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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Miata G4+ PnP

    We could likely guide you to what is needed to be done. Flick an email in and we can do you a picture of what's needed. Its a simple as soldering to the pins that are used for knock a couple of wires.
  2. Simon

    MK4 Supra ECU

    Mainly due to the time involved in the development of the unit for the specific application, (working out pinout, making board fit factory case etc) Any temp sensor can be used but if you stick to the ones we offer the set up is easier. The Bosch sensor is the best but not so easy to mount. Any wideband controller with a 0-5V out put can be used.
  3. Simon

    FIC 1450

    http://fuelinjectorclinic.com looks like they have the info available for other injectors but couldn't find any 1450 info. I would see if emailing them gives any answers.
  4. Check out the options on the injection test for injector drive 1. Think this will have you covered.
  5. Simon

    Mazda BP C.A.S

    For the dash logging I would expect this will need to be wired to the dash directly assuming it supports it. Spec of the switch will have to be from them. No easy way best you can do is nice tidy joins and if there is a factory screen connect this to ours.
  6. As long as you set the labels up correctly and move the wire you are good to go.
  7. Simon

    Miata G4+ PnP

    Hi Aaron The G4+ has the hardware for knock control and will support it. However in the case of the MX5 there was no stock knock sensor so the plugin does not have a input pin for the knock to be wired to. For the ECU to accept knock one option would be for use to wire right into the ECU and on to the main top-board pins. (we could do this for you as a one off at an hourly rate) The unlock code is a simple case for the dealer to get at the point they sell the unit on. They are able to do it online through our website, no need for them to be talking to us for it at all. We have experienced delays in the production of the G4+ knockblock. I am a little concerned that you might be thinking this will connect to the ECU like the older G4 units did. This will not be an option on the new unit as it is geared as a pure tuning tool and only has an audio out to drive headphones.
  8. If you wire in an LED to the Knock Block LED output this will work.
  9. Simon

    G4+ ECU questions

    Any of the range could do this. It will come down to the number of outputs and inputs you need. Suspect the better option would be the G4+ Storm.
  10. The AC could be an issue as in some applications this is controlled via CAN which we won't have the information for.
  11. Manual attached. But JMP is correct its all covered in the PC link help along with a whole heap of other useful information. Mitsubishi EVO 4-8 PlugIn Manual.pdf
  12. Narrowband is always the same and will be expecting the 0-1.1 signal Good job on finding the issue.
  13. Simon

    G4 wiring

    The cable is 0.5mm AVSS. How you have the MAP currently would be fine they are a potted unit so will be fine attached to the intake. There is some very nice fabrication in that engine bay!
  14. I'm not sure. The test will be if you get RPM reading without trigger errors. As long as there are no trigger errors you will be able to adjust for any timing shift by doing a timing calibration and adjusting the offset.
  15. Can't say I recognize that sensor its not one we have made or sold. Only way is to apply a pressure and increase this until the output voltage stops moving.
  16. As long as the USB is assigned as a virtual com port and gets a com number lower than 10 you should be ok. Have had a search of our server and can't find any USBLink drivers
  17. If you can post your full map would be great as we will then know the firmware version and all settings. It would also be useful to know the bottom board revision, to get this you will need to look on the circuit board (the one the main header is attached to not the top board)
  18. It is mostly from the crank. But requires the cam to sync. You will be able to move the cam trigger with in a reasonable range with out effecting the timing.
  19. TPS for the main fuel table vs RPM if you can get any form of map signal you can then use this as an overlay table. Be sure to do a timing calibration as timing could be anywhere if you haven't.
  20. For the offset it just needs to be what is needed to get the timing right. But things that will effect what its will be the trigger one edge, Trigger 2 edge and its position relative to TDC.
  21. Simon

    Plex uSDM interface

    With the CAN being configurable I'm 99% sure it will be compatible and in the past Plex have been very good at working with our products so suspect thay will have worked in with the generic dash stream.
  22. No is the short answer. We would need a single pickup and multi tooth missing as a minimum.
  23. Simon

    base maps

    If you have the RB25 CAS then the skyline plugin map will be an ok point to start from.
  24. Simon

    Lexus 1uzfe help

    Will depend on if its the later 1UZ with 8 coils or the twin distributor one. The later individual coils can be wired directly to the ECU. The early twin units need igniters.
  25. Simon

    Lexus 1uzfe help

    This will be some help and there is also specific engine information in the PC link help file. Link G4 Wiring and Installation Manual.pdf
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