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Everything posted by Simon

  1. ECU is serial number 10000 or later? Can ID matches in ECU and dash In runtimes (F12) under the CAN tab do you have any error showing?
  2. 36 will work but it makes getting the sync on the cam in the correct spot much tighter. 12 or 24 teeth work very well.
  3. The device looks the part as it can output both signal types. So you could put it in the line between the ECU and Speedo to convert the signal. this is a link to the product http://www.dakotadigital.com/index.cfm/ ... prd126.htm
  4. I would be taking a close look at the igniter, Also check the main plug is done up fully and is seated tightly at both ends. I have seen cases where the plug in not fully connected at the ECU causing lots of problems.
  5. The speed sensor on the gear box is VR sensor (reluctor) the speedo is going to need an equivalent signal. The signal from the ECU is a square wave so might not trigger the speedo.
  6. Correct it can't do wasted on an odd fire engine. Just go with even spaced teeth on the crank (no missing) and a sync on the cam and make sure the cam pulse is not on top of a crank signal 12 or even 6 teeth on the crank will be more than enough to get good timing resolution.
  7. TF Electronics (Ray Hall) used to make this adapter. We can supply the header if you are happy to do a DIY adapter.
  8. To run on crank trigger only you need to then be running group fire fuel and wasted spark. (which for this engine is not an option) As off the crank only you have no way of knowing what stroke the engine is on. It could be exhaust or compression.
  9. Connect to the ECU with PC link. Then go to ECU controls menu and select restore to factory settings.
  10. On multi tooth with sync triggering there are a couple of things to be careful of. Make sure the sync is not occurring at the same time as a tooth on the crank. This should best be checked using a scope to view the signal. This is less likely to happen on lower tooth crank wheels. The likes of most American systems (thinking MSD) use a tooth per TDC for trigger input and this reduces the chance of the happening but also reduces the accuracy of the ignition timing. Trigger polarity needs to be correct on reluctor (VR) type sensors if this is incorrect it will cause issues. For Hall or Opto sensors the power supply to them must be clean and of the correct voltage. On engines where the RPM can change rapidly (1 or 2 cylinder odd fire being the worst) at crank multi tooth missing is best avoided.
  11. Hi Warm up We are always working to improve and customer feedback helps us in this direction. The CAN / USB connection issue you are seeing can be resolved. This happens when the CAN cable also has serial wires contained in it. The best solution to this is to use our CANF plug. This allows only the CAN wires to be connected and USB coms will remain working.
  12. Being early units isn't a problem. Only feature you can't use is CAN unless the ECU's come back for some hardware changes. The units can do odd fire just not in a wasted spark format. This is due to the way the code was written back in the day and is not easy to undo without the risk of upsetting many other ignition related functions. Fortunately Odd fire applications would struggle to make up 1% of ECU requests. If you ran a coil per cylinder then no problem.
  13. Are you getting 12V to the bulb / solenoid? When moving the wire you have been looking from the wire side and the connector is tightly fitted.
  14. Woops I missed that it was a VL you had. The fact its a VL ECU makes it mostly bad news in that it can not be connect to PC link. It can however connect to a small program called ComLink. This isn't up on the web so I will need to send it via email. If you email [email protected] we can get this to you.
  15. 36 would also be fine with no missing teeth.
  16. You will need a serial link to allow connection. It will also need to have PC compatible firmware, Firmware codes GTSq,r,s,t are all PC compatible. Anything other than these will need and upgrade.
  17. The 4AGE uses reluctor sensors so does not have a power supply. The two white wires need to be connected to the ECU ground or shield on the trigger wires. The other two give a trigger 1 signal and a trigger 2 signal. If wiring in a G1 LEM and are retaining the distributor you only need the one trigger that has 4 teeth. This is wired to trigger 1 input.
  18. That's not so good as that difference will have an effect on the tune. Check the power and grounds for the sensor. As if theses are suspect it will cause the readings to change.
  19. I should also note we are happy to run these though the bench test if needed. Freight will be the biggest cost.
  20. Preferred trigger would be 12 or 24 teeth on crank with reluctor sensor. and a single tooth half way between crank teeth on the cam. (Avoid having the sync on the cam occurring on top of a trigger from the crank.) Reluctor sensor type also.
  21. If having a connection issue check that you have any dash unpluged at ECU end. Also there was an issue that if fuel was turned off and precrank prime was turned on and setting was stored it would do this. If you can get a connection for long enough to load another map or tuen prime fuel off might solve the issue. On multi tooth triggers a VR sensor will often give a sign wave like signal.
  22. It could just be component tolerances so that on one unit is just enough to give issues. There is of course the possibility of defect. If all temp channels are an issue it could be the 5V internal supply. If there is an error with this it will show in the run-times window (F12) If doing a first time set up then fist step should be to get on to the latest firmware and base map and configure from there.
  23. I would be happy to take Ray on his word that it was working on the bench. Does it give errors on the temp channel? and is it the same on all temp inputs? For the RPM manually check the settings on both triggers.
  24. Haven given this a run on the bench and found the following. Firmware of map supplied is very old. I would suggest updating to current firmware. Testing was done on FW 4.9.7 Found fuel trims are working as expected but they do only apply to the primary injectors. The Secondary injectors pulse width remains unchanged. Can also confirm the drives 1 and 2 are the primaries with 3 and 4 the secondaries. paired as 1,3 and 2,4
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