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Everything posted by Simon

  1. That is a G1 LinkPlus Instruction manual can be found here http://www.linkecu.com/support/documentation/g1-engine-management-documentation/LinkPlus%20V14%20manual.pdf To work with a nissan it will require a sub-board change to allow this. Which will require returning to us to have this done.
  2. You could use the ECU sensor ground out as long as it is a low current ground for the AFX. The grounds are all combined internally but it will be best to wire all four.
  3. Woops should read the heading before answering! On the lightning you can configure a GP limit to be switched off a Di, the catch will be that the limit will be imposed whenever the clutch is pressed.
  4. Yep always testing and checking, but in this case have not been able to replicate on the bench. We will continue to look though.
  5. Hi You could use a overlay table and span one axis on TPS Delta, this will allow you to add or remove fuel for both directions of throttle movement.
  6. Simon

    identify my ecu

    There will be a serial number sticker on the top board (the one will all the components on it)
  7. If you know where your gap is relative to the sensor is at TDC then you can calculate the offset. So if the gap goes past the sensor by say 60deg before reaching TDC the offset will be -60 If the gap goes past the sensor after TDC then the offset will need to be a positive figure.
  8. You can use the launch control function this will impose a second lower RPM limit that will be active when the clutch has be held down for longer that a set time.
  9. Yep that would be spot on.
  10. In some cases you might not be able to get this effect. It could be a function of the engine / exhaust. To get the bangs you need the right amount of air fuel mix and enough heat to ignite it in the exhaust.
  11. If you are maxing out the numbers in the fuel table (100%) then you need a bigger master fuel value. If you are finding that even though the duty cycle is increasing but you are not getting more fuel then you have a fuel supply issue. First test will be a fuel flow check you will need to measure the fuel from the return line with pressure applied to the fuel regulator to at least the boot level you plan to run.
  12. Hi I'm not sure I understand. If you are seeing 2000RPM at crank I suspect the dip switch settings on the board might need to be reversed. Another issue could be the use of non resistive spark plugs causing electrical interference.
  13. It might be you are on an early firmware version. If you go to the help menu and click on ECU information you will find a firmware version. We want to be on 1.9.2 as the latest version. Note if you are currently on a early version going to a newer version will require a recheck of all settings.
  14. Hi Chris You will need to go in to the Fuel menu and then right at the bottom is the AFR target table configuration. You will need to set these to more normal values. The one that is likely to be out of wack is the Table Increments this should be set to 500ish
  15. Maybe try a lower end cut %. try 80% You want it to be cutting but not reaching the 100% cut of the hard limit. As you need some ignition events happening to ignite the un-burnt fuel.
  16. That does sound very promising. Other than rolling the firmware back no other changes made?
  17. Assuming you have one of our cables then you can trace the wires through. But it is a standard RS232 pinout. We are only using the Tx RX and Ground.
  18. You will need to play with the percentage cut. I would suggest a max cut around 80-90% It will take some experimenting to find what works.
  19. I suspect that the ECU is not powering up. The thing to look for on the board will be a green LED this should light once the ECU is powered up. IF the light is not coming on then we need to check the power supplies to the ECU.
  20. I would try the earlier firmware. We don't have any known issues like that currently but there might be that chance. A firmware roll back will help in that case.
  21. The CAN stream has changed between the V and I series. We have been in contact with AIM and they are working towards a solution.
  22. http://www.linkecu.com/support/documentation/g2-g3-engine-management-documentation/WRXLinkG3 This will help. There is provision for IAT and we would use factory map sensor but this can be changed to other options if more boost is required.
  23. Check out learntotune.com They have a range of options the ones tailored to Link will be very applicable to the Vi-PEC also.
  24. RS500 should match that pattern of 4 on the crank and 2 on the cam. As the system is using reluctor sensors the polarity of the sensor will be critical as will the arming voltages.
  25. It indicated the firmware version. Any plugin that had a q or later designation had PC tuning. On a stock car and standard base map I would actually expect to see a loss of power. The ECU will have to be tuned to suit in all cases. In this case the ECU could be upgraded to allow PC tuning.
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