSTRUMENTS) OIL PRESSURE sensor 150 psi calibration is compared to HONEYWELL 150 psi calibration. So you have 5 volts reference going to the sensor Sensor signal is going to an Analogue volt input Sensor negative is going to sensor ground NOT EARTH If you have terminated the sensor as above then I would be checking the calibration values. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi KD, You require a factory ECU pin out and engine schematic diagram to do this. Below is some parameter settings for your engine from the HELP files. Regards Dave.
  24. Dave Kriedeman

    Lambda to AFR

    Hi Rob, below I have attached a screen shot from my own personal tune I am about to do on my Skyline with onboard WIDEBAND and external wideband on my FURY, Are you referring to the fact that the centre of the gauge reads the words LAMBDA. Both my WIDEBAND / LAMBDA inputs read AFR fine. Note LAMBDA/AFR 1 is the onboard Lambda sensor and was not connected at the time of this shot. I was just starting my base fuel tune hence for the flat 40 cell numbers everywhere. Regards Dave. Hi Rob, just some more settings info. Regards Dave. Hi Rob, I also forgot to reply to your question regarding your NB OXY SENSOR. If it is faulty bin it. You can leave your wideband sensor in there. The NB sensor or the WB sensor, will only require to be left in the exhaust if you are using CLL (CLOSED LOOP LAMBDA) control. Or wish to maintain AFR data, which you will require a WB to do so. Regards Dave.
  25. Hi Tao, Please find attached below stage one of the wiring diagram for you. I will try to finish the rest today, but I am unwell so I will see how I go. Regards Dave.
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