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Everything posted by Simon

  1. That would be an option do modify that to act as a single tooth. If you could make it a big tooth that is 180deg in length you could use a hall sensor and use cam level sync option.
  2. It gets harder if its a G3 with G4 firmware. One options is to run the firmware update program and it will advise the current firmware. You can then choose to exit and not upgrade at that point.
  3. Check the error settings on that volt input. If these are messed up it could cause this error.
  4. Gear Ratio = Engine Speed (RPM) / Speed sensor frequency (Hz)
  5. It is generally within a couple of degrees if the engine spec / triggers are the same.
  6. You will need to know the voltage output from the AEM unit. This will be something like: 0.5V = 8.5AFR 4.5V = 18AFR This can then be entered into the ECU calibration.
  7. Hi you will be able to retain the LS coils but will have to fire them wasted if you only have a crank trigger. It is fine to drive two coils off one ignition drive of the ECU. So you will need to have the 1st and 3rd cylinder to fire of drive 1 and the 2nd and 4th to fire off drive 2. For the grounds of the coils you can run both to the engine block.
  8. Yep 88.8 is the figure you are after.
  9. I have given this a run on the bench and the trim is working as expected. The trim is applied only when the Aux out set for AC clutch is active. This does have a delay after the AC request state changes.
  10. HI Matt Im a little confused as to how you are using the 3D table. What to you have your X and Y axis set to? The Normalised ratio is normally set for 4th gear as 1:1 but you can chose which gear you want to represent as 1:1. Â
  11. You will need to check you have selected Wideband as the input for AN Volt 6 and also have the correct calibration for the AEM output. Check you are seeing a change in voltage at the pin 29 as the fuelling is changed.
  12. The ECU is detecting the voltage is at 5V on the input pin for that volt channel. You can double check this with a volt meter at the ECU or sensor on the signal wire. If its reading 5V then the wiring is incorrect or the sensor is dead.
  13. You will need to put the two signals into to Di inputs. These can then be configure to be input shaft speed and output shaft speed. These will then show as a speed in km/h you will manually have to calculate the slip %
  14. Simon

    Link g4+

    Yep all G4+ units will require unlocking at some point, For use it lets us know when the unit is put into use.
  15. In theory any of the pull up options will work as long as one is selected. But traditional would be the 1K
  16. The LC2 will work on the LC1 cal option in the dropdown.
  17. Hi Guys By chance do any of you happen to have a dash connected to the serial port at all. Often if there is a device connected to the RS232/CAN port on the ECU it can cause connection issues. Â
  18. Currently this is not able to be done but we are looking to open this up in a later release of PCLink / VTS
  19. You will be able to get the engine running relatively easy using the base map and adjustment to the master fuel and setting the base timing. But there might be someone out there that will share a map.
  20. You will need to wire to a free digital input. This will need to be set up as a GP input and the pullup will need to be turned on.
  21. I would expect the sensor to be very close to one of the existing cals most likely Bosch NTC. If you do a custom cal you can enter the resistance values directly. ECU takes care of the rest.
  22. I should note that with PC logging you can select the channels you want where as the internal logging is fixed to those above.
  23. ECU Logging Parameters up to and including ECU firmware version 4.9.8   The following parameters are able to be logged in ECU logging mode:    AN Volt 1 to 11 Inj timing   Anti-Lag Cyclic Idle Knock Count Global   Anti-Lag Ign Cut Knock Level Global   AN Temp 1 to 4 Knock Threshold   BAP Launch Limit   Batt Voltage MAP   CL Stepper Limit MAP Limit   Digital Frequency 1 to 6 Mass per Cyl (x100)   Dwell Time Max Ignition   E-Throttle Limit MGP   ECT Overrun Fuel Cut   ECU Temperature RPM Limit   Engine Speed Speed (DI 1 to 6)   Fault Codes Speed Limit   Gear TP (Main)   GP RPM Limit 1 and 2 Trig 1 Err Counter   IAT Under Voltage   Ign Angle Voltage Limit   Inj Actual PW Wake-Up Status   Inj Duty Cycle (Sec) VVT Cam Position  ECU Logging Parameters from ECU firmware version 4.9.9 onwards    The following parameters are able to be logged in ECU logging mode:    AFR Target Inj timing   AL Active Fuel Table (Status) Knock Count Global   Altitude Knock Level Global   AN Volt 1 to 11 Knock Threshold   Anti-Lag Cyclic Idle (Status) Launch Limit (Status)   Anti-Lag Ign Cut (Status) MAP   AN Temp 3 and 4 MAP Limit (Status)   BAP Max Ignition (Status)   Batt Voltage MGP   Boost Target Overrun Fuel Cut (Status)   CL Stepper Limit (Status) Percentage FCut   Cruise Switch Mode (Status) Percentage ICut   Differential Fuel Pressure RPM Limit (Status)   Digital Input 1 to 12 (Status) Speed (DI 1 to 6)   Dwell Time Speed Limit (Status)   E-Throttle Limit (Status) Timer 1   ECT Timer 2   ECU Temperature TP (Main)   Engine Speed Trig 1 Err Counter   Fault Codes Under Voltage (Status)   Gear Voltage Limit (Status)   GP RPM Limit 1 and 2 (Status) VVT Cam Position   IAT Wake-Up Status (Status)   Ign Angle WGate DC   Inj Actual PW Wideband 1   Inj Duty Cycle    Inj Duty Cycle (Sec) Â
  24. Simon

    can setup

    The ECU is CAN enabled but can only use the pre configured files. Most common one being the Generic Dash file.
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