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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi Frosty, does -10 degrees actually give you enough boost to launch at. Regards Dave.
  2. Hi, firstly do you have a speed input setup in the ecu. You must have a speed input to be able to carry out a gear input setup. The only other way around this would be to have a digital input for each gear and use them as the activation for the table. Please advise if you have a speed input from the vehicle to a Digital input. Then we can go through set up procedures. Regards Dave.
  3. Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that there is a new software/firmware release for G4+ and iSERIES Please find short cut here http://www.linkecu.com/app/site/media/sitemedia.nl/id.26936/.f As usual please read release notes after install and check all parameter settings etc for anychanges that may have taken place with upgrade. Regards Dave.
  4. Hi all, just letting you all know there is a new SOFTWARE.FIRMWARE release for I series and G4+. The version is 5.4.3 As usual, please read all release notes and check any parameter changes. Please find short cut here http://www.linkecu.com/app/site/media/sitemedia.nl/id.26936/.f Regards Dave.
  5. Hi Josey, I have had numerous ECU's with back feeding issues, due to incorrectly set up auxillary relays. The engine stops running when the ignition is turned off, the laptop communications go offline when the ignition is off also. Then when trying to do Firmware upgrades if the ECU has ANY form of back-feeding it will hang the firmware update. The only way to overcome this is to physically disconnect the ECU connector blocks when prompted to turn the ignition off and back on. I am not stating that your problem is definitely this. I just wanted to make you aware of what I have encountered. I have done many 4.10.2 upgrades with out issues. Regards Dave.
  6. Hi Cake, The entire OPEN LOOP AFR TABLE should always be fully tuned for this function to work correctly. Selecting a chunk of the table and applying a change will still be effected to a degree by the tables values, above, below or to the side of the selected values. As Simon said store the changes to the ECU and also watch injector duty and time mS. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi, there is very detailed instructions on this feature available in the HELP files. Please read through correctly as every step is important, also use you ECU Runtimes Values list to check the operation of the inputs used to activate all the CC functions. Check the actual switch conditions are activating and being acknowledged with a green box and an ON or YES prompt. Otherwise data log all Cruise Control inputs etc and send thee file in. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi Josey, please send your PCL file. Driving the car in setup mode is very dangerous, the safety limiting strategies of the ETHROTTLE will not function. Erratic, unstable and unpredictable throttle control may occur. So is the E THROTTLE SETUP passes all setup procedures. What do you have your E THROTTLE TARGET TABLE Y AXIS set up as. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi everyone, just doing a test post for Simon, after all of his hard work. Well done Simon. Regards Dave.
  10. Hi jannerboy, No problem, let us know if you have any issues. Regards Dave.
  11. Hi Josey, can you elaborate on the ETHROTTLE issue, I have many customers running E THROTTLE on V series and no issues what so ever. Are you running the latest firmware 4.10.2 Regards Dave
  12. Hi Josey, but are you getting any TRIGGER ERRORS. Hit F12 runtime values and go to triggers and look. Can you take a PC log , at 40 Hz, log all parameters and send to us. Please make sure an AFR WIDEBAND is attached and selected in logging. Regards, Dave.
  13. Hi, yes you can employ overrun fuel cut, no worries. Regards Dave.
  14. Hi DOLFO, Beautiful, great to see. Well done mate. Regards Dave.,
  15. Hi , the V series software is a very stable platform and has been for quite some time now. Unless there are bugs found, the Engineers probably won't do any updates. Remember the introduction of the i SERIES was due to the absolute limitations of the V series hardware being reached. Unless a specific feature request is wished for by multiple people I do not think we will see any more development. But this is just my opinion, not that of ELECTRONZ LIMITED themselves. Remembering I don't work for them. Simon may wish to elaborate. Regards Dave.
  16. Hello, I had set the FUEL and IGNITION maps to MAP based Y axis. Just right click on the FUEL and IGNITION tables and select axis setup. Reset to TP MAIN . If you have issues please let us know and we will change for you. Regards Dave.
  17. Hi Josey, yes half to 3/4 will be fine. 3/4 is preferred. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi Andreas, sorry for the delay. I have been sick and also had carpel tunnel surgery on both of my wrists, so I have been out of action for awhile. Please try the attached pcl file I have created. It is crude but have got the triggers set up correctly and also set load source in your configuration you had set to OFF. I have changed your FUEL and IGNITION table Y axis to MAP, I am assuming this is a turboed application. You can set to MGP or TPS if you wish your call. I have also created a basic Timing table to start you off. Please exercise caution with the ignition table, it is just a lot better than the one you were using. Please recalibrate the TPS, MAP sensor and then turn the fuel from sequential to OFF and do your IGNITION ANGLE TEST , set the trigger offset to correct your timing. Let me know how you go. Regards Dave.
  19. Hi paulr33, I always use a combination of throttle blade air gap and idle ignition timing table to control my idle and idle load quality. Please find attached an example idle ignition timing MAP I would normally use. Give this a try and report what happens please. Regards Dave.
  20. Hi Max, you need to disable any idle control that your engine uses. You will then need to adjust the throttle blade stop screw if fitted so that the engine idles at your desired idle speed or just below it. Remember to recalibrate the TPS after adjusting the stop screw as this will change the closed throttle voltage. Then re enable your idle control and test your starting, you will more than likely need to make small changes to the idle control parameters to lower the idle speed as it will probably idle higher than it used too with more air blade gap. This may not require any adjustment if using closed loop idle speed control. You may need to alter cranking fuel numbers etc to make up for the extra air. Are you using pre start enrichment triggered from ignition on or cranking. Using these will aid starting dramatically when setup correctly. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi Rune, Guageart ????????? what is this. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi , as Kristian has said , all of this is easily handled by the ECU. As for setting this up and advising on how to do it all, well this may upset some dealers in your area. This is how the Dealers make their living, I suggest you visit your nearest dealer and support him. If you feel you can program this and set it up yourself, read the HELP files they are vey informative. If you need further help and or do not receive support from your dealer , return to the forum. This is just Dealers playing fair. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi just downloaded it. I will have a look today for you. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi Max, a PC data log of all parameters would be a handy starting point. Log rate at 40 HZ please. Regards Dave.
  25. Hi, Try to load your PCL file onto this forum, if it wont let you then you can email your pcl file to me [email protected] so I can check it for you. Regards Dave.
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