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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Attach the log and tune. What do you mean? That's exactly what dashpot is for. If you had say 1% dash pot offset then the throttle would have been held 1% further open until idle conditions are met.
  2. Adamw

    Electrical Event

    Its hard to follow all you mention but most of what you describe with relays clicking and the odd voltage coming out of the fuel pump aux means the ecu had lost its main power supply (pin A5), but everything else connected to the ecu was still powered up. So instead of the ecu being powered via its intended pin A5, you instead get current back feeding through one of the aux relays. The 7V you measure is coming into the ecu from one of the other auxes.
  3. Adamw

    ECU Logging

    There is no realtime clock in the ecu so it has no awareness of time or date. I dont think I have even noticed any missing logs. Are you using conditions or a switch, or is it just logging all the time? Can you attach a copy of your tune so I can test?
  4. You earlier said the fans were running with the ignition switch in the ACC position. The ecu should not be powered up in the ACC position. So are you now saying the ecu is powered up in the ACC position as well? When you last saved the map you attached to your first post, AN Temp 2 was showing 4.96V, which would be what you would see if open circuit/disconnected. So assuming the sensor and loom was actually plugged in at the time that would suggest the sensor is dead or there is a wiring issue. A couple of quick tests you can do to troubleshoot: Open up the runtimes screen (F12), go to the analog tab, have a look at the voltage on AN Temp 2, confirm it is still showing 4.96-5V. Then unplug the sensor and short the 2 pins together in the plug with a paper clip or similar, if the runtime voltage drops to 0V, that would confirm the wiring is ok. To check the sensor you can measure its resistance across the two pins, the GM sensor should be about 3500ohm at room temp.
  5. It certainly gives me the impression of a rotor phasing issue as the error happens wihen you are at the most retarded ignition angle. So does turning off idle ign fix it?
  6. Adamw

    Where do I start

    Then you have a wiring issue. The G4X wont disconnect until supply voltage is less than about 6V. It is never going to start if the ecu is shutting down. Possibly you are wired to an ACC circuit instead of IGN? Are you sure? That would be very unusual and is not really a suitable tooth count, 360 should divide evenly into the tooth count. For the base map, start with the 4AGE map attached, reassign all the inputs and outputs to match your wiring and sensor calibrations etc, change trigger settings and set base timing, then it should be close enough to run. New 4age20v.pclx
  7. Adamw

    Aux not working

    Aux6 could be pin B26 or B27 depending how your jumpers are set, have you checked both? What voltage do you have on the aux 8 pin with the aux off and in Test mode, with nothing connected?
  8. It will be disabled until engine is running and a short delay after startup.
  9. Adamw

    link fury & aim pdm

    You will need to send a user stream from the ecu with the extra channels you need and a custom receive at the pdm end. If you attach a copy of you ecu and PDM configs I will set up the basics.
  10. If the fans run with the ignition switch in ACC position when ecu is not even powered up, it is not a settings issue. What model car? Do you have a 3 plug or 4 plug ecu? Have you actually fitted and wired an IAT sensor? For your e-throttle you will need to assign the 2 TPS sensors and 2 APS sensors to the correct inputs, assign e-throttle relay to aux 16, assign PWM output to aux9/10, then do the TPS and APS calibrations.
  11. So AN Volt 4 needs to be turned off. And you have a bad connection along the ground wire somewhere in the wiring after the gauge.
  12. Thats likely as low as it can read. The "hang" is the ecu waiting for the next tooth to arrive, if it doesnt arrive within the timeout period it will set the speed to zero. Set the idle lockout somewhere above that should be fine.
  13. Can you share the log file that you have used for the picture above. The misfire is still a trigger error. Can you try turning off idle ignition control, possibly you are commanding too much advance or retard for the rotor phasing.
  14. Your ecu only has 1 CAN port. CAN 2 is used for the OEM bus. Just like you have 2 CAN lambdas already connected, you can connect another.
  15. Have you confirmed there is still 12V power supply to the ecu? Usually you would blow a fuse before damaging the ecu.
  16. If it is a wire-in ecu it is not designed for any engine or vehicle in particular, you set it up to match how it has been wired. Or are you talking about a G3 "adaptalink" box? What ecu do you actually have? G3 doesnt have a trigger sub-board, and there are very few G2's out in the wild. So it sounds more like the answer you have quoted from tech support is related to a G1.
  17. Your throttle position shows 0% when it is idling at 900 and 2.9% when it is idling at 2500. So likely a sticky throttle cable, weak return spring, no cable free play or some issue at the pedal.
  18. Attach a copy of your tune, that looks more like you have two devices set up as lambda 1. ie a CAN lambda and maybe an analog input as well? Or possibly CAN lambdas set on both CAN 1 and CAN 2? But yes, you will need to fix your ground, it wont work with 40ohm resistance to ground.
  19. What ecu do you have? Probably easiest to connect it to your existing bus for the lambdas since the wires are already there. Set up instructions are in the power tune manual.
  20. Watch at about the 1min mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlCbUFVfX7U
  21. You need to use Subaru EJ20AVCS vvt mode. An EJ207 has 4 teeth on the cam, an EJ25 has 3 teeth. Once that is changed then use the cam angle test on each side to set the correct offset on the DI's. Instructions are in the help file page: G4+ ECU Tuning Functions > VVT Control > Tuning VVT Control > Cam Angle Test
  22. Im pretty sure this model would use the older 3 x digital input system. Set the cruise switch type to "Subaru Cruise Switch", then assign DI6 & 7 to Cruise SwA/SwB.
  23. Adamw

    2GR-FE Base Map

    Neither of those logs match the map. Both had the MAP lockout set at 50 and other differences such as VVT working down to 500RPM where it is set to 2000RPM lockout in the map. So it is a bit pointless making suggestions on what to adjust based on data that hasnt come from the map presented. Can you do a new log and provide a copy of the map that was in the ecu when the log is recorded. The main problem in both those logs is the MAP lockout is too low, the base position is too small and the VVT is bouncing on/off.
  24. It is lowside drive only. You need to switch the ground side of the relay.
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