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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. You are limited to a few specific analog inputs over CAN (current list below). So from your list above you could only really free up the fuel and oil press inputs by this method. There is not a good way for any of the others. One of these would be suitable: https://www.autosportlabs.com/product/analogx-4-channel-analog-to-can-interface/ What ECU do you have and what else is assigned to analog inputs? You should only need 3 extra above a normal cable throttle setup.
  2. J1979 is just a PID definition standard for OBD2. So yes they will work with our OBD2 output. The exception is their oil temp, oil press and trans temp gauges say "only work with GM vehicles" so they may use some different PIDs that the standard set. Below are the PID's that our OBD2 outputs:
  3. Adamw

    Deactivation Timeout

    It is used to prevent the closed loop returning to stage 1 during quick lift off events like gear changes etc. Probably about 0.5sec would cover most.
  4. The AEM widebands are usually set up for a 500K bitrate whereas the dash is normally 1Mbit. All devices on the bus must communicate at the same speed. Have you configured them to all share the same rate?
  5. Just wack 4.10.2 straight in, no need to step up in increments. FYI, you can view the release notes in the PC Link help file, right back to the beginning of time... Navigate to: PCLink G4 Users Manual > Release Notes >ECU Firmware Version Information If you are going to be tuning after the firmware upgrade then there is probably no need to know what has changed. If you are updating an already tuned ECU then it is much more important to understand if any of the new features or fixes will affect the tune. Usually, important changes that may affect the tune are highlighted orange in the release notes. The base map will be updated at the same time. Hopefully this will scale ok... Since you asked:
  6. Adamw

    EZ30R MAP

    I only had a very quick look, few things that caught my eye: Your alternator is not working so deadtimes will be having a bigger impact than normal. The bouncing at the end of your log is overrun fuel cut turning on and off. Throttle is open 14% when pedal is at zero, not sure if thats on purpose or not. 42 deg ign timing. Try changing the injector flow rate or fuel pressure setting to get AFR closer.
  7. I didnt look at all your logs but the couple I looked at show the ECU is on old firmware 5.6.2. That fault was fixed in 5.6.3, so an update should fix it.
  8. Adamw

    EZ30R MAP

    It depends under what conditions those appeared. It is not uncommon to see one or two during start up or shut down but you dont really want any when the engine is running under normal operating conditions. Are you seeing the error counter incrementing when running? Is it running any better with those last changes?
  9. No, not really. The aim is to minimise the sensor exposure to temps >930°C. Some engines run much higher egt than others, so sometimes it needs to be considered more carefully but usually on road cars somewhere around the 1 meter mark is usually very safe. Obviously the further away you go, you get a bigger lag so you have to balance that.
  10. It sounds ok, but a little hard to visualise from your description. Can you attach a quick sketch?
  11. That log is from a running engine. Can you confirm what the problem is. What do you mean by "cant find my timing"? Is this when doing the trigger calibration? Can you attach your map too (.pclr file).
  12. Have a look at the bottom of this thread:
  13. I suspect because your ECU is on old firmware it wont have the correct calibration to choose. Update your firmware and select "Link 3 bar" from the list
  14. Your map shows you have selected the 4bar calibration:
  15. The cals came from the PC Link helpfile, >Technical terms and Reference>Sensor Calibrations. MAP3 & MAP3L use the same cal. MAP3 was the earlier one in the plastic case.
  16. Ok, 1.61V is correct for typical atmosphere, it should be reading about 100kpa in that screenshot if the calibration setting is correct.. Can you attach your tune file so I can take a look.
  17. From the ecu/electronics perspective that is fine. Im not so sure if the GS100502 will work with a typical sized ABS tooth however. The datasheet states a minimum of 10mm gap between target teeth. I know you can usually get away with less than that, but I think you might be pushing it a little.
  18. Adamw

    EZ30R MAP

    You had a few settings wrong mostly to do with fuel. I have fixed them in the version below. Fuel table numbers were too small for modelled mode. Lambda target overlay was enabled and was commanding a Lambda between 8-200? Fuel system type changed to MAP referenced. It looks like you havent done the trigger calibration so you need to do that. The rest will just be tuning. 604246050_EZ30rv1.0 fixed.pclr
  19. Can you open up the runtimes screen (f12), go to the analog tab. With ignition on, engine off tell me what the voltage is on AN6, you will find it where i have marked below. What ECU do you have?
  20. As per Ducie's comment you need an oscilloscope to properly diagnose your trigger issue. It could be arming threshold, incorrect polarity or noise, an oscilloscope will show which of those it is. If you dont have one it will probably be best to go to a local auto electrician and get them to do a capture of the crank sensor signal for you.
  21. If your MAP sensor is reading wrong as per your other thread then you need to fix that first.
  22. Is there realistic RPM displayed in software when cranking ~180-250RPM?
  23. The VR4 ecu has one 5pin CAN socket inside, it looks very similar to the expansion socket, just shorter. If you want to buy the cable off us the part number is #CANPCB. Otherwise you can source the jst connector locally and make your own connection. Pinout below, you only want to connect the CAN H & L.
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