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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Hi Having a look at you idle base position on the new idle maps.pcl there is a bit of a step between 0 and 10 deg, and also at the 100deg mark. I would suggest that the 0 deg figure needs to be lifted up to around 7.4. You also have a idle lockout of 150 RPM, this will lock the idle control out if the RPM is above target by more than 150rpm when all other conditions are met. Looking at the VVT map I do think there is room for improvements its is a very simplified map. If you want a sample to look at have a look at the WRX V7-9maps in the VTS base maps folder.
  2. Yep if you can get one of the transistors you could do that.
  3. Almost all is the same. V5 did get a slightly faster xtral at 16Mhz up from 8Mhz I had a look to see if I could find a spec list but had no luck.
  4. In the base file the check engine light is set up to come on if engine temp or MAP go above set levels. I suspect in your case this will be the map signal going above 230kpa
  5. If you wish to continue to use that function you will need to stay on the older firmware.
  6. Simon

    Honda Link D42V4

    Sounds like a sensor or some other input has changed. (assuming its being run on same dyno) Most likely a check and retune will bring the power back assuming the motor is still in good / same shape.
  7. There is no intention to re-instate the analogue knock system as it did not work well with individual cylinder knock detection due to filtering on the analogue inputs. We will be introducing onboard knock control as an option.On the G4+ units when released. If you wish to proceed with making an interface then it needs to provide a 0.2 to 1.2ms low pulse immediately following the end of the knock window output. 0.2ms = 0 knock, 1.2ms = 1000 knock level.
  8. Hi All current units being shipped are on the V88 or you now also have the option of the latest i88 top board. However if you come across a second hand unit we can check the serial number to confirm if it is V44 or 88. The V44 based units ran wasted spark with sequential fuel, The V88 or i88 options are full sequential ignition and fuel. The triggers are full configurable so you can change to a crank trigger. However using the ring gear or any configuration with a lot of teeth would not be a good option as any thing over 60 teeth requires special trigger modes. To run the extra inputs you will need a match number of free volt inputs on the XS connector you have 2 Di's and 2 volt in puts available. The Ethanol sensor will use a Di and the rest you are looking at are volt inputs.
  9. Chances are that it is running much older firmware than your PC tuning software. Given you are not wanting to check the tune as such you will be best to download an older version of PC link G4 and try connecting with it.
  10. AN temp 2 is often the Air temp input. For it to go above the error value (assuming it is set correctly) would be if the sensor has become unplugged / lost connection. If being used this would have an effect on the fueling.
  11. Yep specs would be very much the same.
  12. Well done on resolving that one. Not something I would have though of.
  13. A V twin is not so much of an issue as there are enough drives to be able to do direct fire. But wasted is still a no go.
  14. Case colour is the tell tale. If its silver it will be able to do it internally with no extra hardware required. Â
  15. The can be found here http://www.linkecu.com/support/downloads/pclink-download Scroll down and then click on downloads.
  16. There is a good chance you timing offset is out. With a distributor there are 4 offsets that will work each being 180deg apart from each other. You will need to check your timing on #1 cylinder and adjust the timing offset to suit.
  17. Yes but you might need to add an igniter to drive the coil.
  18. V5 gained PC tuning and some user ability to configure output drives. There were also bug fixes and larger tuning tables. V1 stuff is roughly mid to late 90s, V5 came in around 2000.
  19. It will depend a bit on the age of the igniter. Most common back in the day the igniters were marked on the under side with a centre punc. 2 dots for a 2 channel and 3 dots for a 3 channel. A 3 channel can be plugged in in place of a single or dual channel.
  20. Vnet adapters are all through RacePak. Serial data will seen all parameters and it will be up to the dash what it can display On CAN using the generic dash file you will see  Data 0 Data 1 Data 2-3 Data 4-5 Data 6-7 Frame 1 0 0 Engine Speed Display (RPM) = Raw Range = 0 - 15000 RPM MAP Display (kPa) = Raw Range = 0 - 650 kPa MGP Display (kPa) = Raw -100 Range = -100 - 550 kPa Frame 2 1 0 Barometric Pressure Display (kPa) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 200 kPa TPS Display (%) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0-100% Injector DC Display(%) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0-100 % Frame 3 2 0 Injector DC (Sec) Display (%) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 100% Injector Pulse Width Display (ms) = Raw * 0.001 Range = 0 - 65 ms ECT Display (deg C) = Raw - 50 Range = -50 - 205 deg C Frame 4 3 0 IAT Display (deg C) = Raw - 50 Range = -20 - 205 deg C ECU Volts Display (V) = Raw * 0.01 Range = 0 - 65 V MAF Display (g/s) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 6500 g/s Frame 5 4 0 Gear Position Display (gear) = Raw Range = 0 - 6 Injector Timing Display (deg) = Raw Range = 0 - 719 deg Ignition Timing Display (deg) = (Raw * 0.1) - 100 Range = -100 - 100 deg Frame 6 5 0 Cam Inlet Position L Display (deg) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 60 deg Cam Inlet Position R Display (deg) = Raw * 0.1 Range = 0 - 60 deg Cam Exhaust Position L Display (deg) = Raw * -0.1 Range = -60 - 0 deg Frame 7 6 0 Cam Exhaust Position R Display (deg) = Raw * -0.1 Range = -60 - 0 deg WBO2 1 Display (AFR) = Raw * 0.01 Range  = 0 - 65 AFR WBO2 2 Display (AFR) = Raw * 0.01 Range  = 0 - 65 AFR Frame 8 7 0 Trig 1 Error Counter Display (counts) = Raw Range = 0 - 255 Fault Codes Display (code) = Raw Range = 0 - 255 Fuel Pressure Display (kPa) = Raw Range = 0 - 6550 kPa Frame 9 8 0 Oil Temp Display (deg C) = Raw - 50 Range = -50 - 205 deg C Oil Pressure Display (kPa) = Raw Range = 0 - 6550 kPa Speed 1 Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range  = 0 - 1000 kph Frame 10 9 0 Speed 2 Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range  = 0 - 1000 kph Speed 3 Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range  = 0 - 1000 kph Speed 4 Display (kph) = Raw * 0.1 Range  = 0 - 1000 kph Frame 11 10 0 Knock Level 1 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 2 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 3 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Frame 12 11 0 Knock Level 4 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 5 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 6 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Frame 13 12 0 Knock Level 7 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Knock Level 8 Display (units) = Raw * 5 Range = 0 - 1000 units Limits Flags - Refer bit field definition below.
  21. Price will be unknown until we can see the board. It will need to come back to NZ for repair. Generally the freight will be the biggest cost.
  22. In the ECU there will be a sub-board with 1 or 2 rotary switches. One switch will be close to an LED. This switch should be set to B, the other switch if fitted should be set to 0.
  23. It could be a back feed causing the ECU to remain powered and in turn keep the main relay on. Pin 31 should get a switched 12V from the key this hen causes the ECU to supply a ground to pin 4. If Pin 31 does not loose its 12 volts when the key is turned off the ECU and main relay will stay on. Pin 4 should go to 12V when the key is turned off.
  24. If you jump in to the iVTS help file and search OBD you will find it. For the port you will need to wire CAN H and L along with a power and ground.
  25. Hi On the V88 even with the CAN upgrade it dose not support OBD2 This is however an option on the new i Series.
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