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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    N/A Subaru EJ22

    Having the battery go flat should not effect the ECU. Only if reverse polarity was applied would ECU damage occur. If its been up and running the MAP will be ok to start from.
  2. Cost of repair will be $150+ freight and tax unless we find major issues Head to http://www.linkecu.com/ECU-Service-Requests
  3. For the Di to see the signal, the positive part will need to go above 1.5V before it is seen by the ECU this is why it can take a bit of speed before the signal is detected.
  4. Hi Alain Need to keep the frequency under 500Hz for the digital inputs. So around 10 pulses would be good for your application. Go for a Hall sensor to get good low speed operation.
  5. The INF issue is with the USB drivers. You can install the old PC link fine but the USB drivers will need to be from the later versions.
  6. It would pay to check the part number on the internal map sensor. It could be that the incorrect sensor was selected right at the start and hence the tune is out of wack now that the correct sensor has been selected. If you open the case and get the part number on the sensor we can confirm the sensor.
  7. ECU is geared for a tooth per TDC so 4 and 1 on a 4 cylinder will be correct. Check Cylinder number is set to 4 If the other 3 cylinders are on the correct timing and #1 is missing then its likely a fault on that one channel. Check to see if you have any pulse from the output if not then it is likely a issue with the hardware.
  8. If running the Serial adapter as pictured above you will need to have this disconnected to allow USB connection. If running the later G4+ CAN adapter then you will be able to have both connected. However you might need to make a slight modification to the ECU by removing the RS232 wires from the short loom inside the ECU.
  9. The Fury is able to talk to either option. The KMS configuration is below. Setting up the Link ECU: 1.Open the CAN Setup window (PCLink > ECU Controls > CAN Setup)2.Select the CAN module to be used3.Set the Mode to 'User Defined'.4.Configure the Bit Rate to 1 Mbit/s5.Select a spare CAN channel.6.Select 'Transmit KMS CAN Display' from the Mode drop-down menu.7.Set the CAN ID to 40.8.Set the Transmit Rate to 20Hz.9.Make sure no other CAN channels are configured on the same CAN ID as the KMS CAN Display channel.10.Click Apply and then OK.11.Make sure a Store (F4) is performed. Setting up the KMS CAN Display: 1.Refer to manufacturers instructions. The 'Transmit KMS CAN Display' Mode will send out the following parameters to the display. Engine Speed Oil Pressure ECT IAT MAP CAN TC Cyl 1 CAN TC Cyl 2 Gear Batt Voltage TPS Inj Actual PW Lambda 1 Lambda 2 Ign Angle Injector PW (Sec) BAP
  10. Simon

    OBD2 On Storm G4+

    It would be better to not due to the current required. As these grounds will power whatever device is connected. The current could be too high for the small pin and wires in the COM connector.
  11. Thought I would fire this release PDF up. Storm reinvented - Dealer Product Release.pdf
  12. Hello from China! The coils on the S2000 are conventional so require a falling spark edge.
  13. You are right the Hz are fixed so it wont work as a variable frequency drive.
  14. Simon

    Wiring diagram

    ECU wise all the wiring info can be found in the PC link help file I have also attached a PDF version too. There is some info on the factory S15 pinout in the help file to in the plugin section. Link G4+ Wiring and Installation Manual_ENG.pdf
  15. Just had a play on the bench and it seems that the issue is with Di9 If you switch to Di6 and move the clutch switch to Di9 you should have it all functioning as expected.
  16. Unfortunately that wasn't an engine we have worked on in house so we didn't have a map. We would need accurate scope images of all the triggers and information on where they are relative to TDC #1 to be able to help in cases like this.
  17. Simon

    G4 atom questions

    In the Atom the launch is locked out. But a workaround for a simple launch limit is to use a GP limit table switched on a Di
  18. If you can post the setting you have now would be great. The full pclr file would be even better. Will also need to know how the switch is wired? To ground or to 12V?
  19. Go to the very latest of the G4. This will have the most features and the least bugs.
  20. In VTS no this is not possible however the latest release of PC Link (which works on G4+ and I Series) this has just been added.
  21. Yep you can leave the Di5 as is. Yes any of the unused inputs will be fine.
  22. Looking at the image that looks very much like a conventional bosch 2 wire solenoid. The unique bit of this solenoid is that at 30% duty cycle the solenoid will be closed and will open at figures above and below this. If you run a ISC minimum clamp at 30% it will be fine to use. I would wire as per a standard 2 wire solenoid. 12V to one pin and the other back to Aux 1 or 2 on the ECU.
  23. The table 2 will only show active once all the lockouts are met and traction control goes active. So with car not moving and TPS closed you will not see table 2 go active. If Di8 is showing as active in the log then table 2 will be the one in use and it will only limit at 50% slip.
  24. I tend to think a sensor or wiring issue. Given you voltage is sitting high check the 5V supply is at 5V and not being pulled up some how. Check the PC link runtime for the ECU internal 5V and make sure this is very close to 5V. If its high then there could be a 12V short on to the 5V output of the ECU. They should track on top of each other. If there is a % offset it will throw a fault and throttle will shut down.
  25. Hi Finally have had the chance to run this file on the bench. Bench wise its working ok. The table switching only updates when the conditions are met. My suspicion is that the Di is switching. I would log the Di 8 state to see if this is different between the two. Or bring the second map to the same slip level and see if you get consistent limiting.
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