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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Hi Richard, I see you are in NZ. If you have wifi (or phone tether) near the car I could log in with team viewer and have a quick poke around. Call me on 03 348 8854, Im here till 9PM most nights. Even if we cant do teamviewer I can probably help you quicker over the phone.
  2. Hi Motor, I have finally had some time to test this today. I too see the same 0.4% CL trim added everytime the pedal is pressed. Although this is similar to the bug that "A6 Quattro" reported in the linked thread above we have fixed that one (i tested again just to be sure) but we have never noticed this one that you have found. So sorry we missed that when you reported it earlier, I thought it was linked the same problem that we were already fixing. I dont know where that 0.4% trim comes from it seems to be hardcoded and not related to any user adjustable setting or table. I basically zeroed out every table, setting & gain and it still got 0.4% added everytime... I have passed this on to the engineering team to look at now, in the meantime you may be able to get acceptable idle control using some of CJ's ideas.
  3. Hi Barge, We generally keep some of that info to ourselves as some cars need significant time invested to reverse engineer the pinout so we try to protect some of that investment. Also it prevents support headaches where users decide they know better than the factory... I can tell you we have nothing connected to pin D28, in our notes it mentions it was originally a "fuel pump running" signal from the fuel pump controller. If you need more info about any others you can email me at and I can probably give you some more complete info.
  4. Thanks for the files. Everything looks good to me, triggering is happy, dwell and ROC look to be calculating well. Knock control looks to be working correctly. Note you should update to the latest firmware, knock control and triggering have both had improvements since the old 5.4.1. version that you are running.
  5. Adamw

    Knock retard setup

    The reason why the logged ignition angle doesnot take knock retard into account is because most users have individual cylinder knock control set up so there is often a different amount of retard applied to each cylinder. For instance if you had direct spark ignition and individual cylinder knock control set up and you had a logged ign angle of 20deg and a Cyl 1Knk trim of -3deg, then that would mean cyl 2,3,4 had the full 20deg, while cyl 1 would have had 17deg. I assume you have a distributor with all cylinders allocated to knk trim 1 so you can only retard all cylinders together which maybe makes it a little less intuitive. In your case all cylinders would have received 17deg using the example numbers above. Whats the compression and fuel? I wouldn't have expected these engines to be knock limited...
  6. Ok, then I think you need to use the S14-S15 Map. The S13-S14 map is setup for the 76Pin ECU. Fuel pump is on Aux 5 and some of the analog inputs are configured differently. Your Error codes arent anything to worry about. Error 23 is ANV 5 at ground. This is on the expansion connector so wont have anything connected, it will be turned off once you load in the S15 map. Error 11 is AN Volt 1 at ground. This is because the oxy probe is cold and not outputting any voltage. You can adjust the fault settings to prevent that one from bothering you. Error 46 is AN Temp 2 at 5V. This probably means you have no air temp sensor connected. You should really fit an air temp sensor but you will still be able to get it running without one.
  7. I cant open your files. Can you put the correct extensions on them
  8. Yep, both good thoughts although I havent heard of it being used in a drag racing situation before, Im not sure if controlling slip to 500% is going to work. I can see value in having the speed lockout configurable for higher speeds. As a workaround if you have a spare aux output and spare DI, I think we could connect the two together and use the aux output to disable/enable the traction DI under whatever conditions you like.
  9. No sorry this is still not implemented. The best workaround for now is the post above yours. There are quite a few users and dealers pushing for this so I have been pushing for it too.
  10. Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this one on the bench. I run Cozcorners map in a Thunder here for weeks of on/off testing and it always logged, trying quite hard to do everything I could to upset it. However I will ask Engineering to take a look at this thread and see if they can come up with any thoughts next time they are looking at the code.
  11. Is this the 64 pin or 76 pin ECU?
  12. Ok, set up looks ok. But one of the first things I noticed you are on very old firmware, 5.0, this was basically the first release of G4+. You should update to the latest, there have been many improvements and fixes since.
  13. How do you make the power button only turn the screen off? I cant see any settings to do that in my tablet, the only option is "sleep" or "do nothing". As per JMP's comment, it appears your USB ports are being put to sleep when you press the power button. On my tablet If I set the power button to "do nothing", and set the screen to turn off after 1 minute, then when the screen turns off logging continues recording correctly in the background and is all there when I wake the screen again.
  14. Your warmup enrichment table looks pretty weak especially 20-50deg. Can you give us a log, make sure the wideband is warmed up/operating before starting.
  15. If you cant find the original dealer then you can email and we will be able to do it for you with a bit of extra information from you
  16. Your dealer must have given you the wrong code. Pm me your serial number and I will check
  17. Attach your tune file so I can check at least the link end.
  18. The fuel map will need to be re-tuned. The overall shape won’t change drastically but the numbers will. As well you will turn off the IAT trim table and zero out rhe warmup enrichment.
  19. Can you share the actual log file (and map would be good too). There is not really enough info in the screenshot to conclude anything. Your dwell scatter looks a little more than typical for a 60-2 trigger.
  20. To initially set the base timing you can just set injection mode to "off". The engine will then not try to start when your cranking so you can check timing with a timing light while cranking. Once you have a timing mark somewhere in the ball park, then turn fuel back on and do a final check again once its running.
  21. Yes all that sounds correct. As per below.
  22. Thanks for testing and the files. I havent had enough time over the last couple of days to look at what is going on but I will try to test myself in the next couple of days and will update you then. What were you using the timer 1 with the idle target trim function to achieve? Is this to give a dashpot type effect or something else?
  23. Yes sorry, that function is not ready for release yet. It was not meant to be visible to users yet but somehow engineering forgot to hide it in the release version. It is something they have been working on in the background but it hasnt been tested much and is likely to have problems.
  24. It’s still not clear to me what you’re on about. If you attach the .pcl I will convert it for you.
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