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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw

    LS1/LQ9 first setup

    No, staged would be for when you have primary and secondary injectors. For a V8 with a Atom you can use either "Multi-point Group" mode (4 injectors will be fired at a time) or "Sequential" mode (actually will be semi-sequential on a V8) which might work a little better. With Semi-sequential you have 2 injectors fired together - normally adjacent cylinders in the firing order so these can be timed better with valve opening etc.
  2. I just noticed you have some really odd idle ignition control table. 50deg retard all over? So turn off idle ignition control for now. After that, start engine and adjust your master fuel up or down (pg up & pg down keys is easiest) until your AFR is in the ball park.
  3. No I dont expect the lower compression and less squish will make a big difference to idle and low load VE. The biggest effects will be the difference in capacities, the different valve timing and the different injectors. Tweak your master fuel a little more.
  4. Checking that the timing is stable over a range of RPM is a quick and easy verification that VR polarity is correct. I just took a quick look over your map, it mostly appears to be a reasonable starting point. One suggestion however; set idle control to open loop for now. Closed loop takes a fair bit of work to get right and there is no point messing with it until most of the other tables are fully tuned.
  5. I wouldnt expect the head gasket spacer to effect things too much at light loads and idle etc. Have you done the trigger calibration already? With timing locked does the timing drift when you rev it? Do you have stock injectors?
  6. LOL, just a few minor tweaks... Too make that list a bit easier to decipher, here's a few of the bigger changes that I remember off the top of my head, in no real order; Traction control.Configurable CAN.Modelled fuel Equation.Much better logging.Trigger Scope.More Table allocations - much more flexibility with virtual Aux's etc.OBD2Internal knock control (cant remember if old G4 xtreme had this)DBWSo unless you can get an old G4 at an exceptional price then it would be a no brainer to go for the G4+ to most buyers. Of course there is still development on-going with the G4+ too so there is always the possibility of more new features being added.
  7. Good news. That's a pretty odd problem you had there, I still cant quite work out how that relay would have had such an effect. I know a relay coil collapse would give a short sharp voltage spike but yours seems too long for that. Maybe it was effecting alternator control somehow too.
  8. One thing to confirm is if the Atom can accept a CAN input, in the software it appears to be supported but I don't see CAN mentioned on the Atom web page anywhere. The famous innovate E8 error is because they drive the sensor in a completely different way than it was ever designed to be. It seems to work ok for some people but the innovate system is very sensitive to heat and in my experience it seems sensitive to many other odd factors such as high exhaust gas velocities. I haven't used the new Link CAN one yet but I expect they will follow the more traditional Bosch recommended control techniques so you should have no drama with temperature anymore. If you really want to know you can google the Bosch "LSU 4.9 datasheet" and that specifies maximum temperature limits but normally something like 500mm from turbine exit will be fine. From memory the max continuous temp is 930°C.
  9. Actually the coils probably don't like 20V either and something odd may be going on with the spark due to this...
  10. Tony, Something else I just noticed - You have a serious battery voltage issue. Bat volts goes above 20V when you rev it. That could be effecting the VVT solenoids...
  11. I am very suspicious that this is not knock that you are experiencing. Either that or there is some other factor that is making your engine more prone to it - burning oil, intake temps, cam timing, or something like a burr or carbon deposit glowing in the chamber etc. I guess hot spark plugs could do it but for a basic engine like yours that's not working at WOT all day I wouldn't expect you need to move too far from a stock heat range. I haven't done a lot of NA road engines but based on the few I have played with I would expect with an engine like this on NZ 95 pump gas at say less than 30% throttle your MBT should be somewhere around 32-40°, and that would still be a fair margin away from where knock would initiate.
  12. Adamw

    Loging AFR

    Did you try changing this setting: Otherwise you could offset the Analog input calibration a little.
  13. See my post here: http://forums.linkecu.com/index.php?/topic/5796-traction-control-stalling-issue/&do=findComment&comment=42154
  14. From Tony4's comments I don't think I would be jumping to the conclusion that it is a fuel issue yet. If there is a misfire or even "poor combustion", a wideband will usually read full lean due to excess oxygen which appears to be what's happening in these logs. Injector pulse widths appear to be sensible in the problem area. I don't have much experience with VVT so cant be much more help but just wanted to say that the lean AFR is a symptom rather than the cause.
  15. David, Before I give my views on the proposed strategy, can I first ask, is this for your 3S engine? Are you sure it is knock limited? I would have expected your MBT ignition angle to be well away from the knock limit in an engine like this under most conditions?
  16. Adamw

    Evo 8 260 non start

    I dont think you normally need to do any pin or jumper swaps but there is this note in the help: Note: On some models the Fuel pump output and A/C clutch output are in opposite positions. Your base-map will need to be modified if this is the case.
  17. Adamw

    Table Allocation

    From my basic electronics understanding I suspect that tables soak up a lot of memory resources within the processor so the limitation is probably hardware. However, I have done some fairly serious circuit cars and can say I have never got anywhere near the limitation of table allocations, so perhaps there are more "efficient" ways to achieve the strategies you are trying to do? Can you explain more what you are trying to do or perhaps list all of the features/functions you want - maybe post a dummy map?
  18. 1. I wouldnt bother to use a narrowband at all, the Vipec can average the readings from the other two widebands and use that for closed loop. 2. You cant connect a wideband direct to the ecu. You must use some type of wideband sensor controller.
  19. Adamw

    Afted ecu upgrade

    Can you post you map also. Under Idle speed control, check the setting "Neutral/Park step", this should only have a small number - like 1-3%. Maybe yours has a big number here?
  20. Adamw

    Blown Ecu??

    Sounds very unlikely an ECU problem. If you have fuel, spark and timing is correct, then the ECU is doing most of what its meant to do... Can you post your map and a PC log of a starting attempt?
  21. Found this on google: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9h3aF9QxB3CTjVQYnpDYU9acVk/view?usp=sharing Knocklink is a simple visual warning device only. There is no audio and no USB.
  22. Yes that was intentional. It is because the only time you may need different dwell is during cranking. Any time the engine is over 500 RPM it will just use the 500RPM column. No point having a table full of all the same numbers...
  23. I cant say I have ever used a downshift cut. Perhaps that's because most of the circuits around here are mostly flat its not needed or perhaps its more for rally or hill climbs? I cant think of too many scenarios where you would be shifting down at WOT in a circuit car... So I'd probably set it the same as your upshift time since its unlikely to be invoked anyway.
  24. In your latest map attached above your upshift torque reintroduction time is set at 100ms. Looking at some of my files I have always used around 20ms. photo storage
  25. Change your gear position sensor voltage to about 4.32V for 6th.
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