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Everything posted by Simon

  1. No that is an area that has remained unchanged.
  2. Yes would be the answer to that.
  3. Simon

    Vi-pec +

    We are working on new products all the time so it would be safe to assume something is coming.
  4. Only signal that can be an issue is the temp inputs. This is due to the factory ECU having its own pullup resistors. To get around this you can share the signal to an AN volt as this does not have a pull up. But you will need to do a custom cal to get the reading right.
  5. Do you have both intake and exhaust vvt? If so it will be an issue as the Xtreme can only handle two cams variable with E throttle.
  6. That is a really early G1 Linkplus geared to run fuel only. It would cope with multi coil or single coil but will need a sub-board change.
  7. Simon

    which cam 1uzfe

    Either will work totally fine. Only effect will be on the trigger offset required. This is due to the trigger tooth being 180deg different between cams.
  8. Might have been a bit slow as the link is no longer working.
  9. Simon

    2jzgte vvti help

    Yep that would totally be the go.
  10. Simon

    2jzgte vvti help

    You will likely be able to move it to another drive no problem. So ignition 5 is free to do ignition.
  11. Could be a case the one or the other or both devices are out by a little bit. One reading a little low one a little high. Would need to check with a third device to measure the temp.
  12. If the timing is correct and you are not getting trigger errors then you configuration is spot on.
  13. If it went lean with more pressure that can point to a pump issue where it is not able to do the flow required under higher pressure.
  14. Simon

    PC tuneable?

    We have limited sub-boards and getting harder to come by. In this case you are in luck as it is on we actually have a few of. PDF should be what you are after.
  15. looking at the image that should match the Ford modular V8 trigger option.
  16. Its unusual that you find that the signal is closer with the pull up on. Generally the device (in this cas the ECA unit) will already have a pull up and as such the ECU will not use its internal one. If the sensor has two pullups acting on it generally this will cause incorrect readings. I would try the sensor direct to the ECU with pullup on and see if the readings are closer. My suspicion is that the two units are not happy interacting.
  17. Simon

    PC tuneable?

    Hi Jono It is an older LinkPlus it is able to be PC tuned. Do you by chance know what it cam off? It might have the correct sub-board already. If not you can swap it out for $150 + gst looms are still available for $246 + gst Given the application I would really consider going for a G4 Atom as it will be a much better result once tuned.
  18. Depends on the injectors if they are low impedance around 3ohms then you will need to retain the resistor (ballast) pack. If however the 550 measure in at around 12 ohms then it needs to be removed.
  19. Hi No need to change any thing trigger wise on the engine. We are able to cope with 3 teeth on the cam with the 36-2 on the crank. Just wire the cam to trigger two and the crank to trigger one and set up as per 1JZ. This will give full information to the ECU for full sequential fuel and ignition.
  20. Fuel I suspect will be full sequential using one injector drive per cylinder.
  21. Hi Nazih Reading in lambda is not available on the G4 its fixed to AFR. I suspec the answer is no to your question regarding a compare feature but could you explain more what you wish to compare?
  22. The serial stream is also what comes out on the USB port.
  23. Earth on battery loose. Blown main fuse. Main relay not turning on and ECU powering up off a back feed.
  24. Once you have configured the basics such as triggers, TPS ignition mode, the base numbers with maybe an adjustment to the master fuel should get that running.
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