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Everything posted by Simon

  1. When you crank engine does the ECU display a correct RPM should be around 200-250ish I suspect the ECU is not registering that the motor is cranking and is in turn not turning the pump or injectors on.
  2. Assuming a wire in unit this will not be an issue. If its a G2 linkplus it will need a sub-board swap to suit the Nissan.
  3. 1mfd will be fine. The stock throttle can be modified to be locked up and cable operated.
  4. Simon

    AFR target

    AFR target is not logged in the internal logging. But can be in PC logging but will need to be added to the logged parameter list before doing the log.
  5. Hi You will be best to search "ECU logging" in the VTS help file this will cover all your questions above.
  6. Simon

    AFR target

    Is the log file from a PC log or from internal logging? What is likely is that the data has not been logged so there is nothing to show.
  7. No what you have there is as late as it can get. G4 has totally revised hardware (full surface mount)
  8. Man that really is an early G1 Linkplus. You will be needing firmware and sub-board. You will be best to get in touch with [email protected] to sort out the price to do this.
  9. Simon

    Turbo Speed RPM

     A Digital Input can be used to measure turbo shaft speed.  Once configured, turbo speed can be used as an axis parameter on tables.  Note:  An interface box must be used between the turbo speed sensor and the ECU.  The interface box must have an output frequency of less than 500Hz at full turbo speed.  The calibration number sets the relationship between displayed speed and turbo shaft speed.  It is common for turbo speed transducer modules to divide down the pulses coming from the transducer to reduce signal frequency.   The equation to determine the calibration number is as follows:   Calibration Number = 6000 x Number of Teeth / Divider  Where Number of Teeth is the number of teeth on the turbo compressor wheel.  Divider is how much the transducer reduces the frequency of the signal.  Eg if the transducer puts out one pulse for every 16 compressor teeth then the Divider number will be 16.  The full relationships are as follows.  This is included mainly for reference.   Displayed Turbo Speed (RPMx1000) = Digital Input Frequency (Hz) x 360 / Calibration Number   Digital Input Frequency (Hz) = Turbo Shaft Speed (RPM) x Number Of Teeth / 60 x Divider        Â
  10. Simon

    Log overlay

    Yes currently there is no potion to have multiple log parameters. You can only toggle between the logs.
  11. Yep that would work. You will need to turn the fault settings off by setting the error high to 5V and low to 0V
  12. You can start with a single value (start low and work up) This will get a good starting point. Then you might find you need to taper the values based on boost and RPM to get a smooth boost level. Often if you are using a 3d table you will drop back the duty cycle on any boost levels above the target so as to avoid over boost.
  13. Hi Plumbing wise that will be ok assuming the T piece is big enough. It is better to run two lines back to the manifold if possible. In open loop mode just remember the bigger the duty cycle the more boost.
  14. One side of solenoid needs a switched 12V. The other is wired to an aux out. On the GTS this is best on pin 25 aux8
  15. Serial link is still available. The info for that unit is found here http://www.linkecu.com/support/documentation/g1-engine-management-documentation/gtslinkinstructionmanual
  16. Hi Jeremy For pricing you will need to flick [email protected] an email. The code is the main firmware and im hopping that its LPV10 not LPV1 If it is V1 you will need a update to that along with checking the sub-board. A photo of the ECU with lid off will be the best bet to identify the sub-board.
  17. It is something we have seen before but only ever on odd occasions and have not been able to repeat on the bench to allow fault finding. I have passed on to engineering to see if they can advise any more.
  18. Can you confirm the ECU is shutting down at key off? Check to see the LED turns off on the front of the unit when key is turned off. If you use the test injection function do the injectors work?
  19. If you are running wasted spark I would avoid at all costs as resistive plugs must be used in a wasted application. However if its coil on plug or distributor then there is a very good chance they will be fine. Often it can be an issue for PC connection but the running of the engine is unaffected.
  20. If its a two wire unit it will be a variable resistance much like a temp sensor so could be wired as you would for a temp sensor into an analogue input using an external pull up resistor.
  21. The unit is able to be tuned on PC, you would need a SerialLink to connect to it.
  22. If you clear all log files and start fresh does it continue to miss segments?
  23. In PC link to set static timing you need to set the Advance limit to 0 and then check with timing light. Most likely your target voltage is set incorrectly so it is targeting a rich value. But really the closed loop on the G1's is not the best as it relies on a narrowband signal.
  24. I assume you have set you sync mode to none for trigger 2. Are you getting a trigger signal on trigger 1 at all? Fuel pump, Ignition and injection all rely on an RPM signal to activate.
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