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Posts posted by Adamw

  1. wire as per firing order? I am following the wiring manual. Can anyone reconfirm?

    No it should not be wired in firing order. 1>1, 2>2, etc as you already have it is correct.  You need to put a timing light on it now to check your trigger offset. The reason is before when it had a distributor the offset could be out by 180 or 360 deg and it would still run fine, now with COP it will only run when you have that setting correct.  

  2. I personally would try to avoid an extension if you can - as with any critical electronics, less connections is better.  Does it really matter where the ECU is? - what do you need regular easy access to it for?

    If it is just to make it easier to connect the tuning cable then I would instead extend the tuning cable and/or leave it permanently connected.

  3. I agree, very cool project.  I have always been intrigued by twin engine possibilities but haven't yet found a customer crazy enough to do it...

    A few details I'm curious about;

    1. Single turbo choice seems pretty odd when you consider how far the exhaust gas from the rear engine has to travel all the way to the front - it obviously works ok but what was the logic behind that choice?
    2. What's the two different sized intercoolers about?
    3. I assume the front engine would have less traction than the rear - what strategies do you use to keep wheel speeds roughly in sync?
  4. Are there any options for CAN wideband sensors with the G4+

    Yes, There are some CAN receive templates in pclink already for some of the common ones; Motec LTC, Ecotrons, AEM X Series.  The CAN configuration is flexible enough to allow you to receive any CAN wideband stream that I know of if you have your eyes on some other brand. 

    Also Link have their own CAN Lambda controller coming out soon if you are not in a hurry. 

  5. Yes you can convert the map.  You need the new ecu powered up and connected to PClink G4+, then it will allow you to open/load up your old map, it will convert automatically.  Be sure to check all sensors and new tables are reading sensible.  Especially tables like short pulse width adder.

  6. Yes, you should download the software and have a play if you haven't done so already:


    I know it should work fine if your engine is a standard even 120° firing angle, however if you have one of those odd engines where one piston comes up as two go down you might have to get creative with the configuration and wiring.

  7. Good to hear.  Now that raises the question if the tuner tuned the ignition map to MBT with the trigger connected back to front with lots of scatter and drift then your ignition map is probably not great.  Depending on what fuel you are using I suspect your engine shouldn't be knock limited so its probably not high risk but I would certainly load that engine with caution until you are happy there is no knock.

  8. I found some info using web.archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/20080929062209/http://www.linkecu.com/products/AncillaryDevices/TurboLink

    Here's a manual: http://web.archive.org/web/20081016031706/http://www.linkecu.com/products/AncillaryDevices/TurboLinkManual

    Basically an early piggyback type ecu, mostly aimed at those that added a turbo to an originally injected but NA engine.  It can add fuel via auxiliary injectors, retard timing by intercepting trigger - both mapped in basic 3D tables, and I think it had closed loop waste gate control also.

  9. Would the car run fine with the crank sensor wired the wrong way around because apart from the starting issue it runs really well and makes good power.  

    Oddly enough they will still often run reasonable with the polarity reversed, although usually with more obvious symptoms than yours is seemingly exhibiting.  In theory you would think if you trigger off the wrong edge of a missing tooth waveform the ecu should see extra teeth and not run at all but I assume there must be some error logic built in somewhere that resets the tooth count every cycle and allows it to continue to run.  I have had numerous cars "driven" to me for tuning and have found them running with wrong sensor polarity or trigger edge.

    Im still not saying this is definitely your problem, just one thing you can easily try to eliminate it from the troubleshooting. 

  10. Run the trigger scope to check the crank signal. It could the the polarity is wrong 

    Unfortunately this is an Atom so he doesnt have the scope function.


    I just put a timing light on it and when cranking the timing is all over the place.  What causes this scatter?  I think your on to something.  Cheers

    That indicates a trigger problem.  Since most of your trigger system is relatively "fixed" and OEM quality I think the most likely problem is the polarity of your crank sensor is wrong.  Ideally you would get a standalone scope on to it to check but if one is not easily accessible then I would probably just try swapping the wires over and see if it improves the scatter. You will need to do your trigger offset calibration again after swapping polarity.


    I have done a hot compression test and it resulted in 130psi across all 4 which I put down to valve overlap from the cams so this has eliminated to much cranking compression. 

    Something seems wrong here to me too.  Even with very big cams I would expect ~200psi.  It may indicate you have a cam timing issue also. 

  11. Im still pretty confident it is just something with your setup that has been over looked, an engine like this shouldn't be difficult to start.  A few suggestions or thoughts from me...

    They have no timing marks from factory so all I have is a TDC mark on the pulley to work off.

    So how did you calibrate the base timing?  Does it run ok locked to zero degrees or did you use a dial back light?

    I would still be getting a timing light on it during cranking to ensure you don't have major scatter.  Even if you have to paint a temporary mark on the pulley for reference - it doesn't need to be accurate just something to prove timing is not jumping around.

    Have you scoped the trigger to ensure the polarity is correct?  36-1 inductive will often still start/run either way but with errors and drift if connected wrong.

    Could you do a compression test? Warm engine, plugs out, wide open throttle.  I know you have said 12:1 static but perhaps dynamic compression might be extraordinary for some reason - cam timing etc.

    Finally could you post a PC log (started before cranking and with all parameters included) of a good start and one of a bad start?



  12. James,

    Have you ever actually put a timing light on the engine during cranking to check the timing is steady and as commanded?  I wouldnt expect any kick back issues in a modern 4 valve pentroof engine like this.  Does yours have the 36-1 trigger?  Are the missing teeth away from TDC?  Is cranking RPM normal?  I recently tuned a high comp, low inertia,  NA zetec in a sports car and that didn't have any problem cranking or need any special tricks to aid starting - it only had a little motorbike battery too...

  13. You probably need to state what features your are looking for...

    For instance if you just want to display ECU data then there are many low cost options like Gaugeart or an android device with the Torque app.  If you want more advanced features like predictive lap times etc then it might be Plex or AiM.  If you want good logging capability and Data analysis software then Motec would be the choice.

  14. Check out gaugeart.com, they do a CAN  to video adaptor that works with G4+. You will need their vga to composite adapter also if your lcd doesn't have vga.  I don't think you will be able to use torque via obd2 and gaugeart at the same time however since they probably use different streams.

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