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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi Shamil, just another quick note, reminder that the limiter will also come in at 250 rpm lower than the rpm limit set point. Regards Dave.
  2. Hi Shamil, when running the car on the dyno do the trigger 1 errors coincide with the misfires. Unfortunately you cant really use trigger 2 as trigger 1, if you had and issue on trigger 2 we could certainly get away with only trigger 1 and some reconfiguration work, but the other way is not a possibility, as the cam signal is only generated at half crankshaft speed. Can you please adjust your trigger settings to replicate my attached screen shot and let me know how you go. Your Trigger 1 and 2 arming values from 3000 rpm onwards are set at double what the original file states. You had arming voltages all set at 7 volts. If this works but you have some minimal Trigger 1 error counts try using filter level 2 or higher. Really to set this arming voltage correctly you need to measure the voltage with an oscilloscope and set the arming voltage to half of what your meter reads, for example if you see 6 volts at 4000 rpm you would put a value of 3 at that set point in the table. Let me know how you go. Regards Dave.
  3. Hi Shamil, Those trigger errors are what happened during your log run you supplied, that is why I posted the screen shot so you could see the count and the AFR reading. I strongly advise getting the AFR meter sorted first, as you really need to know what your AFR is doing, rich or lean mixtures can cause or add to trigger error misfiring also. I suggest you take a look at the Trigger 1 setup , Repair or replace your wide band sensor. You need to get an oscilloscope and test the polarity of you wiring to the crank trigger. The 1JZ VVt file is pretty solid so you need to check for other issues. Regards Dave.
  4. Hi Dolfo, you can select AFR TARGET under the FUEL tab in the selection table. Regards Dave.
  5. Hi Shamil, are you sure that your AFR input is correct as it is showing as low as 7.3:1 which is extremely rich. If these mixtures are correct it will be the cause of your misfire, even a CDI unit would have trouble firing a mixture that rich. The log also show a trigger 1 error count total of 255, so you have an issue with trigger 1 also. I have attached a screen shot with this data displayed. Regards Dave.
  6. Hi Paul, What Brad is saying is correct, sorry I misunderstood what you where saying (Joys of having a fried brain from having brain strokes , ) I thought you were referring to the small square black suppressors found on some imports. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi, Please remove the sparkplugs and see what is happening, as far as are they carbon fouled or just clean and wet. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi Shamil, can you please post the log file up in it's llg format as per the LINK software log file please. I need the log file capture done with all parameters selected, in other words select all parameters in the PC logger setup. Select fasted sample rate also, for the logging either 20 or 40 hz depending on your software. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi Eoin, that's great news. Yes they can behave strangely, this is why I normally have a main relay that feeds a bus bar that in turn supplies ignition feed power to my other relays. Regards Dave.
  10. Hi Dinn, I have this information but I am not sure if I am allowed to divulge to anyone. This question is best left for the LINK team to answer sorry. They will be back on deck, next Monday. Regards Dave
  11. Hi Shamil, what engine do have, can you post up a full datalog please of the misfire when it is happening. Regards Dave.
  12. Hi, I have never had anything to do with the SR20 vvl but I would imagine it would still use the same CAS and trigger discs as the standard SR20 unless it runs different cam sensors, how many wires go to the CAS 4. If so I would just use trigger SR20 and use all the base settings for the SR20 and go from there. Make sure you carry out the ECCS WIDEST SLOT TEST FIRST, Make sure you have the FUEL INJECTORS Disconnected or turned OFF. After carrying out the EECS WIDEST SLOT TEST make sure you press F4 and save to the ECU and F2 to save to the pcl file. Once you have saved this, MAKE SURE YOU TURN THE ECCS WIDEST SLOT TEST TO OFF, IF THIS IS LEFT ON THE ENGINE WILL NOT START. Low resolution mode is not normally required, this is only required if using an engine combination that may create abnormal timing chain movements due to large overlap camshafts etc, that will effect the CAS. Carry out the timing checks as per normal and adjust the Offset to achieve your desired LOCKED TIMING VALUE. Once You have the timing set correct, hit F4 save to ECU and F2 save to the PCL, re-enable the injectors and try to start. I always remove the COP and fit a HT plug lead from the co0il to the sparkplug , this is the only way to get a good accurate timing light response. Remember wet or carbon fouled sparkplugs will create issues and make the timing light do strange things or not flash also. Check your plugs are not wet or fouled from previous efforts to start the engine. Regards Dave. Â
  13. Hi Omar, sorry I was sleeping due to not feeling well, I have sent you an email regarding our time zones so we can workout a good time for me to remote login and help you. Regards Dave.
  14. Hi Mitchell, What software/firmware are you using, is this ecu a plug in or a standalone. Did you carry out a trigger calibration correctly and press F4 to save to ECU and save the new file as a new name , that way the original file cant be accidently reloaded. Regards Dave.
  15. Hi Omar, I may have to remote login to your computer . I do not know why it is not working. The other strange thing is that FIRMWARE is Dealer test firmware that we are testing ,I see that your software says 5.2.2. but states that the firmware is 5.3.0 very strange. If you go to my web site www.protuningcairns.com , go to the Remote tuning page down the bottom and download my free version of Teamviewer. Regards Dave.
  16. Hi OMAR, are you using 5.2.2 firmware. Where are you saving the file to, if it is not to the base file folder it will not open. You need to save the file to the 5.2.2 base files folder and the name should be saved as .pclr at the end. Regards Dave.
  17. Hi Mitch, so when you make the trigger change you are pressing F4 to save the changes to the ECU and F2 to save the changes to the pcl file or create a new one. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi Paul, it will only really need to be used if you have interference or electrical noise through the radio or sometimes noise induced into the triggers. Regards Dave.
  19. Hi Andy, you state you are using ver 5.3 are you sure as this is dealer test firmware, which we are testing at present. Regards Dave.
  20. Omar, when you save my file make sure you save it as 1.pclr not 1-pclr or it wont open. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi Omar, use my attached PCL file and work your way from there. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi OMAR, at a very quick look a master of 20 and a trim of -25% will be very confusing for you. Start with the above mentioned values, with fresh plugs, Regards Dave.
  23. Hi Omar, I will try to have a look for you today. Sorry in advance for any delay, I am very busy, at present with doctors etc. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi Kerem, the answer is yes. If you use the HELP file you will find all that you need. Read everything, if you need some more advice ask away. Regards Dave.
  25. Hi Llewelyn, So you are saying you have used up all 20 available tables on the G4+ Extreme, that's some serious extra table configurations there. This will be requiring a response from LINK, when they get back on the 15 th.  However the  ViPEC i88 has 30 tables, just for interests sake. I will check to see if there is a table upgrade able to be purchased for your ECU. Regards Dave.
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