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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Hi Janko We have very little info on the RX8 engine. Looking at what info I can find through Google the runner control is based of solenoids which can be wired to AUX outputs on the ECU and set as GP outputs with conditions set as required. There also appears to be a APV motor which will likely be a problem to control as it would require a special driver to allow the motor to be driven open and closed. Where are you based? As a rotary specialist would be worth asking if they have ever used this valve.
  2. Hi I have had a chance to have a play on our test IQ3 dash. What I suspect it will be is the configuration of the dash. ECU settings wise that Vnet module is geared for Serial so the Baud rate will need to be set as 57600 and the stream to requested short or off. Image attached of the IQ3 set up as an example. You need to make sure you have selected the EFI Engine Speed, EFI Gear etc To do this you need to right click on the IQ3 Display tab to the left of the screen.
  3. Hi First question is which Vnet adapter are you using? The vipec one offered through racepak is serial, the link G4+ one is can based.
  4. Simon

    shift light

    Yep you could certinaly do that.
  5. Yep should be fine to share as the gauge will act as the pull-up.
  6. All features are available in the plugins assuming the ECU is driving / controlling that device. If you right click on any function the help section for that should be displayed. This will give you a run down on the set up of that function.
  7. Hi Aaron You need to use the Di input if you want the ecu to use the sensor. This will also give you fuel temp off the single input. The signal from the sensor can be shared all you need to different with the ECU set up is make sure the DI pullup is turned off.
  8. The ecu will need to have been tuned to the table at the start. You will be able to check the duty cycle of the injector. Make sure if you are manually typing in the new value that you hit the enter key after.
  9. Simon

    shift light

    You will use a free Aux output set as GP Output. You can then set the RPM condition for the Aux to switch.
  10. The trigger 2 signal doesn't look like it should. You will have problems with how the signal is rising above 0V after the tooth is past. If this goes above the arming voltage it will think it is a second sync. This could be due to the shape of the tooth or the sensor. It also happens to be very close to the gap which is also better avoided if possible.
  11. The g4 plugins didn't have onboard knock and required the external Knock block.
  12. They are in the process of being converted over to this platform. We have turned them off so that this process can be done with out loosing the info.
  13. The fuel table wont change but the calculated fuel will so you will see a change in injector duty cycle. In open loop mode the table acts like a trim table. You should find that if you increase the AFR by 1 you will see the actual/measured afr move by 1 also
  14. All the manuals are contained in the PC Link tuning software. If you install this and then go to the help file you will find them all in there.
  15. Do you need to retain the 60-2 or could this be changed to a lower tooth count like 12 or 24 teeth?
  16. Looking at the map you have all your Di inputs set to off. You will need to configure the Di to suit how you have your anti lag switch wired. If you have a switch to ground then the Di pullup will need to be turned on. To what Di do you have the switch wired and is it to 12V or to ground?
  17. Hi On the G4 you required an external knock interface for the ECU to allow knock control. SO if you do not have this the ECU will not be monitoring the knock sensors.
  18. The Sensor ground and Shield ground are on a common ground. If the shield ground pin is not in use then use you can pick this up as a ground point.
  19. Can you attach your map as it is now and we will try it on the bench.
  20. Hi Bill  Yes it is an option but it will need some hardware changes to suit. We will need to do the hardware mods inhouse so will need to see the unit.
  21. You might have some control issues at small injector openings but the E85 will help in that respect as over all more fuel will be required. There is however no support for a ethanol content sensor so the E85 will need to be consistent in the % ethanol.
  22. It could be that the max number of logs has been reached. The V series did not have looping logging and could only accept 10 logs.
  23. Hi Sutkale, Is your trigger 2 signal clean now or does it still have glitches. Also, I can't remember now but you only have 1 tooth on the cam sensor and is 60-2 at the crank. Any chance of timing belt deflection via harmonics is causing any trigger error on 2. Is the trigger 1 wheel on the harmonic balancer, if could the keyway be worn and the balancer and trigger wheel have movement. Trigger 2 glitch could also be damaged sensor or corroded or wet connections or poor termination at pins etc. Trigger errors occur on acceleration hard, definitely not when you take your foot off the accelerator pedal. Do you have a lightened flywheel. Are all cylinders definitely running 100 %, carry out compression test, have you checked the ignition timing on each individual cylinder. Is your ignition delay value set correctly so there is no timing drift at any given rpm. If you run the engine connected to your laptop and PRESS F12 RUN TIME values, go to TRIGGERS and LIMITS, free rev the engine and watch the TRIGGER STATUS on trigger 1 and 2, make sure they both stay GREEN and say yes. Just curious as to whether or not it changes even slightly when trigger error occurs. Does the tacho also play up and go crazy when the trigger errors occur, does it try to replicate the 50 - 60 K RPM. Just a few more things to consider.
  24. Hi Peter The dash issue is most likely to be the configuration of the dash as you are seeing some info this indicates the ECU is sending information. Normally if the ECU CAN setup is incorrect you will get no information at all. Can you try 5.4.1 PC link to see if you still have an issue with the quick tune. Â Â Â
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