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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. I just had a poke around in tunerstudio with "MS3 Example Project" and I dont see any way to define a compound/multiplex CAN message, so I would say it is not going to work. With no way to specify which frame contains the data you want you will get lambda and pump current continuously overwritting each other.
  2. I dont see a lot wrong in terms of cranking or start-up fuel. Although the first few RPM columns of the fuel table would generally be much flatter than you currently have, I'd normally expect something more like below as usually the torque will peak at say 30% throttle at 1000RPM. So that will probably be adding a bit more cranking fuel than normal. There are a few other things that I would possibly change depending on the history. Can you give a bit more info on the history - has it been tuned and starting reliably previously or is it a new install and untuned?
  3. Yeah the 8V pin will be fine for both. The internal pull-up is 4.7K so for the crank sensor it would be good insurance to turn off the internal one and fit the recommended value externally. Although the ZF sensors are usually ok with the internal pull-up for up to about 36T, I have seen them give problems with 60 tooth wheels with the weaker internal pull-up. The cam sensor will be fine with the internal pull-up.
  4. So do you mean for GDI engines? Or if not GDI, what would be different from the FuryX?
  5. Either mode should work, the main difference is 1 tooth per TDC mode does not use any offset or advance during cranking - it just fires a spark exactly when it sees the tooth. If it starts with 1 tooth per TDC, then it should start in multi-tooth mode with offset set to zero. But it will be best to stay with 1 tooth/tdc mode anyway.
  6. Yes, this should work as described. I typically do all the fan logic in the ecu and send the virtual aux/CAN aux to the PDM for a couple of reasons - 1) Im connected to the ECU a lot more often, 2) its nicer to be able to adjust and test all engine related controls in the same place without swapping between softwares etc. The only extra limitation to consider with a G4+ is it cant send PWM values over CAN, so if you want variable fan speed I would still do the on/off settings in the ECU, but also send ECT separately to the PDM and do the speed control in the PDM.
  7. That is for a MAF (mass air flow meter), the original post was about a MAP sensor.
  8. When the engine is running you use the cam angle test function to determine the correct vvt offset. This value is not needed to start the engine.
  9. That doesnt make a lot of sense to me, your earlier voltage measurement on pin 8 & 9 suggests there was data reaching the dash, I assume you had the extension cable connected when you done that test? When originally testing the cable design I have tested with two of the extension cables connected together for 4M total length with 2 x CAN lambdas, a gauge, and a dash all connected to one end and working successfully. The voltage drop was a bit borderline for the lambdas during cranking but the dash didnt show any signs of distress. Can you "beep out" the extension lead to make sure pin 1 goes to pin 1 etc, and that resistance isn't excessive. Also make sure the sockets in the female DTM are latched properly, I have been caught before with a dtm connector where the sockets would push back and lose contact when the plugs were plugged together.
  10. Your log file is restricted access. Have you confirmed ignition timing matches the commanded value at both low and high RPM? The offset at zero is a bit unusual. For your connection issue, your ecu looks like a fairly early one from the bootloader version so it may have the older USB circuit which was more sensitive to noise, it would be worth getting it back for an update when you can spare the time.
  11. What are your trip times and current limit set to? The quoted ratings are pretty conservative so I would have expected the numbers you are quoting to be fine for a single output. The limit is usually the pins in the connector. I dont think the ADIO can be paralleled with a high current output safely. If you attach a copy of your thunder map I could possibly set up a CAN stream so you log in the ECU or PC Link to get a more user friendly log of the output current when it trips.
  12. Yes there was a hardware issue on the e-throttle relay circuit on some of the early K20 ecu's. I believe if the batt voltage drops low the fet that supplies the e-throttle drops out. If you charge the battery it will probably work well enough to get through calibration and tuning, but really it will need to come back to be updated as even with normal battery voltage it will potentially dropout during cranking etc.
  13. For the inputs you should be checking they are working and reading correctly for any that you can with the engine off. For example is MAP, ECT & IAT showing realistic values, do both APS values read 0 with no pedal and 100% when pedal is on the floor. It looks like you dont have TGV sensors connected so that function should be turned off. For the outputs you probably dont need to check much before start-up, but you can for example set the fan output test mode on to make sure the fan comes on etc.
  14. There should be no special settings required for the tacho apart from assigning the correct output pin to the tacho function. The speedo is not controlled by the ecu originally, has that been changed?
  15. The board labels are correct. This is the one you have connected:
  16. I would change the trigger 1 edge to falling, the offset is normally close to zero with most distributor triggers if you are using the correct edge. Then turn the engine by hand to TDC#1 compression to make sure the distributor rotor is pointing to Cyl 1 plug lead. Changing offset by 180 or 360 will not make it work if the rotor is sending the spark to the wrong cylinder.
  17. Sorry for the confusion. This triggermode is designed to have RH(Bank1) inlet cam connected to Trigger 2 input, LH (bank 2) inlet to DI1. The important thing is DI1 is used as part of the synchronisation strategy, so it must be used/connected, most of our other trigger modes only require T1 & T2.
  18. Attached is a CAN file to get you started. Use the new "CAN file" function to load this into the ecu. For the PDM transmit, enable transmit bit states and transmit output current, use the default ID of 300 like pic below. The ECU will receive the first 4 bit states that you assign in the table on the right as CAN DI 1-4 (You can use this to send switches, keypad keys, or functions to ecu). Current for Outputs 1-14 will be received into the ECU as CAN AN 1-14. In the PDM recieve, if you enable CAN receive message 1 with the default ID 400 you will receive CAN Aux 1-4 status and duty cycles from the ecu - so you can use these to control fans, fuel pumps etc. In the CAN Bus Input Data, message 1, CAN aux 1 state will be Byte 0, CAN Aux 1 duty is byte 1, CAN aux 2 state is byte 2, CAN aux 2 duty is byte 3, etc. BlackBox P14 CAN.lcf
  19. Your log shows fuel pressure is only 2kpa when cranking. This would be the first thing to investigate. Inj/Ign Reallocation should be turned off unless you need to use non-standard wiring. Your wiring is correct/standard so I suggest turning off that function.
  20. Adamw

    Dwell times

    There is no reason, most likely just to match the format of the table in their software or it was copy and pasted from the source that way. In real life even with a high resolution trigger system your commanded dwell will have to vary by about +/-0.1ms when the predicted crank speed/position changes. With poor resolution triggers it can be significantly more.
  21. Yes you can check timing on 1 or 4. I would strongly suggest using an HT lead between the coil and plug for the check rather than the primary wires. Many timing lights will trigger off the wrong side of the dwell if you trigger off the primary wires or by resting the clamp on the top of the coil, so there is always some doubt when tested this way.
  22. I would check fuel press and the 12V supply to the injectors. The only odd clue that stands out to me in one of your logs the lambda suddenly changes from richer than target at the beginning of the log to leaner than target, when all parameters related to airflow and fuel flow were quite stable. So this suggests there may be an external influence on fuel flow that the ecu is not aware of. It appears to get leaner and leaner as load increases so a lack of fuel flow/pressure fits that. It would pay to check there is 12V on pin A5 also (Ign on, ecu unplugged).
  23. You log file share is restricted access.
  24. That display field expects a 0-100% or 0-** litres value to represent empty to full. I would use a linear corrector math channel to generate this. Setup below would convert your 6000-400ohm signal to 0-100%:
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