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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Any G4X or G5 ecu will have the GT86 CAN.
  2. Adamw

    MR TM

    No, dwell comes from a table in the ecu, so this is set up wrong.
  3. The links to your files above are windows explorer directories that are only useful for someone logged into your PC. Right-click on those files, choose share, then in the dialog that pops up, make sure under "copy link" that "anyone with link can edit" is selected then copy the link and paste here.
  4. So do the runtimes "Trig 1 signal" and "trig 2 signal" always say no when cranking?
  5. Can you attach a short PC log of a pedal press to the floor and back. What is the part number on the sensor?
  6. Adamw

    PS150 Variohm Sensor

    The one in blue:
  7. Pinout attached shows pin 27 (B135-5) as fuel pump control (pin numbering is different to ours). It mentions 0V with the engine off and 1.7V with the engine idling which sounds similar to what the later subaru fuel pump control would see. So try the 3 speed mode settings from our V7 wrx map. MY99 Legacy TwinTurbo ECU pinout.pdf
  8. Mostly just looks too lean to me, when it started oscillating at the beginning of the log the idle valve was still in decay mode so air flow would have be relatively stable. The 18 deg jump in ign advance between 1000 & 1500RPM is probably contributing also. Confirm base timing, make idle region richer, smooth out Ign table.
  9. Adamw

    MR TM

    Are those toyota coils? Are they known genuine denso or bosch, not clones? I've seen some crazy noise generated by some "fake" denso/toyota copies. The dwell of 4.2mS shown in your log is also way too excessive for those, usually they dont like any more than about 2.1ms, so fix that and confirm the spark plugs are resistor type. Also since it is a non-stock ign system, confirm the coils are grounded to the cylinder head.
  10. Sounds more like a power supply issue. Assuming the trigger sensors are powered by the original CAS circuit, this comes from the ECCS circuit, whereas the ignition coils are powered by a separate relay. However, both the ECCS relay and the coil relay are controlled by the same trigger - pin 16 (ecu grounds this pin), so since both of these weren't working, my suspicion would be on the control side of these relays. Pin 16 is controlled by the ign switch signal on pin 45. It is relatively common to see a low voltage on that ign sw wire, especially if the stock fuel pump controller is being used. If it drops below about 7V then the ECCS and coil relays wont be engaged. The low voltage is often caused by wear on the contacts in the ignition switch. When you next have a loss of triggers you could check if 12V is present at the cam sensor, if not then measure voltage on pin 45. The ecu will often still power up without the eccs relay working as there will be enough current through a backfeed somewhere. If you find good voltage on pin 45, but pin 16 is not being grounded by the ecu then it could be a damaged fet or diode in the ecu, but the G4+ eccs circuit was pretty robust so I wouldnt suspect that yet.
  11. So what message do you get if you click ok on the search for ecu screen in your 2nd pic?
  12. I would say you have way too much accel fuel, your idle inj PW is 0.46mS and you are dumping in 1.6mS of accel fuel with only a relatively gentle throttle movement - 350% extra fuel seems a bit excessive. I would suggest enabling async injection as it reduces the need fr accel fuel a lot, and try the changes in green.
  13. You will get better help if you describe the problem you are trying to solve, describe the engine and ignition set up, and attach a trigger scope, a copy of your tune and a PC log of a start attempt. I cant really make any sense of your post except that it sometimes backfires? Have you set base timing? Has it run correctly before you fitted the trigger?
  14. If it is MPX/BEAN then it wont be possible to generate that directly with the ecu, it requires dedicated hardware transceivers, only our Altezza ecu has that hardware fitted. If it is the older "THWO" PWM type signal like the JZX100 then you can generate that with an aux output.
  15. The reported ethanol content comes from the frequency of the signal from the sensor. They all use the same calibration as far as I have seen, 50Hz = 0% Eth and 150Hz = 100%. You can see the frequency that is being received on the Digital tab of the runtimes screen. I would say if you have more than about 60Hz showing on the DI then either the fuel is contaminated or it is a fake or faulty sensor.
  16. Adamw

    MR TM

    You have a trigger error causing the RPM to spike above the RPM limit. If it happens regularly at high loads then I would suspect noise from the ignition system. Make sure it has resistor sparkplugs and leads, possibly try reducing plug gap and dwell to reduce spark voltage, check coil grounds are clean and in good condition, etc. Another possibility if it is an Evo 4+ is the cam sensor is quite prone to failure, especially if it has an aftermarket exhaust manifold with no heat shield.
  17. Note the Motec PDM has very limited CAN functionality, it was originally designed to only send receive on/off type data and can only process a maximum of 8 bit values so things like RPM cant be used. What would the PDM need RPM and ECT for? Typically you would just send things such as fuel pump or fan request.
  18. That is actually an electronic throttle unless someone has modified it. The cable drives the APS sensor, then the motor drives the actual throttle blade. The cable does move the throttle blade somewhat as a "limp home" function, but you wont get full throttle without the motor driving it - unless it has been modified to be fully mechanical.
  19. Adamw

    J1939 Racepak IQ3

    So is the adapter not a VM-EFIUCAN? Google doesnt give me any hits for 230-VM-EFICAN without the "U". The problem with J1939 is the "CAN ID" is made up of several different chunks of info. Some of these "chunks" are standardised, and/or can be guessed - for example we could guess that the racepak is expecting Engine RPM from Engine #1, not Engine #2... but then the rest of the ID is made up of things like message priority and what type of device is sending the data, so generally some of these variables that the device is expecting are specified in the documentation for the device.
  20. What does Lambda 1 status say? Would need to see a log, there is no fault code "Aux 9/10". There are 2 fault codes related to aux 9/10, code 71 occurs if the aux9/10 supply voltage drops below 7V, or code 74 occurs if the e-throttle relay turns off. There are a few other fault codes that only occur during a TP calibration process if it doesnt succeed. If you mean when using the "find devices" tool, this is only for programming CAN Lambda's, it will not find any 3rd party devices.
  21. Attach a log and the latest tune and I can look at the other stuff.
  22. I dont think so, The ecu cant fire injectors or spark if it doesnt know crank position and speed. If you want any further help you will have to attach the tune and a PC log.
  23. Adamw

    Link can lambda

    Attach a copy of your tune. What ECU? Was the WB1 purchased recently? Have you swapped the CANH/L wires at the ECU end of the adapter cable?
  24. Flex fuel is never going to work well with your current map, traditional fuel equation results in a lot of compromises with blended fuel. Using multi-point injection mode is also a big compromise as the injection events arent timed to valve events. You really need to start from scratch using modelled multi-fuel equation and sequential injection mode.
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