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I'm trying to set up a G4+ Atom while I'm trying to rectify another issue with my G4X.

I have copied  all the configuration from the G4X across to the G4+

The mapping in on a R6 Yamaha running methonal fuel.

The problem I have is I can't get the injectors to show as auxiliary output

I have set up the fuel and injector mode as per my G4X

I haven't been able to use a generic map to modify as the ECU had been wiped and was blank 


11 hours ago, Damian Della said:

The problem I have is I can't get the injectors to show as auxiliary output


G4+ Atom and Monsoon don't support using the injector pins as Auxiliary outputs like the G4X do.

41 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

G4+ Atom and Monsoon don't support using the injector pins as Auxiliary outputs like the G4X do.

So, how can I set up the injectors?

9 hours ago, neil brown said:

Has the unlock code been applied 


If brand new first power up to program it require unlock code supplied by dealer who supplied it 

The ECU is a second hand unit that is unlocked.


The "Injection Mode" setting in Fuel -> Fuel Setup -> Fuel Main combined with the Configuration -> Cylinders setting will let you setup how the injector pins are used for injection. You cannot use the Injection pins for anything other than injection in a G4+ Atom or Monsoon.

What is the issue with your G4X and what are you trying to use the injector pins for.


The Injector Outputs are assumed to be connected to injectors.  Use Fuel->Fuel Setup->Injector Test to confirm.

Injector Configuration happens in Fuel->Fuel Setup->Injector Setup->Injector Setup  (Deadtimes, flow rate, etc)

9 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

The "Injection Mode" setting in Fuel -> Fuel Setup -> Fuel Main combined with the Configuration -> Cylinders setting will let you setup how the injector pins are used for injection. You cannot use the Injection pins for anything other than injection in a G4+ Atom or Monsoon.

What is the issue with your G4X and what are you trying to use the injector pins for.

I have set The "Injection Mode" and fuel Main along with Cylinder set up.

I have tested the injectors in the test function and they all cycle correctly.



I think I have a corrupt processor on the G4X, as you can see in the log It starts and stops the record constantly.

I have posted another question on the forum page  about this with an attached logged file. 

I have been getting a lot of abnormal reading after so a tests without doing any changes to the ECU.   


29 minutes ago, Damian Della said:


I think I have a corrupt processor on the G4X, as you can see in the log It starts and stops the record constantly.

This is highly likely to be your ECU Logging settings with the condition for the logging constantly switching on and off.

32 minutes ago, Damian Della said:

I have been getting a lot of abnormal reading after so a tests without doing any changes to the ECU.   

What do you mean by this

25 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

This is highly likely to be your ECU Logging settings with the condition for the logging constantly switching on and off.

What do you mean by this


26 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

This is highly likely to be your ECU Logging settings with the condition for the logging constantly switching on and off.

What do you mean by this

The ignition angle should be 30 degree.  I lambda will read above 6.00 when should be 0.900 approx and if i do a second test without changing anything the readings will be different

15 minutes ago, Damian Della said:

The ignition angle should be 30 degree.

Do you have a log and a copy of your tune with a point where it should be 30degrees and is not? Is the 30degrees that you are checking based on what the software says or based on a timing light?

16 minutes ago, Damian Della said:

I lambda will read above 6.00 when should be 0.900 approx and if i do a second test without changing anything the readings will be different

Lambda reading above 6 while it is running implies that there is an exhaust leak or a miss as that is very lean, what lambda sensor are you using, how is it connected to the ECU and if the lambda controller has a gauge does that show a different reading to the ECU when the ECU is seeing a lambda of 6?

22 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

Do you have a log and a copy of your tune with a point where it should be 30degrees and is not? Is the 30degrees that you are checking based on what the software says or based on a timing light?

Lambda reading above 6 while it is running implies that there is an exhaust leak or a miss as that is very lean, what lambda sensor are you using, how is it connected to the ECU and if the lambda controller has a gauge does that show a different reading to the ECU when the ECU is seeing a lambda of 6?

When running the lambda is sitting at around 0.875-0.925.  To verify the O2 sensor, I had a spare so I put that on and no change. 

I have a copy of the tune and log with the ignition sitting stable at 30 degree,  

I can send you these later, I'm In western Australia so about 5hrs behind you in time. 


Sorry gave you the wrong info about the ignition timing, had a brain fart. It was the lambda that was stable as this was the problem we were chasing originally.

For some reason the lambda was above 1.4 and should have been below 0.9 

So to overcome that I tweaked the fuel table to drop the lambda at idle.

But as I have been testing I have been checking the exhaust pipe temperatures and one cylinder is quite cold compared to the others

I have checked the injectors are working properly, by cleaning and testing the flow, I have checked that cylinder has spark. 

I believe everything is mechanically sound .




1 hour ago, Damian Della said:

For some reason the lambda was above 1.4 and should have been below 0.9

Would need to see the log and the tune.  Does injector PW vary when the lambda varies?  Is fuel pressure stable?  Perhaps over-run fuel cut or another trim is active...


Sorry Im not sure exactly what problem Im trying to fix as there are several issues discussed above.  

But the main issues I see in your G4+ map is the fuel and ignition table Y axis have TPS Delta on them instead of "TP (Main)" so these both need to be changed.

TPS either appears like it may not be working or calibrated wrong? It was showing 100% when you saved that map.  Confirm TPS does show 0-100% as you move the throttle. 

There are a couple of small differences in the injector setup - G4+ is using 310kPa, G4X is using 300kPa rated pressure, the deadtime is a bit different at 14V.   

The calibration table for the lambda controller is set up incorrectly, it is using pressure units.  Typically the linear Cal 4/5/6 would be used for lambda.  



Your G4X had a CAN lambda set up, is that no longer connected?  Your lambda calibration still looks a bit unusual to me, what controller do you have connected?

The rest looks ok.  

1 hour ago, Damian Della said:

I'm using the Can Lambda, 

Not sure why it's showing not connected.

I'll check the connections

Have set up Can Lambda from  ECU controls

Did a quick test to see if the engine would fire but no luck +, What am I missing?



Lambda controller setup is irrelivant to making the engine run or not.  I was only telling you the lambda set up was wrong because you were complaining it was reading wrong further up.  

7 hours ago, Adamw said:

Lambda controller setup is irrelivant to making the engine run or not.  I was only telling you the lambda set up was wrong because you were complaining it was reading wrong further up.  


8 hours ago, Adamw said:

Lambda controller setup is irrelivant to making the engine run or not.  I was only telling you the lambda set up was wrong because you were complaining it was reading wrong further up.  

Thanks for that, I did figure that out.

I have managed to sort my G4X  Atom with the issues that were bugging me.

I'm trying to configure my G4+ as a back up ECU, but having trouble getting it configured. 

I did a test to see if I had the injector set up correct, and it doesn't look like I have.

I have copied the set up from the G4X across, but I must be missing something


I did a test on the triggers which look to be working ok, except on the test the cranking RPM didn't change from 0

Any thought with this?




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