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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Yeah I think you might struggle to make that work. What does the original wheel look like? There seem to be about 10 different options for the G13 and some are not supported, but often you could make it into something compatible by grinding some of the extra teeth off.
  2. You can adjust it live, just make it smaller while running and see if it starts to smooth out or not.
  3. If you can give us a PC log of a bad start-up, a trigger scope capture when cranking and a copy of the tune we can take a look. I dont see any support tickets in the system for evans performance. If its using the K20 trigger mode, I can say that is fairly well validated as we owned a K20 test car for several years. Although that doesnt mean there couldn't be other factors such as voltage offsets or similar that could cause a trigger issue. There was an issue with start up fuel if wall wetting compensation was enabled in some recent firmware, that could potentially fit your symptoms.
  4. Are you saying you have a 36-1 wheel inside the distributor? I suspect the teeth will be too small to ever generate acceptable voltage at cranking speeds. Even the Toyota and honda's with 24T are often borderline.
  5. You are posting in the G2/G3 section, what engine and ecu do you have? What problem are you trying to solve?
  6. You have a very large Inj PW so assuming there is normal fuel pressure I would say possibly just too much fuel. Have you tried adjusting the master fuel? Are plug leads in the correct order?
  7. Can you measure voltage between the yellow and grey wries when in set up mode/run when stalled.
  8. That's definately not a G4X, PCB Rev 1.1 would be an old "non plus" G4, this processor has been obsolete for more than 10 years, so unfortunately no upgrades. V4.10.2 firmware was the last firmware update ~2014.
  9. The sensor should not get hot if it is receiving the correct CAN message (the ecu tells it to stay off until the engine is running). If they dont receive a CAN message within 15s then they switch to failsafe mode and start heating the sensor. So, this confirms the device has power, the device is working, but it is not communicating with the ECU. So yes, it sounds like an issue with the CAN wiring.
  10. Some of these modern hall sensors do a very short pulse when they see a tooth, the sample rate of the scope is not great enough to capture these reliably so that's why your capture looks odd and it is difficult to see the gap etc. However we can use "trigger 1 state" to indicate where the gap/tooth 1 is. A cam pulse window sync mode set to sync tooth 6 with a length of 80 deg should work. I put some notes on your scope to help explain how it works, although it is not a great example with all the missing trig 1 teeth (I use a engine angle overlay app to approximate tooth locations and angles). The general idea is we want a trig 2 edge to always occur within the window on one crank revolution and never occur in the same window on the next crank revolution. Your offset may or may not change by 360deg since it was syncing/mis-syncing randomly before.
  11. Attach a tune and a log
  12. Is trigger 2 on an intake or exhaust cam? If it is an intake cam, do you know if they only advance from the lock/home position or can they both advance and retard?
  13. The ECU is commanding the throttle to move, but the TPS signals dont move at all. So, possibly the throttle is jammed, or something like the 12V supply to the external module is missing. I would start by confirming the throttle blade can move - with ign on but engine not running, push the blade with a screwdriver or similar and watch both TPS sub and main change on the screen. Provided that looks ok then put E-throttle in set-up mode, change "when stalled" to run and start poking around with a volt meter. You should have 12V going into the module white wire and some lower variable voltage coming out to the throttle motor when testing between the yellow and grey wires.
  14. Yeah there are a few out there running. Some basic considerations in this post:
  15. Attach a copy of your tune and a log of it cranking. A trigger scope would be helpful too. The Gen 3 has a 60-2 crank wheel Vs 36-1 on the gen 2 so it is not just a change to a hall sensor. The factory coils are "dumb coils" so I assume you have added ignitors or swapped to smart coils? I have set up one Gen 3 for another user but it was a race engine with the VVT "deleted" so although the trigger set-up I have from that should get you running it will probably not allow the full range of VVT movement. The intake VVT on the coyote is quite complex as it can both retard and advance from the "start-up lock position" with a total range of something like 70deg. We can create a dedicated trigger mode for it to support full VVT range if we need to, but get it running first. I will attach a pic below showing that set-up and a brief explanation for your interest anyhow. I dont know what offset was required, you will need to confirm that with a timing light.
  16. You should be able to PM me now, my inbox was full.
  17. What does Lambda 1 status and Lambda 1 error show after start-up?
  18. Provide a log and scope so we can confirm the issue before attempting to fix anything.
  19. The navigation I suggested works for me:
  20. Hmm, it looks like there might be a broken link somewhere. You can manually navigate to it in Help > contents tab > G4X and G5 ECU Tuning Functions > Electronic Throttle Control > E-Throttle First Time Setup
  21. Yeah they normally are just plug in and they start working with no set-up. Check the dash is on recent firmware as I remember there was a change to the CAN message for the GPS09. Otherwise I suspect it may be faulty, I have heard of one or two faulty ones before.
  22. Its certainly a pretty odd setup he has done there with equation load source set to BAP, then an alpha N fuel map overlayed with a speed density map... Im not sure if he has out-smarted himself or has ended up with the odd mess when trying to solve a problem. There are some other issues in there such as the IAT trim is still enabled in modelled mode and the charge temp approximation table has zero coolant bias so you will be getting twice as much air temp correction than you should be. Typically for your application just a single fuel table withh TPS as the load axis will do it, equation load source may need to be MAP if any of the bullet points below apply, otherwise load source = BAP will usually work better for NA ITB with high overlap. equation load source = MAP if any of the following are true: The engine has an idle valve The vehicle has vacuum assisted brakes connected to manifold vacuum. The engine is boosted. There is a restrictive airbox/filter arrangement. If you arent in a big hurry, Im in AKL and could take care of it one weekend. Im pretty much booked solid for about the next 6 weeks though.
  23. Your CLL status says it was locked out due to MAP delta at the time you last saved the map. This only gives a single snapshot however so may not be your only issue. The Closed loop lambda 1 status runtime should normally tell you what is going on.
  24. You have a very noisy TPS (most evo's do), if you ecu log it at higher frequency you will find there will be regular short TPS delta spikes above 5. I have the TPS delta lockout set to 15 in my evo 7.
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