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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi Stef, all is good. No problems. Regards Dave.
  2. Hi ssddaa, congratulations on solving the problem and coming up with a working solution. If you read my post at the top of this page , I actually stated that this was not possible"" WITHOUT FREEING UP ANOTHER VA OR USING A DI FOR ACTIVATION. So your solution has used a 2nd VA (LOGGING) as a flag to trip VA2 to make this work. I offered a solution for control of the exhaust bypass which was probably unreasonable but was a solution, to free up a 2nd VA. I am not trying to offend you in any way shape or form. However i did (listen) read what you have said in your posts. You stated that VA2 was the one you were trying to setup. I apologise for the lack of for sight in what you were willing to sacrifice to make this work. I had no idea that you were willing to compromise the setup of your logging to make this happen. I know that your DI 4 and 6 were your wheel speed sensors as I asked you earlier about these and you stated that the PCL file supplied was from an earlier stage. Hence the list you gave me with descriptions of what the AUX,DI,VA's etc actually were. I changed the DI 's in my file to replicate what you had, to save any confusion. I spent many hours trying to come up with a solution with the available resources left on your ECU, testing on my simulator. You obviously have far greater Knowledge than myself with decoding, logic control, programming etc as you have stated . Once again I apologise for failing to come up for a solution for you, I tried my best. But at the end of the day you are happy and came up with a solution. This is all that matters and this is what this forum is about. However i took your last reply personally to a degree. Stating that if i had (LISTENED,READ CAREFULLY) and TERRIBLY WRONG as a little offensive. I once again apologise i just believe these statements are untrue, given the requests and information i was given. I don't know everything and have never tried to give anyone the perception that i do. I come on this forum to HELP others as much as i possibly can with my knowledge and my abilities, because i enjoy it. I do not work for ViPEC i just enjoy helping and believe in the product. This forum has been my saviour to my boredom for the last 6 months while i have been recovering from a double brain stroke. My brain is still not functioning correctly yet and i often get confused etc, but i still give it a go. Remember i am not having a go at you, i just needed to get my point across. Best wishes Regards Dave.
  3. Hi Gerhard, yes you are correct, you will have to move one of your existing AUX O/P to an ignition O/P. Ignition O/P's don't have an option for GP O/P PWM only a PWM O/P test feature. So if you do a swap you can use a normal Aux O/P as a PWM output, to control the light. If you were using stand alone boost control we could set up the light using the IGN O/P function setup as boost control and use 3 boost tables with oil pressure , fuel pressure, ECT for example as axis for activation , set boost table 2 and 3 to virtual aux 1 and 2. A change over relay maybe required here. Just another option, however I guess you are using ViPEC boost control anyway. By the way, I had a look at your You Tube video, you have created a work of art there, well done. Regards Dave.
  4. Hi Simon, yes I believe this is what he wants. Regards Dave.
  5. Hi, the AUX O/P you are using to control your light needs to be set up as an AUX O/P PWM. For this to work you will require 1 spare table. You need to set the frequency to 10 Hz in the AUX O/P that is controlling the light. You then need to create an preferred axis setup for your GP AUX PWM table, just TPS and RPM will be fine. You need to set the frequencies to 10 Hz through out the table that suits you desire. You can use values less than 10 Hz here but the LED dulls out at 1 Hz, 10 Hz seems to work best. The flash is definitely distinguishable over a solid on light. Post your PCL file or PM it to me and I can set it up for you if you like. Regards Dave.
  6. Hi, I spent many hours on my ENGINESIM and trying different settings with what parameters etc you had left and how you wished to achieve your goal. I managed to get the speed limiter to work from the VA and timer etc however creating a way to make this work as an on/off, true /false type setup without using a digital input or extra activation eg, VA seems to be impossible. The only way I can suggest freeing up another VA which controls your exhaust by pass, is to setup the bypass using an integeral wastegate actuator, using a spare aux O/P set as GP PWM to activate a vent solenoid or MAC valve to allow the bypass to be open or closed (0% CLOSED, 100% OPEN) , you have one table spare for this to be achieved. You have used your extra limiters for fuel and oil pressure limiting from memory. However the ViPEC engineers maybe able to work something out. Sorry, Regards Dave.
  7. Hi, sorry I can see your confusion as I have read what I wrote in my post, I had very little sleep, it was 5:30 am and I am on a lot of medication for my strokes. In saying all of that my comments were reversed to what I should have said. Fuel master is positive numbers only. Master trim can be used or the table trim I mentioned for fine tuning your fuel numbers. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi, yes saturated for your new injectors. So if you wish to change your Fuel Master without having to retune the whole engine the following applies. Reset the master to your calculated number, now below the Master is Master fuel trim this can only add positive values to the Fuel Master. So you need to go to your fuel table, then right click on the table, Select the TABLE TAB and then from the menu on the right select "OFFSET BY %" You select - x %, x representing how many % you wish to subtract from your master. The fuel table numbers will automatically adjust to the new values. If your engine is tuned correctly these new values should still be tuned values. Don't forget if you are running dual fuel tables make sure you do the same for the second table. Regards Dave.
  9. That question would be one for the ViPEC engineers, LOGIC BLOCKS are normally only formed with AND,OR. They are known as AND ,OR GATES. It is 5:00 am Sunday morning where I live and I am having another session with your request. I will let you know how I go. Regards Dave.
  10. On a digital guage you can set it up to change colour, but only to the high warning colour that is selected in the main colour themes of all layouts, default red. To make the colour change when in a warning mode, EG: ECT is 99 deg C. You need to go to the Parameters tab on the left of the screen or select it from the view tab at the top of the page. You then select the digital guage parameter example ECT and double click on it. You then apply the warning value here. When this value is achieved or greater than the warning colour will come on. This can only be setup as one colour unfortunately. Regards Dave.
  11. Do, you want to do this to dial type gauges or digital type gauges also. Regards Dave.
  12. Hi, yes that is correct. I will test this on my Auto simulator. My previous post I stated the guage will be green, I don't think it will change colour, but at low warning mode the guage face will go yellow and high warning mode the guage face will go red. You must also remember to set the low limits and high limit settings of the guage in it's properties, Regards Dave.
  13. I am currently working on this with 2 laptops my AUTOSIM and an i88. I need food, my brain is hurting. Regards Dave.
  14. Do you mean the black back ground of the guage you wish to change. Regards Dave.
  15. Hi ssddaa, this is tricky as you have used the GP limit tables already. I can make this work, however i need to understand the importance of the 60 second timer. Do you wish for normal engine operation to be activated when certain conditions are met, eg VA2,with in 60 seconds If these conditions aren't true then Valet mode is activated. It would also be a lot easier if another DI was employed, this input does not have to be mounted in the dash. You also have DI4 set to Speed Limiter, however Speed limiter is setup to be activated by VA 2. A separate DI would make things far more simple to setup, speed limiter activation would be set to a DI, or VA but the timer becomes the issue. But to add to the complexity of this, in your above post you state using the TPS being held for 20 seconds before the vehicle will start. So do you wish for a Valet mode and an Anti theft mode ????? Regards Dave.
  16. Great to hear Marcel Regards Dave.
  17. Hi, OK so I have downloaded your file. Now I need to know what your setups are, EG DI 4 and 6 are spare, we could use for example the hand brake switch wire as an input to activate VA's etc. What is DI 10 used for, Aux 3 VA 1,2 and 3 Timer 1 and 2 AUX 3 PWM Injector drive 8 - GP OUTPUT. Are the VA 'S 1,2 and 3 settings you are trying to make this work, with timers etc. I need to know what I can change/alter or delete as required without upsetting any of your other setup, I need to know what these things are controlling etc to be able to create and test some logics for you on my simulator. You can PM me if you wish with the details of the above or just post them here. The more info I have the easier it will be for me to set something up for you. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi nissan200sx, I sorted the zip folder issue, I am using a brand new laptop and hadn't finished setting up correctly. What you wish to do is simple, Go to the options tab, Go to colour schemes and adjust the following. Under the Theme items window, Scroll down to OK and make sure the colour box is selected as green, Then the next option down is Warning Low select the colour box and go across to the ITEM COLOUR LIST ON THE RIGHT, Select Yellow as your Colour The next selection down should be Warning High which is default red anyway. Hope this is what you wanted to do, Regards Dave.
  19. Hi, can you please attach your PCL file so I can set it up for you, but this way I can also look at your set up to create Virtual Aux conditions with how your ecu is configured, limits the need for adding digital input switches etc to activate the VA. Regards Dave.
  20. Hi mate, I downloaded your zip file, but no matter what I do I cant extract the file, very unusual. It says the zip file is empty, however it also tells me the are 2 files in there, so I don't know how to over come this issue. I will keep having a go. Regards Dave.
  21. I have been running a Toshiba Satelite Pro with windows 7 32 bit for years, it has started to die from years of dyno abuse. I have just purchased a new Toshiba Ultrabook Protege with Windows 7 PRO 64 bit it also came with Windows 8 but I never loaded It as I don't like the layout. I am to set in my ways. This little machine is very light and thin, super fast has SSD so has an 8 hour battery life. It also has the same screen resolution as my big laptop , meaning my page layouts etc all fit on the screen, don't have to arrow across or down to see everything. In saying all of this it is a more fragile machine however it is easier to handle due to it's weight and size. VTS and iVTS will both run on 32 and 64 bit without issues. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi, No worries I was just curious where you were with your settings, especially the intake air temp compensations, if it was running in an area where it was commanding less fuel or programmed to do so, it may cause the ECU to pull the injector below the ID's magic 1ms range. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi, do you have any photos of the cylinder 1 inlet and exhaust camshaft lobes while the engine is at number 1 TDC and the cam gears. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi Rune, your injectors are high impedance you stated, therefore you must set the injectors up as saturated, peak and hold are not required or adjustable in this mode. The PEAK and HOLD adjustment is for low impedance (Peak and Hold) style injectors. Regards Dave.
  25. Hi, Just an idea, have you optimised your injector timing events around the idle and low load areas. Set the injector timing map up as a 3D table. Also are you running any IAT compensations with the fuel trims, WRX's have a nasty habit of having plenty of heat soak at low engine and vehicle speeds that lead to higher IAT which will possibly employ trimming of the fuel in these areas. Remembering that the hotter the air charge the less air is available so negative IAT fuel trim values are employed, to correct the AFR's Also if a lower fuel MASTER number is used the fuel cell number required will be higher which will also give better resolution and response to these injectors. Regards Dave.
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