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Engine speed missing


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Just tried to fire up my engine with Vipec V44. Got 36-1 in crank with honeywell hall sensor. I can't get engine speed. When rotating engine with starter Trigger1 signal goes to YES and aux1 which is fuelpump relay pulls up allso. No trigger errors at all. Tried another new hall sensor, but didn't help. Is the problem caused by bad trigger signal although there aren't any trigger errors counted? Have to find a scope from somewhere, but any ideas?

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OK... Some testing. I had that trig2 sync on so that's why didn't have any engine speed. Now that part is ok. Thanks for that. Still haven't got spark. There might be one spark when I start cranking, nothing else... With ignition test spark is great, so I still have some issues with my software? Here is my pcl and log file while cranking.



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I have only had a quick look but dont see any obvious problems in your settings.  For some reason your log is a bit odd with some channels appear to be logged very slow and out of sync so it isnt as helpful as it could be, but again I dont see too much wrong. Have you checked coils actually have 12v during cranking?

Also what sort of engine?  You have injection mode set to single point group which is not common so I wonder if this is a mistake or you do actually have just a single injector?

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Some of the VWAG wasted spark coil assemblies don't have igniters internally. If yours does not you will need an external igniter with two channels between the ECU and the coil pack.

Are the wasted spark coils in one pack? How many pins do (does) the coilpack(s) have?


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This one have internal igniter (http://www.finjector.com/verkkokauppa/eng/bosch_hukkakipinapuola_paateasteella_4_syl_ei_tarvita_erillista_vahvistinta_bosch_0986221048-p-32691-42/) so thats not the problem.  I'll borrow scope tomorrow, so I can test ignition channels while cranking

Edited by jupe_e
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Didn't got the scope, but hopefully next weekend. But I made a test. Disconnected trigger, ignition test on and cranked the engine. Spark was good, so there isn't any problems with voltage... I'm starting to think that there is some issues with the box itself... But scope will tell the truth when I get one 

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Not sure if this will be the issue during cranking but if the crank sensor is a GT101 it will become an issue at higher RPM. The frequency range of the GT101 is average and is only really good on low tooth count applications.

Try cranking the engine with the plugs out and the coils unplugged and then see if you get consistent ignition signals from the ECU.


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Further to Simon's advice, if you still have access to your scope could you connect it to the crank sensor and do a capture of the engine cranking.

Although I have seen the GT101 work quite successfully on many applications, I have heard many experienced people say never to use them on missing tooth wheels even if your tooth count and size fits within the recommended range.  The reason is they are not just a hall sensor but they also have some logic built into them to correct for minor wheel run-out and tooth timing variations - so when a missing tooth appears they try to correct for it and distort the wave form around that area.  This may be what is happening at cranking speeds so a scope trace should hopefully confirm if this is the case.

If this turns out to be your problem then there is an alternative sensor from Cherry or ZF that is a direct drop in replacement (search for Cherry GS101202), it does not have this built in "logic" and has higher frequency range so is more suitable for missing tooth wheels.


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I tested the trigger signal and I think the problem is in honeywell crank sensor. I could't see the missing tooth in signal. I talked to my friend about it and he had the same problem with vems ecu. He changed wheel to 12-1 then the sensor could reed the missing tooth and spark was found. So next I'll test different crank sensor.

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