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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Yes. PC logging has no limit to the number of channels.
  2. I have made some changes to your PDM config. ECU stream changed to the correct one. Aim/Blink Keypads turned off. Custom stream set up to receive button presses from the greyhill keypad. Custom CAN output set up to wake up the keypad and turn on the back light. Head and tail light outputs set up to be controlled by button 1 as an example and the starter set-up on button 2. PDM32 asm Greyhill.zconfig
  3. Way more than that. The help file says a max of 250 channels or 100000 samples per second, at 200Hz your limit will be the number of channels, so you should be able to log 250 channels at 200Hz.
  4. A few issues in your map: GP Limit 1 is limiting your RPM to 0. Your fuel table isnt suitable for modelled mode. You also want finer breakpoints on the TPS axis at small throttle openings with ITB's. With MAP correction the VE will typically be ~50-60% around idle and 100-110% at peak torque. The fuel map I have attached will be a closer starting point. Right-click on your fuel table, then >Import/Export>import from file. Your ECT input is showing 0V when you saved the map. Confirm that is working/connected. Your TPS was reading 1.2% when you saved the map. I would suggest calibrating this so that normal idle position is 0%. Your ignition table is not suitable for a boosted engine - although that wont stop it from running, be aware not to drive/ride it like that. Fuel Table GSXR600.lte
  5. What are you trying to acheive with your fuel table? I would start by copying the fuel table out of our WRX11 base map. Also while you are copying stuff, get the charge temp approximation table also, and then in your map, turn off the IAT trim table and the 4D fuel table.
  6. The axis is "Bump increment" which is virtual aux 1 in that pic. In G4+, virtual aux status "1" is inactive, "2" is Active.
  7. The base map is already set up as Alpha-N with MAP and lambda target multiplication. There is also a 4D fuel table set up, but zeroed out. Tune the entire main fuel table on the lowest boost you intend to run. When the main fuel table is tuned, then increase boost to the maximum you wish to run do a pull and see how well lambda tracks the target. If it follows target close enough then job is done, you can disable the 4D table. If it has stock or near-stock turbos you will likely find it will start to drift rich at the top end when the turbines start to limit efficiency. If this happens you can put negative values in the high boost/high RPM corner of the 4D fuel table to pull a little fuel out where it goes rich. Boost control is really up to you, the ECU gives you more control such as boost by gear, IAT or ECT compensation etc, but will definitely take some time to learn. Tune with closed loop off would be my general suggestion. The values you see when you enable it are just default values, not specific to the RB. I typically run CLL full time but that is with a CAN lambda which has more sensor validation than most as well as fail-safe considerations for CLL, I would have less confidence with a low-cost wideband controller, especially if it is connected via analog signal. You could still do it, just be careful to only allow small negative or zero negative corrections at high boost.
  8. This would likely mean the injectors dont flow the stated flowrate, or the fuel pressure is lower than stated. Your fuel pressure sensor is not working in the log so I would start by confirming that.
  9. Adamw

    g4+ CLL

    Look at the CLL status runtime. I would say most it is most likely TPS and MAP delta locked out as you have those set to zero.
  10. So this triggerscope shows the two "teeth" on trigger 2 and no signal on trigger 1 which I think is the expected outcome. Hopefully trig 1 is just the faulty sensor.
  11. In one of your earlier photos it looks like you have the "type 2" blue analyser. However this screen suggests you have the source set to "CAN Analyser" which is for the white seeed studio device.
  12. Those old RX7 injectors were prone to leaking about 20years ago when I used to play with them, so I hope they have improved with age. Can you check their resistance, I vaguely remember them coming in both high and low-impedance versions but with the same part number. Assuming this is a GTR? - does it still have the factory injector resistor in place?
  13. I vaguely remember something about one of the GP outputs being fixed recently so this may have already been a known/fixed issue, I will confirm when Im back at work tomorrow. For the DI1 problem, what specific ecu are we talking about? In the wire-in ECU's there is no electrical path from a DI back to the power rail that I can see. Even if the internal pull-up "switch" failed so the pull-up was constantly ON, this only connects back to a 12V regulator which has reverse current prevention. In a plug-in I guess there could be a path if there was some extra hardware fitted to the bottom board for a specific purpose but I cant think of any that do.
  14. It sounds like the ecu is "turning off" during cranking. They work down to about 6V or less so that may suggest a wiring issue. You can watch and/or log batt voltage in the software to confirm if there is an issue. When you last saved the map attached above the battery voltage was showing 7.0V, the MAP sensor and TPS was showing 0V so these may be clues to a ground is missing or something depending what was or was not plugged in at the time. What engine is it? Most swift engines have hall effect sensors on both the crank and cam yet your map is set to reluctors. The trigger mode is also not set to one of the common swift modes.
  15. What engine does it have?
  16. Does the white box not explain it?
  17. Are you sure you clicked the capture button when the engine was cranking, not before? Your map shows both trigger 1 and trigger 2 were working when you last saved it.
  18. So what does it say at the bottom corner now? Does it say "connected" or does it keep saying "connecting"? Can you show the >garage>connections screen.
  19. The oil pressure sensor is not connected to the ecu as far as I know, only used for the gauge in the dash.
  20. Very rare for them to fail, and as I say the "0V" measurement doesnt agree with your comment that the motor makes noise so you need to verify that measurement again.
  21. I suspect the sensor on lambda 2 is faulty, you have an error 24 from around the 4min mark in your log and error 17 from around the 9min mark. Both of these errors relate to pump current which means the controller is trying to pump more oxygen ions into the measurement cell but it is not seeing the response in the chamber it expects. It could be from contamination or "sensor poisoning" A good test to confirm would be to swap the sensors side to side to see if the unexpected behaviour moves to the other side.
  22. 0 261 231 188 is common and cheap in most regions. You can get a M8 stepped stud from Toyota that screws into the M12 hole and allows a knock sensor with an 8mm hole, 90126-08039 or 90126-08046.
  23. This doesnt look right: That says it's trying to connect to the ecu USB port, not your CAN device.
  24. You need to hit enter after typing in the value, it should turn blue to indicate the value has changed.
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