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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. At the ECU end you should set up like the picture below. Im not sure if the bit rate should be 500K or 1Mbit. The instructions for setup at the defi end is here: https://www.nippon-seiki.co.jp/defi/media/manual_dsdf_update4.0.pdf
  2. No, it was an advanced function, only available in the Xtreme and higher level ecu's.
  3. Adamw

    Monsoon no spark.

    A picture is not much use to anyone, always attach the actual log file. Did you confirm trigger offset is correct with it running?
  4. Delete the DefaultParameterConfig from roaming as above and replace the master copy which is in C:\Link G4X\PCLink G4X
  5. I would add the capacitor as per the alternative quick start diagram also as that solves the most common power supply noise related error.
  6. Adamw

    Audi a4 b6 1.8t

    It is not a model we have done any research on so I dont know how much different it is. Stuff like aux outputs and analog inputs are pretty universal so if there are differences in these areas some of them probably can just be taken care of by settings changes. But where a wire is connected to a pin that was intended for a completely different function then those will need to be re-pinned. I would expect you only need to shuffle pins around in the connector, not actually cut up the loom.
  7. That doesnt sound right, but perhaps you are not testing it how I imagine. If you manually short ecu pin 4 to ground with a piece of wire and paperclip or similar, do you then have 12V on 67/72? Bridging 1 to 2 would have been a dead short so has possibly fried the FET, but the test above will help understand if this is the issue or not.
  8. Adamw

    Audi a4 b6 1.8t

    For injector and coil outputs, you need to change the wiring to match the ecu.
  9. This means the calculated injector PW is less than what you have specified as the minimum effective PW, so the ecu is clamping it at the minimum. You can reduce the min effective PW setting, I would expect those injectors should control reasonably repeatably down to about 0.4ms effective.
  10. 3 things to confirm: There is 12V on pin 31 when ign is on. The ECU is grounding pin 4 when the ignition is on. There is 14V coming from the ECCS relay to pin 67&72 when pin 4 is shorted to ground.
  11. It is disabled when the engine isnt running. You want to look at what lambda 1 error and lambda 1 temp show when it faults, so log these runtimes.
  12. The spike in VE @ 2500-3000 is common in these, it is resonance in the fuel rails and sometimes the reference to the FPR as well. Are your rails plumbed parallel or series currently? Does the FPR refernece connect to a reasonably central point?
  13. For E-throttle you will need an Xtreme or Fury ECU. Cruise control should be no issue, it is a fairly conventional analog switch. I have 99% of the CAN for the dash worked out, there are a couple of example maps on the forum here with most of it set up.
  14. I probably should have named that PDM config something different, I have seen RS3 overwrite changes in configs with the same name before. It looks fine at my end so I suspect it must be getting overwritten at your end when you import it.
  15. Not quite sure what you are asking here. The mass of fuel mode can only be used with modelled fuel equation. The extra mass required for accel fuel gets added to the modelled equation fuel mass for the scheduled injection event. This mass based mode is mostly beneficial with direct injection where differential fuel pressure may vary from say 10bar at light loads to 200bar at high loads, so using a fixed PW in that case is going to result in a hugely variable accel fuel dose. With mass of fuel mode the differential pressure and temperature is factored in.
  16. The skyline power circuit works like this: The ignition switch is connected to pin 45, this pin should have 12V when the ignition switch is on. This pin does not power the ecu, it is just an "ignition on" signal. There is an independent circuit on the adapter board that grounds pin 16 when the Ign switch pin is live. Pin 16 is the control for the ECCS relay. When the ECCS relay engages, this supplies 12V to pin 49 & 59 and the ecu then powers up. So, one of these is missing. 3 things to confirm: There is 12V on pin 45 when ign is on. The ECU is grounding pin 16 when the ignition is on. There is 14V coming from the ECCS relay to pin 49&59 when pin 16 is shorted to ground.
  17. There are no lambda related channels in the log so cant tell you much from that. What is lambda 1 error and lambda 1 temperature reporting when it fails? Do you have the capacitor wired into the power supply?
  18. Adamw

    Audi a4 b6 1.8t

    Provided the injection and ignition modes are set to anything except off, then the injection and ignition test functions will fire the outputs. If you dont hear injectors clicking or see coils sparking when using the test functions then the pinout must be different or something. Your trigger scope shows you have trigger 1 set to hall effect but it actually has a reluctor sensor.
  19. Ethanol is sent in the extra stream which you dont even have enabled in that map so it would have never worked. Unless you have changed the CAN setup since. Setup instructions from help file below.
  20. In the PDM, a CAN output is set up with the pit limit button status in byte 0: In the ECU a receive stream is set up with a CAN DI in byte 0 to match the PDM:
  21. As I just tried to explain, the alternator control wire that connects to the ecu is only to switch the alternator into low voltage mode. Without it connected it will charge in normal mode at about 14.5V. With that pin grounded the alternator will only charge at 12.9V. I would suggest disconnecting the wire.
  22. No, it is designed for inductive loads.
  23. Your coils need to be wired Ign1 = Cyl1, Ign2 = Cyl2 etc. You need to fix that then set base timing.
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