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MXS Strada pre-setting data

Michael Riedweg

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Hello everyone

I searched in the whole forum but didn't find a anser so I had to start a new topic.


Finally I found some time to install my mxs 1.2 link branded dash in my car.

Connected the CAN to my Link G4X ECU (Plug in for CA18det Engine) and tried to configure everything.

Now, accidentally I may deleted everything what was pre-setted on my MXS and now I don't figure out, how to connect those two (ECU and DASH) together.

Ist there a way to download a pre-setting file from Link to load it on the dash again? 

Or is there a discription for all setups when you want to connect the ECU with the dash?


I watched the video from Link in youtube and tried all of these options, but nothing works.

-> Settings in ECU with CAN1, choose dash, 20Hz, ID1000...

-> Settings in dash with almost every Link ECU I tried (i have 3 diffrent to choose)


I really don't know how to set up this and think, it will really be a small problem if someone can help me out...


Regards Michael 

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Your ecu firmware is pretty old - it may be a good idea to try updating the firmware and trying again. I'm not sure when they added the "Transmit Link AIM MXS Strada Dash" option where previously you would have just selected "Transmit Generic Dash", but that could be tied to the firmware.  On the ecu side, the help menu says to use 20Hz, but I'm not sure that matters as much.  The rest of the ecu setup looks ok to me.  Your dash config file looks ok to me. 

Do you get any errors on the F12 status runtime CAN tab while connected to the dash with key on?  

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Thank you!

I downloaded and updated the newest firmware to my ecu, but it didn't help.

Now I checked all of the wirings, tried on the ECU the CAN1 and CAN2 output with the cable, but nothing happens.

Am I right, that usually I should see the dash, when I search on the ECU in the CAN Setup for CAN Devices (picture attatched)?


And no, I don't have any CAN faults on the ECU.


On the dash I connected the white cable to the CAN High (+) and the blue to the CAN Low (-).

Screenshot 2024-03-02 172058.png

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1 hour ago, Michael Riedweg said:

Thank you!

I downloaded and updated the newest firmware to my ecu, but it didn't help.

Now I checked all of the wirings, tried on the ECU the CAN1 and CAN2 output with the cable, but nothing happens.

Am I right, that usually I should see the dash, when I search on the ECU in the CAN Setup for CAN Devices (picture attatched)?


And no, I don't have any CAN faults on the ECU.


On the dash I connected the white cable to the CAN High (+) and the blue to the CAN Low (-).

Screenshot 2024-03-02 172058.png

AIM dash will not appear under the CAN device tab... only Link items will pop up here. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/3/2024 at 12:42 AM, Adamw said:

Both your ECU and dash config are fine, most likely a wiring issue.  Can you attach some pics of the CAN wiring between ECU and dash?

Sorry for late anser.


Pictures are attatched. I use the LINK cable to connect the dash with the ecu. I opend the ECU to try the plug on CAN1 and CAN2, but both didn't work.

The 12V is connectec temporary, but this is not really a problem. You can see that the dash is workng and I tryed to set some parameters to show me if the ECU is connected. On the TPS (right below) it should show me the status without the engine is running (only with power on the ECU) how wide it is opend, same as the ECU does when I connect it with the LINK software, right?

So there you can see now, the 12V is here, but no connection between the ECU and the dash.

Link 05.jfif Link 04.jfif Link 03.jfif Link 02.jfif Link 01.jfif Link 07.jfif Link 06.jfif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mesured. Between 2 and 9 I've got +1.6V, and between 2 and 8 it's +3.2V

Between CAN high an low I've got 1.5V

Seems to me, that the signal from the ECU arrives at the dash. Maybe something is wrong with my dash?


I tried now with your software, and still didn't work...

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  • 1 month later...

Still on the same point...


I've now tried with diffrent settings, and changed the CAN high an low as well, but nothing worked.

Could it be, that my dash arrived with a error/defect?


Does anyone have experience with returns/refunds?

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I know of people that have reached out to AIM Sport directly to get support as they are the manufacturer.  I'm sure you could do the same and they will be able to help you.  

If possible, you could send the dash to Link or your Link dealer for some type of bench testing to see if it's working for them before taking the step of sending it in to AIM Sport.

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  • 2 months later...



After many hours of searching for the problem in the software or a miswired connector, I found the problem.

At first I thought the dashboard came with a defect, so I spoke to AIM in Italy and sent it back for inspection.

Now I had the opportunity to install a friend's dashboard on my car and we had the same problem again. So keep looking again.

The problem was the 2m LINK CAN extension cable. I bought two of them and both of them didn't work because maybe they are too long.

Plugged in without cable works. With the cable I have no signal from the control unit. The power supply (12V) is never a problem.

Now I'm still waiting for my dashboard to come back from Italy and I'm trying to extend my cable by 1m as I need an extension between the ECU and the dashboard.

Many thanks for the help!

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That doesnt make a lot of sense to me, your earlier voltage measurement on pin 8 & 9 suggests there was data reaching the dash, I assume you had the extension cable connected when you done that test?  

When originally testing the cable design I have tested with two of the extension cables connected together for 4M total length with 2 x CAN lambdas, a gauge, and a dash all connected to one end and working successfully.  The voltage drop was a bit borderline for the lambdas during cranking but the dash didnt show any signs of distress.  

Can you "beep out" the extension lead to make sure pin 1 goes to pin 1 etc, and that resistance isn't excessive.  Also make sure the sockets in the female DTM are latched properly, I have been caught before with a dtm connector where the sockets would push back and lose contact when the plugs were plugged together. 

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For me too, but as I said, I have two brand new LINK CAN extension cables and I tested both separately (first one, then the other).

In my opinion, it is possible that one cable is wired wrong on one connector from the factory. But two cables? I don't think so.

And yes, when I checked the voltage, it was plugged in with the 2m cable and the voltage of the CAN signal was measured at the connector from the dash, which is the longest possible path from the ECU.

I will check the resistance and wiring to make sure each pin on my cable is connected correctly. If that's right, I'll cut the cable in the middle and make two 1m cables out of it, because 1m is enough for my connection from the ECU to my dash.

Maybe there is a problem with the cable and the CAN high and low voltage should be shielded from the 12V (I don't know if that's the case).

In your 4m example, did you put the 12V connector separately or also during the CAN cable? Because maybe that's the problem. I bring the 12V next to the ECU and during the full CAN extension to the dashboard. If you didn't do that, I believe you don't had any problems.

Most importantly, I finally found the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I used the connection cable new only for the CAN signal and connected the 12V direct and seperatyl on the dash.

Now the dash works fine too.


That means for me, that the 12V disturbs the CAN signal in the cable.

With this data range, the dash don't recieve anything. I guess that this works with other components like a CAN lambda or something else, but with the dash this cable with CAN and 12V together don't work.


I hope, that I can help with this informations other people in future projects.

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