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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Dual Maps

    It will need tuning to sort out how much timing / fuel needs to be adjusted based on ethanol content.
  2. How does the tacho respond with out the autometer gear connected? It might be the pull up is not enough to allow two devices. I which case we can use an external pullup.
  3. I really don't know. It is one of the big wants of many but not a simple one to knock out.
  4. With in the ECU logging unfortunately not. The DI channels are not logged. I doubt it is practical but it can be logged in PC logging.
  5. Yep. A very much wanted feature. It is however not an easy one to implement.
  6. I myself haven't dealt with AIM direct. However if there is any info they require we are more than happy to talk direct with them. Have no idea if they have any thing in the pipeline.
  7. If you set mode to multi tooth. Tooth count 4 / cam Sync cam x1 This will let you move the offset to adjust base.
  8. Try the just released 4.8.5 firmware.
  9. Can bus has just recently been enabled. For this you will require a CAN05 cable. This is a flying lead with CAN L and CAN H outputs. Other option is a CANSER cable that is Serial.
  10. You could wire the output to a AN volt. The ECU can then use this signal for knock control. Knock mode ON - AN Knk Interface
  11. One thing would be to make sure your logging rate is lower than the connection speed in the top right corner of PC link.
  12. I think the catch here is that you are using a old ComLink the comlink drivers won't be geared for windows 7. You might need to look for updated drivers or use the serial connection and a USB adapter. Â
  13. If you right click on the parameter display and then select properties you can then select what you want to display. You will need to add the AN volt channel that you have the wideband wired to.
  14. It has been replace with Auto mode. You should find this is much improved.
  15. It will require the correct trigger configuration. What is the actual engine and CAS?
  16. On the Vipec the CAN configuration is fully user configurable. If you search the help file for User CAN Setup it will give you a full run down on how to do this. The receiving device will however also need to be able to be configured to match the information being sent.
  17. Currently there is no provision for a GPS input. AIM can be connected to CAN you might require the following http://www.aim-sportline.com/pages/car/ ... bridge.htm Aim will be able to provide more info on what is required. The E85 sensor will need to be wired to a Digital Input. In some cases an external pull up might be required.
  18. Hi. I suspect you are running an old version of firmware. Suggest going to the latest as the set up is much better and simpler to understand. Mode should be set to Auto. Defaults of FTrim Limit 15% ECT lockout 80c Timer Lockout 30s RPM low 500 RPM high 4000 Map 70kPa Gain 2
  19. Simon

    Ethanol sensor

    Yes no problem at all to have a ethanol sensor wired in to the ECU. The ECU can then alter fuelling and ignition to suit as required.
  20. It will handle 3 high impedance injectors. But 3 low impedance would not be advised.
  21. Simon

    New firmware..

    Currently the trigger scope is limited to the new plug in top board. We would like to get it into the other ECUs but it will take a hardware revision. It could support any number of engines but the pin out at the factory ECU plug will have to be the same as for the M50TUB25 The knock is Digital single channel two input. (think that makes sense!)
  22. Simon

    New firmware..

    http://www.vi-pec.com/page_files/software.htm VX top board is a grunted up top board that offers Trigger scope, on board knock and more I/O for those applications that need it. First board to use it is a new plugin for the BMW E36.
  23. Hi Fis What firmware are you running? There have been some improvements to the speed input function in later firmware versions.
  24. Very well done. In this case it would be good to see the record go to an aussie!
  25. Closest we have is the EVO5 map with in the PC link download. This will be a good starting point once all I/O is configured to suit the 8
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