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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    link display

    I would try giving it a reboot. If you hold the enter key (bottom most one) down while powering up the unit this will put it through a reset. I don't actually have a part number for the cable, there is a chance we would have to make up a custom one. As stock looks to be all gone.
  2. You will need a SerialLink interface. http://www.linkecu.com/products/TuningTools/seriallink
  3. To run the two coil configuration. You will need to modify you triggers. To be a 24 tooth for trigger 1 and a single tooth for trigger 2. With the existing 4 teeth each being at a TDC point we have no way to work out where in the cycle the engine is.
  4. Simon


    You G2 can only be upgrade to G3 firmware. The G4 firmware will not go in. But you could go to G3 and then rewire to G4 and transfer the map over. However if its not tuned it will be faster to just start from scratch on the G4.
  5. Simon

    G4+ Upgrade?

    Best bet will be to on sell the G4 unit and then buy the new +Series. Hardware wise the main difference is a new micro which is not the same footprint as the old one. So no easy upgrade option as whole circuit board would have to be replaced. Some dealers have been kind enough to offer a trade in option but this would be up to them.
  6. Simon

    link display

    Yep there is a cable to go between the display and the serial link with matching connectors at each end.
  7. Yep one to sensor ground the other to the ECU input.
  8. The rattling at the end of the travel is the issue. You will need to reduce the max and min step values so that on reset the stepper only just reaches fully open. What should happen is at key off the stepper fully opens (but doesn't rattle at end of the travel)Â and then resets to normal idle position. Typically for a 1UZ the step numbers will be around the 60-80 mark with a max clamp of 120ish
  9. You will need to increase you master fuel to compensate for the smaller injectors. So if you had 1000cc and reduced to 660cc then you would need to do Current Injector size/ New injector size x current master = New Master So 1000/660 x 6 = 9.1
  10. Yep I think that does sound like a good idea. Ill see if I can sort one.
  11. Have replicated the issue on the bench, there is a firmware issue that is now on the list to be resolved. When we set AUX 10 to another function it was ok so issue seems to be limited to AC. Fastest solution will be to move to a free AUX.
  12. I have to put my shamed face on. I didn't have the very latest iVTS installed! Have got the file open which is a start and have not picked any fundamental errors up that could cause what you are seeing. So will get it set up on the bench and have a play. I do notice you have a couple of other AUX channels free so worst case you can jump across to use those.
  13. On the I series there is a new section for the AC set up that will need to be configured as it did not exist on the earlier versions. You will find this under the body control menu. You will need to set the AC to basic mode to replicate what you had in the G4. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to open the vipec map.
  14. As you are using the V44 just the TDC trigger is enough. There is no need for a sync in you case.
  15. Hi The Nissan 360 opto mode. You will need to do the test ECCS and should have a widest slot of 16 after this has been done. If you get 1 then swap trig 1 and 2 inputs.
  16. I would lower the master just enough to get the engine started and then adjust from there.
  17. The current limit is the same so you will still have the same issue. What can help is if you use weaker or remove a couple of the throttle return springs.
  18. http://www.linkecu.com/support/documentation/g1-engine-management-documentation/LinkPlus%20V14%20manual.pdf
  19. I think you will find trigger 2 is much the same as the trigger 1 settings. However trigger 2 VVT will be set to off as this engine does not have variable valve timing. The MX5 is the correct trigger mode to be using.
  20. These errors will be from the ECU. What each one is, is covered in the PClink help file. To clear them you will need to connect with the PC to the ECU.
  21. Simon

    G4 plug and play

    Yes you could, or you could also have the bottom board swapped over to suit the new application if we happen to have a plugin to suit.
  22. By chance did you try loading i Series firmware? 5.0.xxx If so you will need to run the firmware update from the earlier 4.4.8 VTS Note you can run the firmware update with out connecting to VTS first.
  23. You will be able to use the sensor but suspect you might have to work out the values by comparing the voltage output for known inputs. For example the EGT would need to be measured with another device and then the output of the unknown sensor measured.
  24. We have had mixed success running this configuration. In theory you can take the trigger signal from the module which is the equivalent of a tooth per TDC. (trigger mode 1 tooth per TDC) Set the ECU up as distributor mode and connect ignition one to the timing signal. The igniton spark edge will need to be changed to falling. The negatives are there is no sync so you have to run group fire fuel. And any limits will need to be a fuel cuts as the module will not cut spark if the ECU stops the ignition signal.
  25. The ECU typically switches the ground only and relies on the tacho to have an internal pullup to the correct voltage. So in this case you would need to add a external pullup to 5V. This can be done in the loom by adding a 1K resistor between the AUX out and 5V out of the ECU. This will then give you a 0-5 signal.
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