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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Assuming you don't have a trigger 2 and are doing all the timing from the crank sensor only make sure you have the trigger 2 sync mode set to none. Also polarity of the crank sensor is going to be critical.
  2. The signal will need to be up over 1.5V for the Di to detect it. I would suspect it is a reluctor sensor and it could well be below this level up to that speed. If possible closing up the gap could help. Frequency will be an issue assuming its a 40ish tooth ABS ring.
  3. You need to make sure the power to the fan is removed when the key is turned off. What you are seeing is a typical back feed. The ECU has no control over the drive once it is turned off the internal circuitry has a path to ground which will then allow the fan to run. If you hed to Navigation: G4+ ECU Tuning Functions > Auxiliary Outputs > Wiring Auxiliary Outputs In the help file it gives a much longer explanation.
  4. You set up as per normal V8 entering the firing order as per normal. However you need a Sync pulse at CAM speed to know the position with in a 720 engine cycle. With out a sync you don't know if the cylinder is on exhaust or compression stroke.
  5. Simon

    AC 1100 Track Speed

    Given there is no frequency on the Di this would indicate no signal is getting to the micro. This could be a connection issue at the ECU header or an internal circuit issue with the ECU on that Di channel.
  6. Simon


    Correct on connecting to the ECU PC link will upload the figures from the ECU.
  7. Yep correct it just runs through the cycle but as the drives are not there no actual injection happens.
  8. Simon

    Engine swap

    Yes the plugin can still be used with the later engine. If it is the vvt version then you will have some wiring to be done and might have to sacrifice some outputs to make enough room on the G4
  9. Hi This should be what you are after https://www.dropbox.com/s/ygl134wv05rz4xn/ComLink-USBDrivers.zip?dl=0
  10. You can use a windows tablet and set this up running full PC link. Currently no support for phones.
  11. Hi A bit of info below that could help in you situation. Semi-Sequential Injection Semi sequential fires injectors in groups of two. It allows injection timing control and minimizes the time available for fuel to condense on the port walls. This mode requires sufficient triggering to determine engine position in the 720 degree engine cycle. In this mode, ideally injectors are wired in pairs according to the firing order with the pairs wired to the injector driver that corresponds to the lowest numbered cylinder in the pair. However, with some firing orders this is not possible. In cases where that rule is not possible the idea is to group injectors in such a way that the time for fuel to sit in the port is minimized. Select Sequential Injection Mode when using this wiring configuration. Note that unused injection drives will not be available for other use and will still be firing according to their position in the firing order. Examples: 6 Cylinder, firing order 1 5 3 6 2 4. Works nicely as per rule. Fuel sits in port for 120 degrees longer on the higher numbered cylinder in the pair than the other.Injector drive 1 is wired to injectors for cylinders 1 and 5.Injector drive 2 is wired to injectors for cylinders 2 and 4.Injector drive 3 is wired to injectors for cylinders 3 and 6.8 Cylinder, firing order 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 2. Does not follow rule due to firing order. Pairs as per OEM Toyota 1UZFE wiring.Injector drive 1 is wired to injectors for cylinders 1 and 7.Injector drive 2 is wired to injectors for cylinders 2 and 8.Injector drive 3 is wired to injectors for cylinders 3 and 5.Injector drive 4 is wired to injectors for cylinders 4 and 6.10 Cylinder firing order 1 10 9 4 3 6 5 8 7 2. Follows rule but note that the order of the high and low cylinder in each pair changes. eg in the 1-10 pair, cylinder 10 gets its fuel 72 degrees before deal. In the 9-4 pair, cylinder 9 gets its fuel 72 degrees after ideal.Injector drive 1 is wired to injectors for cylinders 1 and 10.Injector drive 2 is wired to injectors for cylinders 2 and 7.Injector drive 3 is wired to injectors for cylinders 3 and 6.Injector drive 4 is wired to injectors for cylinders 4 and 9.Injector drive 5 is wired to injectors for cylinders 5 and 8 Main condition is going to be the TPS dead band and the Accel clamp. If you TPS is nice and stable / clean then a lower dead band will make it more responsive. Just avoid going too fine as it could then bring on accel when its unwanted.
  12. Hi Wockie Only tend to have files for the plugins where we have had cars for testing on. For that engine it is highly likely a dealer will have something.
  13. That should be ok. Can't say we have tested over a 4m length.
  14. Yes TPS delta is a measure of the rate of change. All other conditions will also need to be met for the Accel to activate. One important thing to remember is that accel tuning should be done after the main tune has been finished as it could mask issues with the main fuel table tune.
  15. Will only be for the G4+ The G4 development has stopped due to hardware restraints.
  16. If you can do another PC log of all parameters would be great it should save as a .llg file.
  17. No sorry. Only experience we have was getting the motor running initially. We didn't do any tuning on it to know where the cams needed to be.
  18. The ECU will only prime the pump at the point it powers up. It could be the ECU has a back feed and is not turning off when the key is turned off. This will cause the pump to not prime but it will run once you crank the engine. Other one would be the ECU is not powering up at all.
  19. That actual testing is not to bad it will either work or it won't. The hard part is the tune will need to be changed over to modeled mode which will require the car to be put on the dyno and a tuner do the retune. It needs to be in modeled mode to give an instantaneous fuel consumption reading which is apparently required for the fuel gauge.
  20. Hi Joseph Would you be willing to do some testing? Catches are that ECU will need to be sent in to use for the fix to be applied and then you will need to tune you car in the modeled mode.
  21. Hi David Does it need to be timed accurately or will a single pules for one engine cycle do?
  22. Simon

    GTR traction control

    Yes you can shuffle the Dis around to suit. Moving the on off type signals to higher Di channels. Di7 is on pin 54 Idle Switch Di8 is on pin 44 Neutral switch.
  23. Hi Pierre Yes the information in that doc will also apply for the G4 and G4+ range.
  24. Hi Unfortunately we don't have a base file for any of the Snowmobile applications. As these units were exclusive to Precision EFI in Canada which then loaded them on arrival with a suitable base.
  25. No that is not normal. I would suspect it is connected to an incorrect pin or some other wiring issue.
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