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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Im not sure if the question is clear, but yes it is fine and quite common to use an alpha-n fuel table with fuel equation load source = MAP, and it is ok to do multifuel with this strategy at the same time.
  2. I vaguely remember this from a long time ago. I think it was the ecu going bus off because the dash wasn't acknowledging, the dash would stop when the engine was cranking or something. Next time it occurs, check the CAN tab of the runtimes screen to see what errors are reported. Changing the transmit rate or bit rate may help depending what error is causing the problem.
  3. In this case if the speed has a resolution of 0.01kmh, then the largest speed that byte 6 can represent is only 2.55kmh. If we are only using that to vary steering assist level then I don't see a need for that kind of resolution. I think it would be satisfactory to just leave byte 6 as a zero all the time which will simplify the checksum. So effectively the epas would see a speed in increments of 2.56 instead of 0.01. - so accelerating from standstill it would see: 0, 2.56kmh, 5.12kmh etc. You dont need to do the floor etc to truncate the checksum to one byte since we are already telling the ecu to send it out as 8bits width it will just roll over automatically above ff/255. I didnt spend much time thinking about it but it appears correct to me.
  4. Adamw

    MonsoonX k24 iacv

    Do you mean how should it be wired? Pin 1 to Ground, Pin 2 to ignition switched +12V supply. Pin 3 to Any spare ecu aux/inj/ign output.
  5. As far as I know that specific gauge doesnt output AEM's normal "AEMNet" CAN messages, it is designed to work with OBD2 loggers or scan tools such as efi live by "pretending" it is an ecu and responding to OBD2 requests. Our ECU's arent designed to work like a scan tool so they dont do any OBD2 requests that would be required to make this thing talk. Im afraid analog output is probably the only option.
  6. Adamw

    Pinouts Wrx11

    Oh yeah, it seems one of the expansion connectors is missing from the pinout section and I think we could do with a picture in section 1.2.1 of the manual to explain the jumpers clearer. Because this car is quite IO heavy, we have put some jumpers on the bottom board that you can use to repurpose some analog inputs that may not be used in a performance application. For example the MAF or TGV position inputs can be re-assigned from their normal role on the main header to the expansion connector. It should be clear once you look at the jumpers and the expansion connectors on the board, but to give an example for AN Volt 8: If you wanted to use the factory MAF or you wanted to wire say a fuel pressure sensor to the MAF plug in the engine bay then you would have the Volt 8 jumper in the left position, An Volt 8 input is then connected to the main header pin B26 which runs to the MAF plug. If Volt 8 jumper was in the right side position then AN Volt 8 input would no longer be available at the MAF plug or on the main header, but it would be available in the expansion connector for the XS loom.
  7. That would suggest you are using the wrong trigger mode, possibly the multitooth/missing mode? The correct trigger mode for this engine is "1JZ VVTi" and the offset should be near zero. You will have unreliable sync/no start/long startup and sometimes VVT errors if you are trying to use "cam pulse 1X" sync mode with a 3 tooth cam.
  8. Ok, let me ask @Mitchell if he has some thoughts.
  9. It is the mis-shift timeouts set to 0. This means if the next gear is not reached within 0ms then it is considered a mis-shift and will be aborted or re-tried depending on the retry limit. Set it to about 150ms for upshift and 300ms for downshift as a starting point. The only reason why it may work sometimes is you have an actuator hold of 20ms, so even with a shift that gets aborted right away the actuator will be activated for a short 20ms burst, that may in some cases let just enough air through to make it move.
  10. Adamw

    Fuel temperature

    The bosch combo sensors are reliable mounted direct in the rail if it can be moved. Otherwise it is probably still going to be better than having no fuel temp sensor (ecu assumes a constant 20°C in that case).
  11. Adamw

    Where do I start

    Does it work when you set aux 2 test mode to ON? If not you have a wiring issue. Your AN Volt 2 shows 4.36V on it, it should be 0.50V at zero pressure, so again it appears to be a wiring issue. Polarity doesnt matter. What temperature do you think it should be? We dont know if you live in Russia or the Carribean so im not sure what a "cold" engine means to you. You have ECT set to a Bosch calibration and the IAT set to the Link calibration, does this match what sensors you actually have?
  12. In the map you have it set to 36-1? So which is correct? Does that mean there is a single injector feeding all 4 cylinders?, or a 248g injector per cylinder? Can you clarify the ecu is not controlling spark at all? Just fuel?
  13. There are 2 crank revolutions in a 4 stroke engine cycle, your cams have 3 teeth on them, so the way the ecu knows which crank revolution it is on is whether it saw 1 cam tooth or 2 cam teeth in the previous crank revolution. If you use the cam on the opposite side then the 1tooth or 2 teeth count result would be the opposite, so the trigger offset will be 1 crank revolution or 360deg different. Note some of this is assumption based on how our newer ecus sync, I dont know for sure what G4 does for its EZ36 sync but likely something like this.
  14. @jdniss If you have an issue you will need to provide a log and a copy of your tune, can't tell anything from a pic. Unlikely related to this post.
  15. Either cam will work for trig 2, just the trigger offset will be 360 different. Our default is the LH side which would be the 2/4/6 bank. For the VVT offsets you can use the cam angle test to determine, set the test pulse count to 3.
  16. Red to Ign switched 12V supply (same as ecu or injectors etc). Black to sensor ground (Pin 7 or 24). White (sometimes green/black) to trigger 1 Green (sometimes green/yellow) to trigger 2 Set trigger mode to Nissan 360 opto and I think the widest slot setting will be 9deg. You can use the ECCS sync test to confirm. Im not sure of the offset but try -90.
  17. Green and white could be a G1 or G2, visually from the outside they are not much different. I come across probably 10X more G1's than G2's so I still say more likely it is a G1. A photo with the cover off would confirm.
  18. In your log even when it was running there were trigger errors clocking up and larges spikes in RPM. After it stopped you can see you attempted to start it a couple of times later but the RPM stayed at zero. So at least at that point the ecu was still working but wasn't receiving a trigger signal it understood. Possibly a bad ground or something. The first thing I would do to rule out the ecu is remove it from the car and power it up on the bench then see if you can connect to it with PC Link. If you can connect to it on the bench but not in the car then that would suggest there is a wiring issue. You only need 12V on pin A5 and gnd on pin A34 to power up on bench.
  19. Adamw

    Where do I start

    A firmware update is not going to affect oil pressure so most likely it is set up wrong or there is a wiring issue. Attach a log and your tune and we might be able to give you a hint. For the coils, yes just wire them in pairs and set ignition mode to wasted spark. Firing order doesnt change.
  20. Adamw

    350z hesitation

    You have an issue with your MAP sensor, it is slow to respond to changes in load. You will notice there are no "near vertical" transitions in the MAP trace - always a gradual ramp between different pressures. Possibly the hose is crimped/blocked, full of oil, the sensor is faulty, or the measurement point is not suitable. You can see from the fuel pressure trace that the manifold pressure is changing quickly, just the ECU is not seeing it. The example I have annotated in red below is an obvious example, you have snapped the throttle closed at 7000RPM, you should see near instant full manifold vacuum under this condition, yet it is more than 2 seconds later before the MAP shows overrun level vacuum.
  21. To set the base timing you can tell the ecu to command whatever timing you like, typically 10deg BTDC works ok for most engines. So if you want to lock timing to 10BTDC then in the "Set Base Timing" screen you set the top box "Lock Timing To" to 10deg. You then check the timing marks with your timing light, if the 10BTDC mark is not lined up then you adjust the Offset number in the middle box until the mark is aligned. Note you need to hit the enter key every time you adjust the offset. Once you have it so the 10deg mark lines up then rev the engine to confirm the timing mark stays at 10deg, if it drifts then adjust the microsecond value in the lower box.
  22. Adamw

    link fury & aim pdm

    Sorry for the delay. Attached are your ECU and PDM configs, in the ECU I moved the fans and fuel pumps to virtual auxes and these are all sent to the PDM, as well as aux 8 for the e-throttle relay. In the PDM I have set up two buttons on the keypad just as examples for high boost and ALS, and set up the PDM to send these out to the ECU, they will be received as CAN Dig 1 & 2. The setup of this CAN output you will find in the CAN output tab in your PDM config. The custom CAN for the fuel pumps etc is sent out of the ecu as a separate user stream but at the AIM end it is all set up to be received as part of the main "ECU stream", you will find these new channels down the bottom of the ecu channels list. The 3rd file attached here with the .xc1 extension is the custom "ecu protocol"/CAN template, you dont need this file to make anything work, but you can import this template into RS3 CAN builder area to see how it is done or if you want to add anything to it later. PDM32 s15 rb26 V2.zconfig LINK_Lee MC_@20230704_104109_003161.xc1 s15 rb26 V2.pclr
  23. Windows display scaling isnt supported at present and there is no option to adjust text size. I believe it is planned. Unfortunately no, you have to use 2 GP functions. Again it is something that will be added but hasn't made it in yet.
  24. 400mA max for the rated accuracy.
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