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STI V4 plugin and e-throttle

Michael Richards

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I wanted to add e-throttle to my STi V4 so I could run proper cruise control and be rid of the factory idle control valve (future custom intake manifold). I also neede proper E85 fuel support. After an extended discussion with tech support, it was recommended that the G4+ could accomplish this. So I've removed my G4 to do the upgrade.

The docs seem to indicate that only outputs 9 and 10 must be used to drive the e-throttle motor but I can't figure out which spots they occupy on the connector. My setup is nearly standard except that ign 3 and ign 4 are occupied for fully sequential ignition and I'm running an analog input from the wideband.


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Version 4 sti/wrx did NOT come with ethrottle. 

That ecu (wrxlink ver 4 G4+) will NOT support ethrottle.

The screen capture that you posted, the plugin column is just a generic list of what their whole line of plugins may offer.  If the vehicle had ethrottle from the factory, the ecu will support.  If the vehicle didn't have it, it will NOT be supported.  Similarly with map sensors, if the vehicle had one from the factory, the Link plugin will not have one on board.

From the original post, I was under the impression he was going to be replacing the ecu with a newer unit that did add ethrottle, such as an Xtreme, fury, thunder, or other plugin that had ethrottle to begin with.

Edited by Brad Burnett
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The main top board has the hardware required to control E throttle.

On some other models we have been adding E throttle support (EVO4-8, WRX 7-9) as we have revised the bottom boards.

We are able to do this on your V4 plugin as a one off by adding wire links to bring out the required outputs. Its not as tidy but can be done.

We would charge a hourly rate to do this. And need the ECU.


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Got it sorted. It's worth noting for future searches that the ECU comparison document shows plugins as having features they could have, not that they do have. If it's not there, then it is on the ECU board but not actually wired out to the OEM connector. In my case, I've decided to alter the board and wire out the inputs/outputs I need. If I could go back I would have just ordered an xtreme unit but this solution can be made to work for my needs.


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