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Overall Fuel / Ign Correction


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Is there a parameter for PC Link (G4+) and to log for the overall correction % or value being applied beyond the fuel / ign table?

My old Motec had this and was useful to see that something was affecting the figures - you could then deep dive into exactly which parameter(s) was causing the correction.



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Not really possible in Link since not all trims can be represented as a simple percentage or adder value.  Ignition for example you can have a mixture of percentage trims, degree trims, absolute degree trims and individual cylinder trims.  Fuel for example can have mS trims (such as short PW adder or staged extra mode), percentage trims and in modeled mode the whole model is basically a "trim"

For ignition you can see most of what is going on by comparing the two parameters "Ignition angle" and "Ignition table 1", if they arent the same then the difference is probably a trim.  Be aware though individual cylinder trims such as knock retard wont show in the main Ignition angle parameter.

For fuel there is no easy option, you really need to look at the trims you use individually.



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