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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi Paul, I can tell you straight up the Haltech unit will not work via CAN BUS, The CAN BUS DATA format is an encrypted format, to protect their intellectual property. This is their call and must be honoured. However the WB1 and WB2 units have auxillary outputs for data logging etc. I have already been down this path. As for the AEM, I am unsure. If you contact AE and ask if they are willing to send the CAN BUS data string and protocols then if there is enough call for it, then LINK may do the software to suit. Maybe the LTC MoTeC unit may work, but not very cheap. Regards Dave
  2. I would start with checking all of your ECU earths and the vehicle and chassis grounds. Do your ECU earths go to the engine block, is your engine block earthed correctly, all the ECU earths SHOULD be separated and grounded at different points. Make sure that the trigger 2 wiring doesn't run near HT voltage sources like HT PLUG LEADS or COP or COP wiring etc. The trigger 2 sensor itself could be faulty. How have you setup the sensor in the software as far as pull up resistor turned on or off etc. I have a customers engine at present with a mag reluctor sensor that is off it's head, it produces 7.5 volts at idle with a 3 - 4 mm air gap and generates voltages past 30 volts with rpm. What brand MAG sensor are you using, are the tooth profiles perfect, is there any run out in the trigger wheel etc. Regards Dave.
  3. Hi , if you look at the data in the top left corner of trigger 2 it shows minimum voltage = o.33 volts not o volts Maximum voltage = 4.15 volts. Also if you look at the scope trace you will see that the green line doesn't go all the way down to the + + + + LINE. Regards Dave.
  4. Hi, trigger 1 signal looks lovely. Trigger 2 however definitely has some issues. Can you please explain how trigger 2 (hall effect) is setup as far as how is it mounted what is the sensor reading off, a cam lug/tooth a CAS etc, what air gap are you running. What brand of sensor is it and what type of engine do you run. Regards Dave.
  5. Hi PRO CAR GARAGE, What version software are you using out of curiosity. Now you want a simple second stage rev limiter , You turn switch on, engine rev limits to 5500 rpm, Turn switch off rev limit returns to normal rpm. So for this to happen you need the following. 1. Digital input 2. GP RPM LIMIT 1 or 2 to be selected. 3. GP RPM LIMIT TABLE. Now step 3 the GP RPM LIMIT TABLE MUST have 2 axis to operate, the Y (VERTICLE) AXIS which will be you DIGITAL Input. Also you will also require an X AXIS (HORIZONTAL). So you just want a switch to turn on, engine limits at 5500 rpm. Switch off engine revs normally. You don't want any other parameters involved , speed, tps etc, doesn't mater. I have attached again a very simple second stage rev limiter, this time I have based the X AXIS off THROTTLE Position, so if the TPS is opened more than 1.2 % all the way to 100% the engine will rev limit at 5500 rpm. For this to work properly as per my example, you must connect 1 side of the switch to the DIGITAL INPUT 1 on your ECU and the other side of your switch to ground. (chassis) or good negative. Keep this simple, there is no reason for you to use advanced modes or anything, unless there are conditions you haven't advised me on. I hope this helps. Regards Dave. Â
  6. Â I forgot to mention the ECU is still only running firmware version 4.9.3. So if you were doing an upgrade to4.1.0 it hasn't completed properly. Do you remember cycling the ignition OFF and back ON. Did the upgrade say it had complete successfully. Try doing the upgrade again. When it says to cycle the key power, out of curiosity turn the ignition off, disconnect battery negative for say 10 seconds, reconnect the battery, negative, turn the ignition back on and proceed with the 4.1.0 upgrade. When the upgrade has completed, to be safe carry out a TPS and MAP recalibration. Install my attached PCL file before doing any of the above. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi Jono, I have modified your fault voltage settings, bit it would also appear that you have a faulty air temp sensor or the wiring is faulty or you have the incorrect air temp sensor selected in the software. The engine coolant temp shows 35degrees C and the air temp is at 100 degrees. Also AN VLT 4 was in error, I am buggered if I know what that is, it is setup as a 0-5 volt input. But I don't  know what it is used for, at the time of saving this PCL FILE IT HAD A VALUE OF 1 VOLT ON IT. Everything else looks to be ok.
  8. pHi PRO CAR GARAGE, I have added another example, this rev limiter is set up via gear position. Sorry I didn't include the digital input setup last time. You need to advise me if your digital input is negative or positive. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi PRO CAR GARAGE, What is the second rev limiter used for exactly, I was just giving you an example. Tell me what your digital input is a switch, how is that set up. Tell me exactly how you want the second limiter to be activated and at what value. Do you want it as a pit lane limiter or a valet limiter, novice driver limiter etc. Attach your Tune file (PCL FILE) PLEASE. Regards Dave.
  10. Hi , who originally tuned the vehicle , can you contact them and get a copy of the PCL file emailed to you, then you can simply load the file back in. What software / firmware were you running and then what version did you  update too. Can you list all of the errors you received , I believe I know what has happened now possibly. Regards Dave.
  11. Hi, sorry Simon beat me to it, I have been at a funeral but I will post this info for you anyhow. Click on each picture to get full image. If you don't like the flashing light simply put the PWM table values at 100, this will leave the light on solid. The lower the number the slower the LED will blink. Regards Dave
  12. Hi Regan, Have you used up all of your injector outputs, 5, 6, 7, 8 Â which can be changed to boost solenoid. Regards Dave.
  13. Hi, the only other way to read the info is to open the HELP file in the iVTS software and read the update info in there before going online. Regards Dave,
  14. Hi Michael, Did you do a direct email to [email protected] or did you fill out the CONTACT US form on my web site. Either way I have not seen your email sorry. My other half Tanya was working on the site yesterday setting up PAYPAL accounts etc, maybe this clashed with your email time and that is why I haven't seen it as yet. Please contact me via the direct email address at the top of this post. Sorry Regards Dave.
  15. Hi, because it is a new operating system as such, new firmware with new parameters etc, you need to let the ECU know whether to ignore that input or to have you set it to it's correct calibration. This is why it is important to read the UPDATE notes when you install the new software/firmware. There will more than likely be new functions you do not know about because you haven't read the update. Believe me, there are some very important bits of information in the current 5.1.0 software/firmware, that can have huge consequences as to how well your engine will or can run etc. Regards Dave.
  16. Hi , sorry I forgot to mention if the engine does not already have a map sensor capable of handling the boost pressure you wish to run, then you will need to purchase n external map sensor also, the G4+ XTREME does not have an internal map sensor. Regards Dave.
  17. Hi Andre, You will require a fully optioned LINKG4 + XTREME. This will give you all the options etc that will give you enough scope to carry out such a project. I am not that familiar with Porsche , however I would imagine that the engine being 3.6 litres would be a 6 cylinder. So if you wish to run dual coil packs I would suggest LS1 COILS, they will produce very good spark up to around 18 to 20 psi. They have internal ignitors so they can be wired directly to the ecu in wasted spark format for triggering and are very well priced. Is this engine already fuel injected. If so you can retain your standard input sensors ,like throttle position, coolant temp, air temp etc as the G4+ XTREME can use pretty much any sensor and be calibrated for it. You will be able to use a FLEX FUEL SENSOR no problems. You will also be able to run EGT's, but will require an amplifier, the pyros can not be wired directly to the ecu. Same for a AFR/LAMBDA input the use of an external controller must be used. What sort of trigger mechanisms does the engine have. Do the crank and cam positions come from dual sensors in the distributor/s or does the engine have a crank angle sensor and cam position sensor. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi, I forgot to add that I set this GP REV LIMITER 1 with Digital input 1 being ON or OFF. 0 = OFF 1 = ON. If you set up this type of Y AXIS using a Digital Input, you only populate the 1 column. The 1 column is on therefore the values in the slots will be used only. Regards Dave.
  19. Hi PRO CAR GARAGE, If you could be more precise on exactly what parameters you wish for the rev limiter to work I could set it up exactly. I have attached a sample of how to setup a basic GP REV LIMITER 2. Regards Dave.
  20. Hi Jono, Doing a firmware update wont over write your PCL file in your ECU. An update to the FIRMWARE if anything will have new parameters that maybe added which will require setting up correctly etc. But the base PCL will not be removed. Has the engine already been tuned with this ECU and you have just done a firmware update or has this engine run at all yet,or just a fresh install. Can you still go online to the ECU with your laptop after doing the FIRMWARE upgrade. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi Michael, Firstly can you please explain the way your Boost table works, your boost target table 's Y axis is based off AN VLT 2 GP INPUT % What is AN VLT 2 GP INPUT, some sort of variable input or something ???? I just want to understand the workings behind your setup. Now you say that previously the boost control worked fine without issues. Did the boost reach and maintain the target boost at all times. Michael what brand of waste gate is it, can you take a photo and upload it. Failing all of this, can you log into my web site www.protuningcairns.com and go to the contacts tab. Send me an email so I have a return email or we can just communicate on here. On my website you will see a TEAMVIEWER page, go onto this page and read the explanation of how this service works , further down the page you will see a PRO TUNING TEAM VIEWER DOWNLOAD TAB, click on this and download TEAMVIEWER remote desktop software. This way I can setup your data logger etc and we can get a data log to see if anything program wise etc could be at fault. Can you go into more detail regarding the washer you replaced at the top of the waste gate. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi ob1, FULL sequential fuel and ignition, means that each individual fuel injector and individual ignition coil per single cylinder is fired on it's own firing order /sequence. Wasted spark is where the ignition coils are paired off with cylinders on the same position on the crankshaft. For example a 6 cylinder with a firing order of 1 , 5 , 3 , 6 , 2 , 4. 1 and 6 are both at TDC at the same time one is on compression stroke the other is on exhaust stroke. The same goes for cylinders 2 and 5 and then 3 and 4. Wasted spark fires the shared cylinders coils at the same time, so for example IGNITION OUTPUT 1 from the ECU would fire coils 1 and 6, 1 maybe on TDC compression and 6 may be on exhaust stroke, if both cylinders have an ignition event at the same time 1 will go through the combustion and power stroke but 6 will simply fire on the exhaust stroke and be wasted to the exhaust system. However, to a degree I don't believe it is wasted as it can to a degree help burn off any unburnt fuel/air mixture. Some people believe that wasted spark also wastes coil potential as you are charging and discharging 2 coils at once. The truth is that the coil that is firing on the combustion stroke is the one doing all the work, the wasted coil does nothing as it takes very little power for the spark to jump across the plug gap on an exhaust stroke process than it does to jump the plug gap on a compressed mixture of air and fuel, especially when boosted and the mixture could actually be at an equivalent compression figure of 40:1 with high boost. Batch firing or group firing the injectors, basically means that the injectors receive half doses of fuel per triggering event, to keep it simple. Batch or Group firing can still yield great power and drivability etc, however when it comes to emissions etc, SEQENTIAL IS KING. I hope some of this has helped. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi , you need to register with your serial number of your ECU. If you connect your laptop to your ECU and go online , Once online click on the HELP button on the top of the page far right. Go to ECU INFRMATION and this will have your ECU's SERIAL number. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi, NORMALLY this stickers is the true serial number, but to be sure you should connect your laptop to the ECU and go online, Hit the HELP key and go to ECU Information, it will tell you the serial number of the ECU there. If it is pre 10 000 this means the ECU will require a CAN BUS modification, this is done to enable the CAN BUS on your ECU. Does this dash not have RS 232 communications as an option ? Regards Dave.
  25. Hi, multi tooth or multi tooth  missing tooth patterns alone or multi tooth , missing tooth with sync sensor. This is a very sparse topic and being more specific will reduce the reply subject written. Please state which type. Regards Dave.
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