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Evo X Pnp


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With the insurgance of evo x builds we have had at the shop and across America, offering a pnp option for these cars would be a huge success. We have 2 cars we are building ready to purchase a standalone. Plug and play options are not easy to get your hands on, motec needs an ecu to steal the connector off of.


Im sure its an involved task that may already be in the works, but maybe letting us know where your plans are with the platform would be awesome

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Yeah, that is the main hurdle at the moment, the connector is moulded into the one piece case on the oem ecu and not available to the aftermarket.  So the only 2 options at present are either salvaging a connector and case from the original ecu and try to desolder 120 odd pins off a pcb or use an adapter loom type setup which are also not a great solution - there is a rather pricey CNC machined Delrin housing or rough looking 3d printed ones but they all use individual terminals that all need to be crimped to wires and bonded into the housing by hand and then potted afterwards.   Neither look really nice when installed or are really suitable for production at a realistic price point. 

But it is still on our plans to investigate further when we have some of the current projects thinned out. 

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15 hours ago, Electredge said:

If anyone has a source for the ECU Header Connector I might could help with a solution

Let me know


I think the connector not a limit...a limit is to known all CANBUS messages to works with dashboard..clima..electro..etc etc..

Do you  have this information?

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  • 1 year later...

+1 I'd definitely consider getting a link for my X if it were available, the reflash softwares UI and the time involved reflashing is a pain. Link has a much better ui, user friendly and mostly easy to understand. Would such a product be able to retain all of the factory ecu's features? 

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  • 1 year later...

Work has finally started on it, still quite a while off though.  I've done some initial reverse engineering work with a borrowed car and didnt find any further major hurdles besides those already mentioned.  Some of the CAN is quite complicated and will take some significant testing to fully understand.  Prototype hardware design has been started and we will soon be ready to buy our own car to do the rest of the development work.  

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