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Posts posted by Adamw

  1. The runtime label on the graph possibly needs updating but this text should explain it pretty well.  The orange trace should probably just be labelled "fuel cut" rather than "Overrun Fuel Cut (Status)" so it matches what you would see in an actual log.  


  2. I would expect it is probably the same throttle body as our V11 sti, the throttle controls well in our test car so try the settings in our V11 base map as a test (red values below).  I have also seen an effect similar to this before with a Toyota throttle that couldn't be fixed with PID, possibly deadband related or something, I still need to do some further testing on that engine when I get a chance.


  3. Im pretty sure PC Link cant even display Lambda values above 10.1 so likely you have units set to AFR.  30:1AFR with a stoich of 14.7 would be about 2 Lambda. 

    If it is actually running at that then most likely you have an air leak or misfire which means there is raw oxygen in the exhaust system.      

  4. You are running open loop boost control, the ecu is just sending a fixed duty cycle to the wastegate solenoid.  The boost will change with air temp, engine temp, exhaust gas temp, ignition timing, load, acceleration, etc...  All of these are usually significantly different in real life Vs on the dyno.  

  5. There are many different ways to do this.  Below is one example.  Set RPM limit table allocation to 3D, turn on dual tables.  Set the dual limit activation to your switch input.  You will then have two separate 3D RPM limit tables, that will switch over with the switch.  


  6. Sorry, your question is not translating very clearly into English.  If I understand what you are asking correctly then assuming you are using gasoline stoichiometric ratio, I would generally start with 14.5: for MAP 0-70Kpa, 12.8:1 @ 100Kpa, 11.8:1 @200Kpa as a nice safe starting point for most.



  7. 2 hours ago, DerekAE86 said:

    Any suggestions on a dual output sensor?



    2 hours ago, DerekAE86 said:

    Would it be viable to have Main/Sub wired to the motor but wire the the shaft TPS wired to a spare analog input and use that as the tuning axis rather than TPS(Main). That way you wouldn't get any play in the linkages messing with the actuator's target/PID settings, but you still get the accurate throttle shaft position?

    It would possibly work, but there is a lot of engine control stuff linked to TPS and TPS delta, as well as you really want the ecu to monitor throttle position rather than motor position from a safety point of view.  I have always found it best to use the throttle shaft sensor(s).  

  8. I wouldnt do PWM on the water pump with ADIO's in parallel, there will be small timing differences between them.  The Ign coils would likely be ok on a single ADIO (or you can pair 2), which would free up a HC output from the EWP.  

  9. There are no obvious control issues in the log. The first example at 1:04 appears to be a misfire from the lambda and engine speed ROC trends, but the one at 1:16 doesnt have a lot of clues.  

    Since you have an analog wideband, the first thing I would try is adding and removing 10% fuel from area I've highlighted below to see if that gives us any clues.  

    You could try taking 10deg cam advance out in the same area as a test too.  


  10. 5 hours ago, ndm-steve said:

    am I correct in thinking she will run four IGN coils, vvt, map and tps with a wide band O2,

    Yes, the Monsoon generally takes care of a 4Cyl well.  Enough IO to do all the basics you mention as well as fuel pump, fan, knock control, tacho, etc. 

  11. For an NA engine, Load = MAP is needed if there is an idle valve, vacuum assisted brakes, VVT or restrictive airbox etc, otherwise I generally would stick with Load = BAP as MAP will often just add noise to the inj PW with little other benefits.  BAP still takes care of the day to day density changes.

  12. 14 hours ago, efi265 said:

    150 in spots with 26 almost next to them.

    It looks like you have had auto tune correcting under over-run conditions.  You need to be steady state when using auto-tune.  


    5 hours ago, efi265 said:

    also im trying to do cold start with e100 .not really a happening thing.

    This is why "flex fuel" was invented.  You need fuel vapour for combustion, ethanol has a very low vapour pressure so produces very little vapour in a cold port.  The idea of flex fuel is you reduce the ethanol content in the winter so there is some more volatile petrol in the mix to produce some vapour. 


  13. 9 hours ago, DerekAE86 said:

    So in reality to keep things as linear as possible it'd be better to just not connect the individual TPS's up at all and just wire both signals to the Bosch EThrottle like in a traditional single TB setup?

    No, the sensors should be on the throttle shaft(s), this is the important variable to monitor for safety and you get better control without the linkage backlash in the feedback.  

    9 hours ago, DerekAE86 said:

    Adding onto this - if I find that one motor just cant do it and have to go to two motors the G4+ Thunder is the newest ECU in the Link lineup that could handle that right? Nothing in the G4X range had dual Ethrottle?

    Anything from the Storm up can do it with the external module.  

  14. Typically in multipoint group mode the injectors arent linked to a specific cylinder, all odd-numbered drives are fired together and all even-numbered drives are fired together.  A 2 cylinder engine is a bit of an exception where you could in theory do a trim in multipoint group but the firmware hasn't been designed to work like that.  You will need a trigger capable of 720 sync (cam sensor) and sequential injection to be able to make individual cyl adjustments. 

  15. Correct, if you enable the open loop correction now your lambda will change by the difference between stoich and the new target.  So idle would end up about 10% richer etc. 

    Since your NA fuel table wouldnt have had a large target variation "baked in" to could probably just do an initial crude adjustment such as remove 9% from all fuel table cells below say 50% TPS and say remove 13% from the 50-100% rows.  That should get you somewhere in the ballpark but you will likely have to tickle up the fuel table afterwards.  

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