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Posts posted by Adamw

  1. The issue is your sync mode "cam pulse 1x".  It is sometimes mis-syncing, the crank alone only tells the ecu where TDC is, so will be sparking at TDC exhaust stroke instead of TDC compression stroke.  There are two crank revolutions for a 4 stroke engine cycle, with a missing tooth trigger wheel on the crank the ecu can determine crank position within a 360deg window but it doesnt know if the crank is on its first rotation or 2nd rotation.  I dont know off the top of my head what the 1JZ vvti trigger mode uses to sync as there are many different strategies we use, but one example may be a simple tooth count sync.  The ecu will have a fixed position on the crank wheel where it performs its "sync test", this sync point will be somewhere where the ecu can observe something different occur on the cam for each revolution.  You have 3 evenly spaced teeth on your cam so the ECU will do something like check if it received 2 cam teeth or 1 cam tooth over the last crank revolution.  It may also use a cam window sync where it looks for a cam tooth within a given crank angle window, that tooth will be present on one revolution and not on the other.  

  2. Perhaps not a great diagram to understand the eccentric shaft position.  The red dot in the middle is showing the eccentric shaft lobe position so picture 1, 3 & 5 all show the eccentric shaft at what most refer to as TDC or "0" (eccentric lobe pointing to middle of sparkplugs).  Pic 2, 4 & 6 all show the shaft at 180BTDC or some might say "bottom dead centre".  I think referring to this as TDC exhaust/intake possibly adds confusion so I will avoid that (I have only seen this terminology used when referring to port timing rather than engine cycle).  

    Hopefully my explanation doesnt add to the confusion...

    The thing that makes it harder to explain is there are actually 3 combustion chambers in action all at the same time, and the eccentric shaft needs to rotate 3 times for the rotor to rotate once.  In your first picture above for example the eccentric shaft is at 0 or TDC (ie the eccentric lobe is pointing to spark plugs), but if you look at the 3 faces of the rotor, the one that is marked in red is doing its intake phase, the next rotor face clockwise on the rotor is at TDC and the next face around is doing exhaust.   If we only consider one rotor face, then the rotor needs to rotate 360deg for one complete cycle - intake - compression - power - exhaust.  And since the eccentric shaft turns at 3 x the speed of the rotor, there is actually 1080deg of "crank" rotation for a wankel cycle.  The ecu knows this and does work in a 1080deg cycle (important for limiters etc) but in terms of general setup discussion and timing etc it is common to refer to the cycle as if it occurs in 360deg.  

    In regards to injector timing, say if it was set to start at "180deg BTDC", this would more accurately be 540BTDC.  Even though the eccentric shaft and a rotor face would be at TDC 180deg after this injection event, the chamber that we actually just squirted fuel into wont be at TDC until 540deg after this injection started.

    As a general rule with a rotary you want to start injecting as early as possible in the intake stroke, but after the exhaust port closes (or not too much before). The exhaust port generally closes around 130BTDC.   



  3. Yeah I dont really like the way the base position table has been set up in this, and it is in open loop too, so the ecu cant do anything to correct it.  I think this is likely most of your problem.

    Attached is a copy of your map with some changes to your idle settings.  Can you load this in and do a similar log from cold start.  It will likely still need some adjustments but with closed loop working it should give us a better log to work from.  

    R32 GTS4 MAP 403HP idle tweaks.pclx

  4. ZZR1400 covers a lot of different years so this may not apply to all, but Google images suggests it has 24-2 wheel on the crankshaft with a reluctor sensor and a single tooth on the cam with a reluctor sensor.  

    The ignition coils are dumb coils so you will need an external ignitor connected between the ecu and coils.  


  5. 2 hours ago, DerekAE86 said:

    But it'd be an improvement over just transmitting a static rpm.

    Not really.  The EPAS will not use it, it will only be looking for a certain bit to activate or for the RPM to exceed a fixed threshold.  So for example send 0RPM anytime you dont want it running and 1000RPM when you want it running, there is no need for anything in between as there are only two states - on or off.  You could even use something like idle status to activate it so for example it only activates after the startup decay had finished and idle ign control is working.  

  6. What specific engine code are you talking?  All of them that I have seen have both a cam and crank sensor.  Usually at the flywheel end of the engine near the oil filter.

    The models with VVT, it is just an on/off switched type, my understanding was it was originally added as an emissions reduction tool, activated during cold starts as a strategy to warm up the catalytic converter quicker, it is in fact also activated under some low load some driving conditions but most say it doesnt have a lot of effect on performance.  Connect one wire to ignition switched +12V and the other to an aux output.  Set it up as a GP output and use whatever conditions you want to activate it.  

  7. Sorry, I just edited my post as I meant the 7th byte rather than byte 7.  So what Im suggesting is to leave the LSB (byte 6) at zero and using only the MSB (byte 5) to represent speed.  The smallest speed your EPAS will see is 0x0100 which according to your sample would be 2.56kmh and the largest speed would be 0xFF00 or 652.80kmh and you can vary that speed in 2.5kmh increments.  

    The only reason they would be using very high resolution speed on the bus originally would be for the odometer calculation.  

  8. I vaguely remember this from a long time ago.  I think it was the ecu going bus off because the dash wasn't acknowledging, the dash would stop when the engine was cranking or something.  Next time it occurs, check the CAN tab of the runtimes screen to see what errors are reported.  Changing the transmit rate or bit rate may help depending what error is causing the problem.  

  9. In this case if the speed has a resolution of 0.01kmh, then the largest speed that byte 6 can represent is only 2.55kmh.  If we are only using that to vary steering assist level then I don't see a need for that kind of resolution.  I think it would be satisfactory to just leave byte 6 as a zero all the time which will simplify the checksum.  So effectively the epas would see a speed in increments of 2.56 instead of 0.01.  - so accelerating from standstill it would see: 0, 2.56kmh,  5.12kmh etc.  

    You dont need to do the floor etc to truncate the checksum to one byte since we are already telling the ecu to send it out as 8bits width it will just roll over automatically above ff/255.  

    I didnt spend much time thinking about it but it appears correct to me.  




  10. As far as I know that specific gauge doesnt output AEM's normal "AEMNet" CAN messages, it is designed to work with OBD2 loggers or scan tools such as efi live by "pretending" it is an ecu and responding to OBD2 requests. 

    Our ECU's arent designed to work like a scan tool so they dont do any OBD2 requests that would be required to make this thing talk.  Im afraid analog output is probably the only option.  

  11. Oh yeah, it seems one of the expansion connectors is missing from the pinout section and I think we could do with a picture in section 1.2.1 of the manual to explain the jumpers clearer.

    Because this car is quite IO heavy, we have put some jumpers on the bottom board that you can use to repurpose some analog inputs that may not be used in a performance application.  For example the MAF or TGV position inputs can be re-assigned from their normal role on the main header to the expansion connector.  

    It should be clear once you look at the jumpers and the expansion connectors on the board, but to give an example for AN Volt 8:

    • If you wanted to use the factory MAF or you wanted to wire say a fuel pressure sensor to the MAF plug in the engine bay then you would have the Volt 8 jumper in the left position, An Volt 8 input is then connected to the main header pin B26 which runs to the MAF plug.  
    • If Volt 8 jumper was in the right side position then AN Volt 8 input would no longer be available at the MAF plug or on the main header, but it would be available in the expansion connector for the XS loom.  


  12. 50 minutes ago, Hodgdon Extreme said:

    For what it's worth, my 2JZGE-VVTi required a -155* trigger offset.

    That would suggest you are using the wrong trigger mode, possibly the multitooth/missing mode?  The correct trigger mode for this engine is "1JZ VVTi" and the offset should be near zero.   You will have unreliable sync/no start/long startup and sometimes VVT errors if you are trying to use "cam pulse 1X" sync mode with a 3 tooth cam. 

  13. It is the mis-shift timeouts set to 0.  This means if the next gear is not reached within 0ms then it is considered a mis-shift and will be aborted or re-tried depending on the retry limit.  Set it to about 150ms for upshift and 300ms for downshift as a starting point. 

    The only reason why it may work sometimes is you have an actuator hold of 20ms, so even with a shift that gets aborted right away the actuator will be activated for a short 20ms burst, that may in some cases let just enough air through to make it move.



  14. The bosch combo sensors are reliable mounted direct in the rail if it can be moved.  Otherwise it is probably still going to be better than having no fuel temp sensor (ecu assumes a constant 20°C in that case). 

  15. 1 hour ago, Fintank11 said:

    Are you able to see why my fan on aux2 isnt working

    Does it work when you set aux 2 test mode to ON?  If not you have a wiring issue.  



    1 hour ago, Fintank11 said:

    and oil pressure not working on it?

    Your AN Volt 2 shows 4.36V on it, it should be 0.50V at zero pressure, so again it appears to be a wiring issue.



    1 hour ago, Fintank11 said:

    also to not my iat temps and ect temps. engine is cold and reading 30 degrees celcius. Could this just be the two pin plugs wired the wrong way around?

    Polarity doesnt matter.  What temperature do you think it should be?  We dont know if you live in Russia or the Carribean so im not sure what a "cold" engine means to you.  You have ECT set to a Bosch calibration and the IAT set to the Link calibration, does this match what sensors you actually have?

  16. 20 minutes ago, KyleNz said:

    18 tooth missing 1 bolted on crank

    In the map you have it set to 36-1?  So which is correct?


    24 minutes ago, KyleNz said:

    Single Injector setup 248g/min

    Does that mean there is a single injector feeding all 4 cylinders?, or a 248g injector per cylinder? 


    26 minutes ago, KyleNz said:

    Using distributor it has spark

    Can you clarify the ecu is not controlling spark at all?  Just fuel?

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