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WRX V11 - Antilag guidance

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Hey Link community! 

I've been playing around with antilag and launchcontrol on my 2015 STI (running a v11 g4x). Launch control using some suggested settings from the forum to start is working well, builds boost etc but I am really struggling to get my antilag working as it should. 

Can anyone shed some light / provide some guidance on how to get this up and running? I've attached some screenshots showing my current setup (and can attach my tune if needed). I can see this activating as expected using my sidrive input (cyclic will turn on, an I see the ALS status change in logs) but I dont get any noticeable ignition retard / boost building. Hoping i've just missed something obvious, but please do feel free to point me in the right direction here!



AL Settings.PNG

Fuel table.PNG

Ignition trim.PNG


You have ISC override off and so unless you are playing games with your E-throttle target tables you most likely won't be opening the throttle enough to flow enough air to build that extra boost, the retard and cut is used to keep torque down but keep air flow high to spool the turbo. You will also most likely want APS not TPS on the axis of your tables as you will be increasing TPS to create flow and APS represents the driver request better.

42 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

You have ISC override off and so unless you are playing games with your E-throttle target tables you most likely won't be opening the throttle enough to flow enough air to build that extra boost, the retard and cut is used to keep torque down but keep air flow high to spool the turbo. You will also most likely want APS not TPS on the axis of your tables as you will be increasing TPS to create flow and APS represents the driver request better.

Thanks Vaughan, can you tell its been a long day? haha. Will make some ammends and report back. Thanks!


Hey @Vaughan, thanks again for you help here, im still struggling to get anything up and working (I had an issue where cyclic would activate, but any throttle input would then kill the engine). 

If I sent you over my map, would it be possible for you to take a look and suggest/make some baseline changes to get me up and running here as I research some more? Thanks!



You absolutely can, that being said @adamw will probably have more practical feedback around some of the setting choices as he has more experience with actual applications.


Thank you @Vaughan and @Adamw :)

Tune drive link here. As it stands, cyclic is arming and enabling correctly, but if I try and apply any throttle input, the car wants to die (revs just drop). If I disable cyclic, I can get the antilag to arm, but as soon as it reaches its activation threshold the revs shoot up and I have to kill it before it bounces off the limiter. Im sure i've just missed something obvious here (im still reading/learning) so any help/guidance is massively appreciated. 

Thank you, and have a great day. 


First a quick explanation of antilag and cyclic idle:

The main intent of Antilag is to keep the turbo shaft speed as high as possible during over-run conditions when the throttle is usually closed and the engine is producing little exhaust energy.  It can increase exhaust energy with several factors, but usually; allowing extra air through the engine (throttle or bypass valve), retarded spark advance so more combustion heat transfers to the manifold and turbine, Ign and/or fuel cuts are used to prevent the pushing effect from the extra air/throttle and often ign cuts to allow some fuel to pass through the engine unburnt to combust in the manifold.

Cyclic idle was originally mostly used in situations where the "extra air" for antilag was not able to be switched on/off by the driver, in Group N for example where modifications were strictly limited, the throttle stop was just adjusted so that it never closed more than say 25%. With the throttle not being able to close below 25% however, when the antilag was not active, then the engine would never be able to idle so they use cyclic idle to bring the RPM down to a more sensible idle value using fuel cuts.    

With the introduction of E-throttle you can turn the "extra antilag air" on/off with the antilag, so cyclic idle is not really needed for idle/drivability like it was with a fixed throttle opening.  In the case of e-throttle, Cyclic idle is still often used for a short time after ALS to help cool down the manifold and turbine as you have a lot more cool air pumping through the manifold with the throttle open and fuel cut.  


2 hours ago, R4CER said:

As it stands, cyclic is arming and enabling correctly, but if I try and apply any throttle input, the car wants to die (revs just drop).

This is because you have the Cyclic idle low TPS at 22%, but only 6% throttle commanded in the cyclic override.  Cyclic will only start to fade out between the Cyclic idle low/high.  I would probable suggest you leave cyclic off for now, but as an example if you want your throttle open 6% for cyclic, then your cyclic low should be about 7% and high about 10%.  


2 hours ago, R4CER said:

I can get the antilag to arm, but as soon as it reaches its activation threshold the revs shoot up and I have to kill it before it bounces off the limiter

You have 0 in both the antilag fuel and ign cut tables.  



Thanks for the thorough and detailed explanation here @Adamw. It’s all starting to make a load more sense now so really do appreciate that.

A couple of questions back to you if that’s ok? 

Can you explain how the ignition/fuel trim table(s) plays a part here and how that would/should be used in combination with ignition and fuel cut? I feel like that’s where I may have gotten some of my wires crossed in terms of my thinking.

And finally, do you have any example times with antilag configured that I can use as a reference to look at in pclink?



Thanks again for all your help here @Adamw and @Vaughan. Some more learning/playing has got me to a place where the ALS is functioning somewhat (the pointer with APS above was super helpful, I had that gotcha moment that trying to cut/trim using TPS was incorrect on a long drive over the weekend :rolleyes:)

That said I am still having some slight issues with driveability with the throttle, with some slight hesitation (when coming back on throttle after cut/trim has been applied).

Here is the latest iteration of the tune I am playing with, would it be possible to cast your eyes over this and make any reccomendations / suggestions on improvements I should make? I've likely missed something obvious but please take it easy on me as im still learning here :)




Your file share is restricted.  Go back into the sharing settings and change it to the option that is something like "anyone with link".


I would have the tables set up more like below.  So, any more than 1% pedal movement the ALS is removed. 

I have the ISC override at 20% below 1%APS and by 2% it fades back to normal idle position.  The cut and retard are also removed over the same APS range. This may give a quite abrupt dip or surge in power so these axis breakpoints will likely need to be tweaked based on logs and how it feels. 



thank you for the example adam.

how would you bring the fuel cut antilag in to blend it with the 3 tables you showed? less ignition cut (half?) and same amount of fuel cut?


I dont have much experience with fuel cut apart from some brief testing in a not-really-suitable road car when we first added it.  I think the general idea is generally just to add enough fuel cut to keep EGT under control, and I suspect likely will need a lot more throttle/air also.

21 hours ago, Adamw said:

I would have the tables set up more like below.  So, any more than 1% pedal movement the ALS is removed. 

I have the ISC override at 20% below 1%APS and by 2% it fades back to normal idle position.  The cut and retard are also removed over the same APS range. This may give a quite abrupt dip or surge in power so these axis breakpoints will likely need to be tweaked based on logs and how it feels. 


Thanks again for you support @Adamw, I've just integrated this into my tune and gone out for a drive. 

I am unfortuantely still running into the issue that once ALS becomes active, my throttle pedal becomes 'dead'. 

I see the TPS value moving on my mfd (and admitedly the pops stop if I go above the 1/2% threshold), showing that im no longer cutting ignition..) but the car does not rev or accelerate at all (the revs just slowly drop back towards idle). I did try logging this, but forgot to hit save before closing down G5..

Would you mind taking a look at my tune attached here and seeing if I've missed anything? If not, I can go out tomorrow and grab a log for you if that would be useful?





I've uploaded a bunch of logs on google drive here.

The two newest logs are probably the best ones to look at (9.30pm and 9.50pm) but all have me activating anti lag at some point and showing the behaviour. 

Note, when my pedal goes dead, I do kick the throttle up and down to show throttle input but no response (thinking id share this so the log makes more sense..)

Let me know if theres anythhing else you need from me here. Hopefully it something simple i've missed!




I can confirm this behaviour too on WRX10x 2007 sti DBW and antilag.

I had made some tests last weekend and had exactly the same, as soon as the AL get active (or at least I guess that's when it happens) it cuts everything and engine doesn't respond anymore

I have to cut the antilag switch so that everything comes back to normal. 

I thought I made a log but it didn't get saved, and did not ran the car since. I first thought this may be some settings issue (as I'm still learning that function) so I hadn't bothered writing something up here.

I'll try and get some logs this weekend too.


36 minutes ago, dx4picco said:

I can confirm this behaviour too on WRX10x 2007 sti DBW and antilag.

I had made some tests last weekend and had exactly the same, as soon as the AL get active (or at least I guess that's when it happens) it cuts everything and engine doesn't respond anymore

I have to cut the antilag switch so that everything comes back to normal. 

I thought I made a log but it didn't get saved, and did not ran the car since. I first thought this may be some settings issue (as I'm still learning that function) so I hadn't bothered writing something up here.

I'll try and get some logs this weekend too.


Thanks for sharing, super interesting that you are experiencing the same behaviour as I am here.

Hopefully we’ve missed something obvious on the config side that’s simple to resolve 


yeah it looks like it was my issue aswell, te table should be built as a complete ethrottle table an not only the override part. I may give it another go today


Can confirm that this is now working as expected. I have dropped the ISC to 15% over ride but the rest of the settings as above.

Thanks again for all the help and support here @Adamw!


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