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Sensor calibration setting


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56 minutes ago, ellisd1984 said:

Out of interest what values should I be expecting to see from the analogue inputs when no sensor is connected?  Current all inputs with nothing connected are hovering around 0.02v.

I think that depends on if you have pull-up resistor or not.

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Analog inputs are weakly pulled down so they should sit ver close to zero with nothing connected, the temp inputs would usually be pulled up (not always) so will sit near 5V with nothing connected.  Remember the fault/error settings will likely override these displayed values if the input is above or below the error settings.


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On 6/26/2020 at 11:21 PM, Adamw said:

Analog inputs are weakly pulled down so they should sit ver close to zero with nothing connected, the temp inputs would usually be pulled up (not always) so will sit near 5V with nothing connected.  Remember the fault/error settings will likely override these displayed values if the input is above or below the error settings.


With the ECU on and the engine not running the 2 pressure sensors I have installed are throwing up fault codes (an Volt X to ground)  Without the engine running I understand why this can happen as the but is there a way to stop fault codes being logged?

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they shouldn't be throwing fault codes if they are connected to the ecu regardless of whether or not the engine is running, what voltages do they show with the sensors connected and what do you have set as the error low and error high values?

Also don't forget to clear the fault codes once you think you have solved the problem as they don't go away on power cycle

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9 hours ago, ellisd1984 said:

With the ECU on and the engine not running the 2 pressure sensors I have installed are throwing up fault codes (an Volt X to ground) 

Your datasheet for the sensors above shows that the pressure sensor will never output less than 0.5V.  So if the ECU is telling you "Analog X is at ground" (which is actually 0V), then you have a wiring problem.

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I think I've solved the problem now thanks.  It looks like one of the sensors was faulty out of the box.  I managed to plug the suspect sensor into another connector earmarked for my fuel pressure sensor (not yet installed) and the fault jumped to that analoge input.  Thanks for everyones help.

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2 hours ago, ellisd1984 said:

I think I've solved the problem now thanks.  It looks like one of the sensors was faulty out of the box.  I managed to plug the suspect sensor into another connector earmarked for my fuel pressure sensor (not yet installed) and the fault jumped to that analoge input.  Thanks for everyones help.

So does one sensor actually work?  Because your test doesnt actually prove it is the sensor that is faulty - you could just have the pinout wrong in both plugs or 5V missing etc.

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