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Everything posted by Simon

  1. For guys doing the upgrade this video could be useful.
  2. Given you have a G4+ you will not need to do the wire/pin change. The jumpers will be all you need to try.
  3. Simon

    XS Expansion Loom

    The catch with adding the colors is that most boards have 2 XS connectors now so knowing which one is plugged in is unknown.
  4. Hi Would suggest a firmware update there have been a number of changes made 5.5.7 being the most current now.
  5. Simon

    outside the box setup

    HI Mondi8 Images from the PC Link help file for wiring of the main relay control. You can have a TPS main and a GP 0-5V configured and then trim based of the GP 0-5 input.. On the feedback this is not something that we use.
  6. It will activate to the duty cycle request the moment the conditions are met. However it is a 3D control table so you could set one of the axis to be timer and ramp in the duty cycle over time.
  7. ECU will have a serial number on the main micro. (lid off ECU to see it) If you are running windows 8-10 then using the later drivers in the G4+ software will be the go.
  8. Hi Grant If you are keen they can be worked out using the injector test function on Injector drive 1. As you can adjust the test counts frequency and injection time.
  9. Simon

    Trigger 2 help

    To do Cam level it needs to be a Hall or optical sensor so that you have a square wave output. Only option with a reluctor will be Cam Pulse x1 this will give sequential but might take up to 2 turns of the crank to sync.
  10. Any volt can be used provided it is not required for any other function.
  11. bhs the G1s didn't have open loop mode in this case. The base is the duty cycle the solenoid is supplied at the start of control so a lower base is a good start. Also lowering the sense will also help. You can think of sense as the P part of a PID set up.
  12. It's more going to be a case of the MAP reading at idle Vs full throttle A engine with say a big overlap cam is not going to make good vacuum at idle and so might be better suited to TPS tuning. Much the same for a multi butterfly engine the change in map will be great for a small change in throttle and again TPS tuning is a better option. If the engine can make ok vacuum at idle and is single butterfly then MAP tuning will be fine.
  13. Simon


    I would go for a 24-1 or a 12-1 to get good resolution.
  14. Simon

    gts g1 on 25det

    Yep no option to move the row or columns on the G1 they are fixed position.
  15. Yes the fuel light should operate as per normal.
  16. Yes the fuel light should operate as per normal.
  17. If you are happy to void the warranty you can replace the mosfet. For details email us on [email protected]
  18. Simon


    We need either a Cam sync or a missing tooth. It can be in any location though as the offset adjustment will then tell the ECU where it is.
  19. Another option is to replace the stock O2 input with the wideband one. On the Altezza this is on pin P28 (ANVolt1) Then you can reassign the input as a wideband input.
  20. I think the miss match in settings available will be due to the firmware. If a map is tuned to close I would not expect much accel to be needed at higher RPMs. I'm assuming the injectors and fuel system are up to the task and its not a simple case of not enough available fuel supply.
  21. Noted and engineering will get it sorted.
  22. Simon


    I'm not sure what the 1000 has for triggering but it can work with the AC 800 engine triggering and the 1100T engine triggering. The 1100 has a 36-1 trigger with cam pulse for sync.
  23. Check the voltage to pin 45 to make sure this is 0V with key off and 12V with key on. The out put to the ECCS relay pin 16 should only be at ground when there is 12V on pin 45. If it is at ground all the time it indicates the mosfet in the ECU has failed or there is a short on the pin.
  24. Typically the frequency will be around 200hz for an ISC solenoid. Some times the frequency will cause a harmonic in the intake, making it excessively loud in which case changing the frequency can help.
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