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Create math outputs in an existing log file


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To avoid adding confusion to PCLink could it be a standalone program where you could load in the log and output different math functions. Or even change/create tables to see the resulting output with the defined inputs/axis/etc?

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Megalogviewer HD is probably the most widely used (You need the paid version about USD$50), I dont like it much visually and lacks many functions, but the histograms do work really nice in it.  The biggest thing in its favour is plenty of support on facebook etc.  https://www.efianalytics.com/register/viewProduct.jsp?productCode=MegaLogViewerHD

Baldur Gislason has a pretty good free one built into his calibrator software, I have never been able to get the histograms to work correctly in it but otherwise it is quite good.  Fairly basic, so wont cover all tasks.  There is a decent manual on his site. https://controls.is/calibrator/ 

I mostly use Lifeview from Liferacing since I got quite familiar with it at my last job.  Very powerful once you know your way around but piss poor documentation and for some stuff you can waste hours trying to figure something out by trial and error.   https://www.liferacing.com/uploads/files/PC Software/LifeSetup-Generic-EcuOnly-2023-03-16.zip

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2 hours ago, Adamw said:

Baldur Gislason has a pretty good free one built into his calibrator software, I have never been able to get the histograms to work correctly in it but otherwise it is quite good.  Fairly basic, so wont cover all tasks.  There is a decent manual on his site. https://controls.is/calibrator/ 

Thanks, I've fiddling with this one for the last hour or so and it seems pretty good for a free program.

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