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Everything posted by Simon

  1. HI If you could attach your map we can check out the settings.
  2. Hi Tristan You will need to modify the trigger wheel. You will need to remove 3 of the 4 teeth to give a single tooth as the sync. Then set your trigger two sync mode to cam X1 Using a 4AGZE distributor would also work.Â
  3. What trigger pattern are you running.
  4. I would have thought the AC is totally isolated from the atttesa controls. The signals that the ECU provides to the attesa is the TPS and the RPM signal Only thing I can think of is the AC causing noise on either of these signals.
  5. Is the voltage stable and at a normal level while the engine is not running? Or is it only an issue once the engine is running. If its only an issue while the engine is running it could indicate the main 14V into the ECU is not connected. This can cause the internal voltage to rise due to it not having anywhere for back EMF energy form solenoids to go.
  6. Dave is on the money. There is no future development planed for the VTS as it has been superseded by the iVTS and I Series ECUs. There will only be major bug fixes should any come to light.
  7. If you set up as per for a clutch switch this will be the equivalent. H Pattern Gearbox With Clutch Switch  This arrangement uses a pedal box mounted switch that is activated by the driver pressing the clutch.  The switch is wired to a Digital Input.  Typically the switch would become Active at the point where the clutch disengages.  Some adjustment may be required to find the exact point at which the switch should become active.  As a Digital Input will be used to start the gear shift sequence, Start Shift Mode must be set to Digital Input. Up Shift Digital Input must be set to the digital input wired to the clutch switch. Down Shift Digital Input must be set to OFF as there is no means by which up and down shifts can be directly distinguished on an H pattern gearbox.  This will start the shift sequence when the clutch switch is active for longer than Start Shift Validation Time.  Two gear shift types can be distinguished.  If a shift is started while Throttle Position is greater than Drive/Overrun TP then a Driven Up Shift will be requested otherwise an Overrun Down Shift will be requested.  Make sure that Throttle Position does not go below TP Low Lockout otherwise a TP Lockout will occur rather than a shift request.  Set TP Low Lockout to 0 to ignore the TP lockout condition.  If only full power up shifts are required TP Low Lockout can be set higher (eg 80%) to prevent gear shift requests when not near full throttle.  Throttle blipping can be used with Overrun Down Shifts.  To disable throttle blipping, either set Drive/Overrun TP to 0 or set the entire Overrun Down Shift Throttle Trim table to zero.  There are two ways in which the shift sequence can be ended:  · After a fixed amount of time - End Shift Mode must be set to Time.  The time that the shift sequence will last for is set in the Driven Up Shift Torque Reduction Time and Overrun Down Shift Torque Increase Time tables. · When the clutch is released - End Shift Mode must be set to Digital Input.  The shift will end when the clutch is released.  Note that if the clutch is held for longer than Max Shift Time the shift will be ended.  When using a clutch switch it is important to set Speed Lockout to a suitable value to prevent a shift sequence starting when the clutch is pressed while the vehicle is not moving. Â
  8. For the solenoid you need one side to go to a switched 12V feed and the other side is wired in to an AUX out from the ECU this is from the main header not through the XS loom as there will an output geared for the factory BCS. You should be able to wire in exactly where the original factory solenoid was. The Di input for switched boost levels can be wither to ground or 12V.
  9. Hi Spencer 1.For the low / high boost if the ECU is going to control this then the switch is wired in between ground or 12V and a Di input to the ECU, As the XS loom has a ground out it will be easy to take a the Di and the ground from the XSloom. 2.As long as the new map sensor operates off the same voltage as the original then this can be wired in to the existing wiring. 3. Yes no problem to have anti lag switchable.
  10. Yep most likely. The way to tell will be to measure the resistance between the power supply and the signal wire. If its low 0.5-1.5 ohms then an igniter is required
  11. Simon

    lc1 or lc2

    LC2 is fine to use and is wired the same way as the LC1 through a AN Volt input. You will need to use a custom cal or change the LC2 scaling to suit LC1 output.
  12. Hi Chris Do you have an igniter fitted between the ECU and coils? Â
  13. You will need to set the Aux as cam switched. Conditions to switch are usually on at 2000ishrpm and off again at 5000ish.  So set conditions as per attached image.
  14. When you run the test ECCS do you get a figure at all in the widest slot? If this happens to come up as 1 you will need to swap your 2 triggers over. Then rerun the test.
  15. Hi Matt If you have a dash connected make sure it is unplugged before doing the firmware update. Also set PC link to be manual connection only. Then run the update again.
  16. Check out www.protuningcairns.com Dave has been doing a lot of remote work lately and is well set up for it. For him or anyone else to remot map you will need a internet connection available while the laptop is in the car and connected.
  17. Simon


    Hi Steve We have supplied a ecu to Gaugeart to test with and understand it is now almost complete. We are due to see one of their units to do a final run on the bench.
  18. Hi I assume the PWM UT is an input for PWM control from the ECU. Its a little odd that it has a 5V feed, however I would expect to have an AUX output (aux 1 or 2) assigned as ISC solenoid. And would expect the control to be the same as for a conventional ISC. (X Duty cycle at about 250Hz)
  19. This is a G1 LEM running V5 firmware. It does not support launch control. Manuals can be found http://www.linkecu.com/support/documentation/g1-engine-management-documentation
  20. HI Matt Think you have this sorted now? And you had a AN volt 3 error which was the MAP sensor?Â
  21. Hi Adam  The forums are about to have a massive rework which will bring them up to speed.
  22. Assuming the idle solenoid is set as ISC then you can log the idle duty directly. The GP ones currently are not able to be logged.
  23. Correct the two Dis can be used for a second CAN output. If you only need one CAN bus then you have all Dis available and will only use the CAN from the coms port.
  24. Hi Steve this should defiantly be able to be resolved with a bit of work around the idle control. Is the ECU controlling the switching of the fan? Or is it independently controlled? Where are you based in the world?
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