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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw

    Evo 8 g4x setup

    Looks mostly ok to me now. Just no accel enrichment. Put some non-zero values in your accel enrichment cold correction table, 1.0 at normal operating temp and 5ish at cold start temps as a starting point.
  2. Adamw


    It is not an ecu controlled alternator in these.
  3. I would change the trigger 1 sync tooth to 1. We dont want it anywhere near the cam tooth so with it set to 8 it is very close. The fuel table will need fully tuning, this was just a ballpark to get it running.
  4. Yes they are completely sealed, the internals are fully potted in epoxy and the anodised aluminium seems to stand up well to hasrsh environments.
  5. Adamw

    Bosch lsu adv

    No, only the LSU4.9 at this time.
  6. Adamw

    RPM Limit

    The extended ignition cut is coming from GP RPM limit 1. This is because it is set to the same RPM limit as the main RPM limit (7800RPM), but advanced mode is turned off so the decay time is much longer. Decay time is 400ms when advanced mode is turned off. I would suggest changing the GP limit 1 of 7800RPM, to be 10000RPM for the cells where fuel pressure is acceptable, this way the main RPM limit is always the one to prevent overrev, the GP limit only kicks in when something is wrong. In the next firmware release the limiter status and limit flag word logging has been improved so it makes it clearer which one is active and doesnt miss very short events. I dont quite understand what you are saying here - maybe the indicated knock event at high RPM? This can be the "bang" from the limiter, or as you suggest backlash in the drivetrain/clutch plate etc.
  7. Files attached. The fuel pump and 2 fans are now set up in the ECU as virtual aux 1-3, these are sent to the PDM in a user stream, all the usual channels are sent in the default MXS stream. The .xc1 file attached you can import into the CAN protocol builder in RS3 if you want to add anything new later. ZipTieTECH Zenki S14 V1.1.zconfig LINK_ZipTie Tech_@20230620_105433_005544.xc1 Unrivaled_Tuning V1.1.pclr
  8. Just set DI8 function to LF, LR, RF or RR wheel speed. And you can turn off DI3 if that is not being used.
  9. No crystal ball here sorry, you will need to attach your map and a log. Most likely a start up lockout or activation delay preventing it from activating. The lowest of all active limits will be in control.
  10. Sorry, I forgot about this one. Your fundamentals were already mostly set up pretty well. I changed fuel equation load source to BAP since you dont have a MAP. Imported some fuel and Ign tables from a similar engine. A few tweaks to cold start, charge temp, lambda target, RPM limiter and trigger arming threshold. Post a triggerscope if you can - it is a bit odd to have the sync tooth set to 8 so just want to check that is ok. B16A ITB.pclx
  11. It wont make any difference, the air will enter the manifold either via the throttle plate or via the idle valve, it will have the same effect on MAP regardless.
  12. Flyback voltage from the idle solenoid etc is designed to be dumped back to the battery, on the NB1 ecu this goes out of pin 53 (1A) which should be a constant 12V live supply. If this is lost the flyback has nowhere to go so "pumps up" the internal voltage to something higher than vbat. So start by checking pin 53 still has a constant 12V on it - possibly a fuse blown or something.
  13. Ok, it sounds like something has failed in that case. You can contact [email protected] to arrange inspection, or arrange with gaugeart directly to save a bit of turnaround time.
  14. There was another user on here a little while ago that found it wouldnt connect to a specific phone. Have you got another phone or tablet you can try? Does the SSID show up on the phone but you just cant connect, or do you not see an SSID at all?
  15. Adamw

    RPM Limit

    Can you attach a copy of your tune and the log. The slow decay on the ignition cut doesnt look like the RPM limit to me, provided the settings above are what you have. More likely one of the other limiters like MAP limit at the same time.
  16. Im suspicious of your MAP sensor calibration. The fuel pressure actually increases by significantly more than the expected 1:1 ratio with MGP. Snip below shows a 209kpa FP increase for a 102Kpa MGP increase. It could potentially be a fuel press sensor issue or regulator issue, but an incorrect MAP sensor cal fits your symptoms better.
  17. To display lambda in AFR units you have to use a math channel. The built-in unit conversion for the lambda channel doesnt work as you may expect, we had to do this to try to keep it backwards compatible with our older ECU's which transmit AFR rather than lambda in the same data position. I have done this in your dash config attached below. All 4 wheel speeds are sent from the ecu to the dash. Your LR wheel speed should be received as "ECU Speed 2" in the dash. You cant with the actual odometer - that one is not user adjustable and starts at zero. However you can set up one of the other counters, name it Odometer and display that on your screen instead. It is already in the default stream, as long as you have gear detection set up in the ecu and working then it should show on the dash.
  18. Failure like this is usually due to a power supply issue, most likely the main power supply is missing so the ecu is only powered up from a very low current back feed through an aux output. The first thing to check is that the connector is fully seated, with the Nissan ecc's I have seen quite a few instances where the bolt in the middle was done up but the connector was just bent and not actually seated at the outside ends.
  19. They are pretty old so possibly blocked by windows. If you have G4 or G4+ already installed on the same PC though you wont even need to install the older G3 driver, it should work with the newer driver.
  20. Adamw

    Spartan3 won't read

    The ecu has no way to know whether the sensor is genuine or not, it would work with a fake sensor provided it responded electrically the same as a real one, but many arent even close to correct.
  21. Does your car have the 2 speed fuel pump on pin 21? Your accel enrichment cold correction table is zeroed out. The smallest value in there should be 1. You need to change the wiring to suit the ecu, this is why it is sold as an Evo3 ecu and not a 3000GT ecu.
  22. Master fuel is here: Obviously you cant expect the idle to behave well until it is tuned. Drop the idle actuator integral gain to 0.05, turn on idle ignition with the settings below, and adjust the base position table as per the guide in the help file.
  23. The gauge sends the raw pressure in Kpa. 112 incoming on CAN AN V1 represents is 112kpa. Either the sensor is faulty or it is an absolute pressure sensor as KO suggested earlier.
  24. Adamw


    Cant really tell from just the voltage, you really need to put an amp clamp on it to see if the alternator is outputting its rated current or not.
  25. Contact support as I suggested above to arrange getting it inspected. If there is some damage to it from wiring or whatever they will generally be able to give you a pretty good idea of the likely cause.
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