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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Your map looks like standard issue "GTR strategy" to me. The factor you're missing is the fuel equation source is set to MAP so the fuel pulsewidth is already automatically adjusted in the background (proportionally) with MAP. The AFR/Lambda target table then looks after the fact that you want a richer mixture at higher MAP. The 4D table is sometimes not needed but in your case it looks like it is being used as a final tweak at high boost pressure, this is usually because at higher pressures the turbo efficiency is dropping off and the normal linear compensations dont apply enough correction.
  2. The master fuel number is the one you should change. Your injectors are about 4X larger than standard so if you reduce the master fuel to about 1/4 of the original number you will be in the ball park. If it is say 24mS now, change it to 6mS.
  3. Adamw

    Knock controll

    Most of the G4 Plugin ECU's were based on the Storm hardware. The Storm was a budget ECU without knock control.
  4. As far as I can see the ECU has no need for the factory instrument cluster. We only send data out to it and dont receive any info from it. I dont know if there are any other systems on the sled that need the dash however, I can only help from the ECU perspective. The most experience dealer for sleds was Precision EFI in Quebec, although I cant guarantee they will want to help if you didnt buy the ecu off them...
  5. Adamw

    Launch Control

    Ok, I agree this is not elegant and you will still miss some features such as decay rate, but there are a few ways you can add some retard to your GP limit. Depending on which ignition tables you have left you could possibly use the dual ign table (nicest option) or the 4 or 5d ign table, set the activation to either the same DI as activates the GP limit or use a virtual aux to activate it with some other conditions such as timers thrown in for extra complexity...
  6. Something is not happy if the fuel pump is not priming. I'm not sure if there is in fact a thermal safety device or logic in the ecu as I've never been asked that before but temperature could very well an issue. Can you try to get a log of this behavior so we have a few more clues to work with. There is a quick instructional video of how to do a PC log here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A This video is actually demonstrating on a G4+ but I think a G4 should be similar enough that you can work it out. You can then email the log and .pcl file to:
  7. I havent yet done any worked examples to prove it to myself but it would need more than a facebook post to give me the motivation to do that. I have seen enough logs from our aircraft/pikes peak/race to the sky, etc customers to make me reasonably comfortable that our equation works quite well for most users. As JMP says it sounds like some of the logic has been taken out of context to how MGP is used in the modelled fuel equation. That is not to say it cant be improved and I am open to passing good suggestions on to the engineering team if you can provide some good compelling logs that show an example of a run that could have been improved by using MAP/BAP as a table axis. For your info, there is an old post here that explains some of the logic of the MGP axis (sorry it got a little corrupted when we changed forum platforms, you will have to ignore the random "A" symbols): http://forums.linkecu.com/index.php?/topic/2609-map-or-mgp-for-fuel-table/&do=findComment&comment=32813
  8. Adamw

    Launch Control

    Hi Jared, Unfortunately no real way to make both methods work together at this time. Although without thinking about it too deeply you could possibly use the launch control function for "latched launch" only and then use a GP RPM limit table to give you some effect quite similar to the "single RPM launch mode". As Simon says it is on the working list but so are a million other important features so I suspect it is still some time off yet.
  9. Adamw

    Knock controll

    You old G4 Storm based plugin ECU doesnt have any knock control hardware fitted. Back in the day when that ECU was current we used to sell a device called "G4 Knockblock" which could interface with the ecu and allow knock control. The G4 Knockblock has been obsolete for a number of years so your only chance would be to find one secondhand or perhaps there may be a dealer with old stock but I havent heard of any on the market for a long time. The G4 knockblock was also a relatively expensive item so it may not work out much different to sell your present ecu secondhand and upgrade to the G4+ plugin which has knock control built in.
  10. Adamw

    Knock controll

    Hello, I think I answered your knock control question earlier via email. As for the Map sensor question I assume you have a GTR plugin ECU? There are some suggestions in the help file and manual:
  11. Vi-pec was a Link brand that we discontinued some years ago. The website remains mostly as resource of archived documentation. I didn't know the email was bouncing though so I will see if that can be fixed. If you need any tech support you can contact us via the contact page on www.linkecu.com
  12. The "MicroTech Automotive CAN Protocol Version 2.0 specification" is very limited and doesnt include oil temp or EGT. I will send a copy via PM FYI. I have contacted both Microtech NZ and AU for more info on the CAN ID's and format for the EGT's in the past but have never had any reply from either. I dont know how configurable the CAN is at the Dash end because I cant even get the stupid software to install on any pc I've tried... But if it is freely configurable at LTC end then you should be able to conquer it. Our Generic dash stream doesnt transmit EGT either so that is probably not going to be much more use. If you can learn anything more about the EGT ID's or format I can possibly help you put something together at the Link end.
  13. Adamw

    First start Honda V6

    The GT101 can be used as a crank trigger within its limitations but it can be fussy. Some very loose rules based on my experience: Will not work with missing tooth trigger wheels. Teeth need to be sized as per the honeywell data sheet (a little smaller usually works ok but not MUCH smaller. About 6x6x6mm is the smallest I have seen them reliably detect). Usually about 24 teeth is about the most they can handle at ~9000RPM. There is a very similar hall effect sensor from ZF, part number GS101202 or GS101201 that does missing teeth wheels and high rpm well. Why do you ask? Are you having problems with your present setup?
  14. Sam, are you the one that I connected to your laptop on team viewer a couple of days ago? If so I think I already told you that yours is a hardware problem. The ECU will have to come back to us for repair.
  15. The Obd2 will need to be on its own CAN bus. CAN Lambda, dash2pro & Gaugeart will all be fine together on the same Bus and there will be no speed implications.
  16. do you have a CAN or serial device connected to the round com port connector like the original poster here?
  17. Unfortunately none of our current ecus are capable of 6 or 8 cylinder Direct injection. I suspect also if your intended transmissions are automatic then those might even be more of a challenge than controlling the engine...
  18. Adamw

    Fuel pressure

    Fuel pressure should maintain a fixed differential above MAP. So say for instance at 100kpa MAP your fuel pressure is 400kpa (that's 300kpa differential). Then at 300kpa MAP you should have 600kpa fuel pressure (still 300kpa differential).
  19. Hi Mapper, This bug wouldnt affect the common multi-fuel setups. It is only when the dual fuel table mode is set to "overlay table", in this case no matter what value is in the table, the pulsewidth drops to zero and stops the engine. This mode is rarely used so we think it shouldnt effect too many users and for those that it does effect it will be very obvious. For multi-fuel setups the dual fuel table mode is "interpolate between" and this works as expected. We have this fixed in the next release but it is still a little way off at the moment.
  20. And a little more here too:
  21. PC comms will be interrupted if the rs232 pins in the 6pin "CAN" connector are terminated to anything (even just wires that aren't connected to anything at the other end). So I assume you have a plug/cable with all 4 pins connected. 2 ways to fix it: We sell the bare connector (part #CANF) so that you can connect only the 2 can wires. (You can also probably buy these LTW connectors locally from Mouser or similar) Or you can use the 2nd CAN bus that is available in the main connectors.
  22. Adamw


    Hi Alan, That engine has E-throttle so you will need the Fury or Xtreme. If you changed to a cable throttle then the Storm would do it. Of course it will need to be wired and tuned by someone competent, I wouldnt really consider it a DIY install on an engine like this.
  23. I'm sorry I dont know how to say this any nicer to not offend you but I think from the questions you are asking it might be best to get someone that knows the basics of electrics to do this for you. Otherwise there is a good chance you are going to end up with some expensive fried parts. Most of the info you are asking for is in the help file. Coil wiring: Wideband - only the ground and analog signal are connected to the ECU. Any other wires will need to be connected as per the wideband manufacturers manual. Temp sensors: Boost solenoid:
  24. There is ECU hold power function on these ecus since they have E-throttle. So when you turn the ignition key off normally, the ecu actually stays alive for a little while to reset the throttle motor etc. If you disconnect master power then you will interrupt that process and not need to wait for the normal time out period for the ECU to shut down by itself. It sounds like you just need to go back to your tuner and get them to tweak the pre-crank prime or cranking enrichment tables.
  25. No. I have never used datalog lab and dont have a copy, but there is probably a setting in there somewhere that allows you to "lock" the timing to a fixed value. If you cant find it then you will just have to do you best to interpret whether ecu is commanding 5 or ten, You may also find it settles down to a steady number if you bring the revs up a little..
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