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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The 'Transmit Generic Dash' mode sends out a range of common parameters, it is useful for dashes that are able to have a custom configuration. The parameters that are sent are in the table below. Setting up the Link ECU: 1.Open the CAN Setup window (PCLink > ECU Controls > CAN Setup)2.Select the CAN module to be used3.Set the Mode to 'User Defined'.4.Configure the Bit Rate to match what the dash requires.5.Select a spare CAN channel.6.Select 'Transmit Generic Dash' from the Mode drop-down menu.7.Set the CAN ID to match what the dash expects.8.Set the Transmit Rate to 20Hz or what the dash expects.9.Make sure no other CAN channels are configured on the same CAN ID as the Generic Dash channel.10.Click Apply and then OK.11.Make sure a Store (F4) is performed. Setting up the Generic Dash: 1.The dash will need to be configured to match the data layout in the tables below. All parameters are sent as 16 bit unsigned numbers, with low byte first. Some parameters must be multiplied or offset (constant value added) to get the correct calibrated value. The limits flags are sent through as a bit field (described below). Data 0 Data 1 Data 2-3 Data 4-5 Data 6-7 Frame 1 0 0 Engine Speed Display (RPM) = Raw Range = 0 - 15000 RPM MAP Display (kPa) = Raw Range = 0 - 650 kPa MGP Display (kPa) = Raw -100 Range = -100 - 550 kPa Frame 2 1 0 Barometric Pressure Display (kPa) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 200 kPa TPS Display (%) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0-100% Injector DC Display(%) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0-100 % Frame 3 2 0 Injector DC (Sec) Display (%) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 100% Injector Pulse Width (Actual) Display (ms) = Raw * 0.001 Range = 0 - 65 ms ECT Display (deg C) = Raw - 50 Range = -50 - 205 deg C Frame 4 3 0 IAT Display (deg C) = Raw - 50 Range = -20 - 205 deg C ECU Volts Display (V) = Raw * 0.01 Range = 0 - 65 V MAF Display (g/s) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 6500 g/s Frame 5 4 0 Gear Position Display (gear) = Raw Range = 0 - 6 Injector Timing Display (deg) = Raw Range = 0 - 719 deg Ignition Timing Display (deg) = (Raw * 0.1) - 100 Range = -100 - 100 deg Frame 6 5 0 Cam Inlet Position L Display (deg) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 60 deg Cam Inlet Position R Display (deg) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 60 deg Cam Exhaust Position L Display (deg) = Raw * -0.1 Range = -60 - 0 deg Frame 7 6 0 Cam Exhaust Position R Display (deg) = Raw * -0.1 Range = -60 - 0 deg Lambda 1 Display (Lambda) = Raw * 0.001 Range = 0 - 3.000 Lambda Lambda 2 Display (Lambda) = Raw * 0.001 Range = 0 - 3.000 Lambda Frame 8 7 0 Trig 1 Error Counter Display (counts) = Raw Range = 0 - 255 Fault Codes Display (code) = Raw Range = 0 - 255 Fuel Pressure Display (kPa) = Raw Range = 0 - 6550 kPa Frame 9 8 0 Oil Temp Display (deg C) = Raw - 50 Range = -50 - 205 deg C Oil Pressure Display (kPa) = Raw Range = 0 - 6550 kPa LF Wheel Speed Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 1000 kph Frame 10 9 0 LR Wheel Speed Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 1000 kph RF Wheel Speed Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 1000 kph RR Wheel Speed Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 1000 kph Frame 11 10 0 Knock Level 1 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 2 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 3 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Frame 12 11 0 Knock Level 4 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 5 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 6 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Frame 13 12 0 Knock Level 7 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 8 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Limits Flags - Refer bit field definition below. Limits Flags Definition Bit 0 RPM Limit 1 MAP Limit 2 Speed Limit 3 Maximum Ignition Flag 4 Anti-lag Ignition Cut 5 High Supply Voltage Limit 6 Overrun Flag 7 Traction Limit 8 Low Supply Voltage Flag 9 Launch RPM Limit 10 Wakeup Flag 11 GP RPM Limit 1 12 CL Stepper Limit 13 GP RPM Limit 2 14 EThrottle Limit 15 Cyclic Idle Active The attached file is a screen shot of this set up in PC link
  2. There are a number of brands that make distance meters for rally car application these often use wheel speed inputs from sensors that can pick up the back of wheel studs on the hub.
  3. Simon

    toyota 3S

    It would pay to check the timing on all cylinders as I have never come across a factory Toyota or any other application with a 32-2 trigger. If it is then no problem but it would be super unusual.
  4. You will be able to but will need the hand control to do it. It pre dates PC link by a good 4 years.
  5. Have a look at some of the setups the rally guys use for the distance meters. 4-8 pulses would be mint.
  6. Simon

    toyota 3S

    The Gen 4 motors are 36-2 So set to that and sync mode to cam pulse x1 Adjust offset to suit. Also make sure the ignition mode is correct and set to individual coils.
  7. If you flick [email protected] an email they will be able to email you the manual you need.
  8. Trigger 2 polarity is incorrect. Needs to have ground and signal swapped.
  9. Simon

    Aux outputs

    If you are just looking at a voltage with no load you could see this. If you were to put a load to ground it should read at ground.
  10. Hi Sean The CAN is on a separate plug on the Storm Xtreme etc. The tuning port is for the USB tuning cable only this is like the mini USB on the Atom. To get OBD you will need to run the CAN wires through to an OBD plug and then run a wifi or Bluetooth adapter.
  11. Other thing could be if the voltages are reaching the error settings. Try doing the cal with the error high set to 5V and the low to 0V for both TP inputs. Once the cal is done adjust then back to be close to the min and max voltages.
  12. No any 3 of the 4 will be fine.
  13. Simon

    Link tuning cable

    The tuning cable is geared to be connected in to the tuning port this is separate to the CAN/RS232 port. You are not able to use this at the same time that a device is using the RS232 output. If the display is able to use CAN and can operate at the same speed as the KMS then you could have both unit on the same CAN bus. This would then allow all devices to be connected at the same time.
  14. We are hoping to have a CAN Vnet module soon once we have this we will do up a set of instructions which should make it all easier.
  15. Simon

    Link tuning cable

    The tuning cable is USB based. However serial is able to be used as well if desired.
  16. As Dave mentioned with a K type thermo couple you need an amplifier to bring the signal up to a 0-5V signal that can be put into a free AN volt channel.
  17. You could just use a GP output and have the one RPM condition.
  18. Could you post your PCL file (MAP) so we can check all the e throttle settings?
  19. You have a couple of options. One is to use the 4 tooth trigger only and run group fuel and distributor ignition. The second is use the 24 tooth for trigger 1 and remove 3 of the 4 teeth and use the remaining single tooth as the trigger 2 input. This would be the better option as the resolution for ignition control is better and it allows sequential fuel. The common wire will be the sensor ground you will need to check which is the 24 and which is the 4/1 tooth.
  20. Its going to depend a lot on how you have the anti lag configured. But you should be able to set up a virtual AUX to be a condition for the LAG to be active and have it based of EGT
  21. When the TP cal is happening if you look at the throttle plate is it moving through the full travel?
  22. Hi, we do have a UK warehouse that is continually being restocked if you were to put the order in it should only be a couple of weeks at most if it ships with stock replacement the freight will just be the local cost.
  23. At least it wasn't handbags! On the Di request could you achieve the switching of the AUX bu adding the engine limits to the aux out conditions?
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