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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Your activation edge for the gear cut is likely to be incorrect. If you are switching to ground activation edge should be set to falling, If you are switching 12V in then edge will need to be set as rising. Gear cut will take priority over RPM limit. However you should not be seeing the RPM limit active at idle. This indicates a likely trigger issue.
  2. That is an early one. This will be the info you are after. KnockBlockG1.pdf
  3. Simon

    Mixture map

    This is an idea we will consider for the future.
  4. Not likely to be a software issue. It could be hardware but this can be proved by measuring the voltage at the input to the ECU. If this is at 5V then its a wiring issue. If it is correct but ECU is reading incorrect then it is either set up or an internal hardware issue. Make sure your error settings are outside of the normal operating range of the sensor.
  5. Have identified an issue. A workaround is to move your input for the fuel pressure to AN volt 2. And then move your TPS signal to AN volt 1
  6. I can't recall PC logging ever being able to be switched with a DI, The internal ECU logging can be though.
  7. Hi Matt All the fault codes can be found in the Help file of PC link. (it is a rather long list) Check the ground and power supplies to the TPS are stable. If either of these change then it will effect the TPS reading.
  8. The four tooth will need to be changed to be a single tooth. Currently this will cause the ECU reset the firing order 4 times in a cycle, it should only be once. Do you get injection when doing injection test on each injector drive?
  9. This should be what you are after. ViPEC Knock Amplifier Manual.pdf
  10. Hi Thanks got you map and have run it up on the bench. It is not responding as you say and I can't fault your set up. I have passed on to engineering to take a look.
  11. Could you post your map here or email it through to [email protected]
  12. You will need to get the idle a bit lower before the ignition trim will be effective. Check you have current firmware in the ECU and have not used up all available tables.
  13. Best way when using PC is to set you advance limit to 0 this will lock to base timing. After is correct on rotary applications. The rotary set up is a bit special in that regard.
  14. All done through the engine temp sensor and all enrichment is out at 70deg there is no way to alter this cutoff point.
  15. If you have a look at our V10 WRX maps in the latest VTS. These are off a stock V10 that we tuned inhouse. TPS is the most common axis for vvt as it makes it a bit easier for tuning but you can also do it off MAP.
  16. The screen dropping out could be a sign that there is a power supply issue to the ECU. It is also a possibility that the solder joins around the main header have fractured. I would suggest taking the ECU out of its case and giving it a visual inspection. When doing this make sure you earth yourself to avoid static damage to the board.
  17. Ill give it a shot. We have a exhaust set up similar on our workshop RX7 so ill also see how we have done that.
  18. Hi What settings are you using on the Knock amp?
  19. Well done on finding it.
  20. Should be wired to the A Temp input. What mode G1 do you have? At a guess I would suggest the sensor is the wrong calibration for the ECUÂ
  21. The igniter generally works or not. Each channel is limited to ~6-8amps so in theory at high RPM you could be seeing up to 18amps total draw. Also excessive dwell will cause undue heat in the igniter and coils. For these coils I would expect dwell times to be around 4ms
  22. 220F? as this seems some what hot for intake temp. The sensor should be mounted after the turbo and intercooler so it sees the actual temp of the air entering the engine. I would expect to see temps a little bit higher than ambient temp.
  23. Good to hear that you got it sorted, What did you find?
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