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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. CLL should be disabled for the transient though? Can you attach another log.
  2. It would go to our UK warehouse, they can inspect and possibly repair there. It would also be a good idea to try removing from the car and powering it up on the bench and try the firmware update just to eliminate wiring or power supply issue.
  3. Yep battery voltage would be perfectly fine.
  4. Adamw

    350ZLink PWM Control

    What about Aux 6 & 7 that were originally only used for the narrow band oxy sensors? If you dont have exhaust VVT aux 3 & 5 might be available. The other option would be to take aux 16 from the expansion loom, connect this to the e-throttle relay control wire (pin 104), so this would free up Ign 7 which can do PWM.
  5. Adamw

    EGT antilag disable

    Something like this:
  6. It looks like your crank wheel is damaged, it has a tooth broken off or some other issue that affects its magnetisim. The subaru 36-2-2-2 crank wheel should have 16 teeth between the single gap and the double gap. I have numbered yours, there is only 15. Notice the spacing between 5 & 6 is bigger than the rest and the reluctor waveform where I have circled it kind of jumps up higher voltage than the adjacent teeth - I would say this is where the damaged broken/missing/damaged tooth is. And just for your interest, below is the same section from another subaru scope that I had on my PC showing the correct 16 teeth.
  7. So you get the same error with older firmware? Not much else I can think of apart from returning it to Link for inspection and updating.
  8. I would start by lowering the CLL MAP delta lockout so that it deactivates during transients like it should. That will help some. Possibly the accel hold will need to be increased or the main fuel table will need to be tweaked in thos cells but see how it looks with the CLL working properly first.
  9. Yeah thats an odd one I havent seen before. Possibly a backfeed keeping the ecu alive during the power cycle step. Can you try again, but this time when you get to the step where it tells you to power cycle the ignition, try completely disconnecting ecu or disconnecting battery for about 10sec, then reconnect power before clicking the ok button to continue.
  10. Adamw

    Error code 76

    Yeah no obvious problems in that log, they both match quite well. That would suggest it is only an intermitant issue which makes it more difficult. You could either set up ecu logging to record all throttle related stuff so we have some data when it next occurs, or you can chance it and replace parts.
  11. Can you attach the tune too.
  12. Sorry I dont understand what you are asking here? Originally the GTR used 3 auxes for the fuel pump, Aux 6 controlled the main relay, Aux1 & 2 were connected to the FPCM to command 3 different speeds. If you dont want variable pump speed then you would bypass the FPCM so the fuel pump is connected directly to the main pump relay. Why dont you just switch both pumps on with the same aux? There are Ign 7, Ign 8 & Aux 11 on the expansion connector that you could use also.
  13. This would be correct. It would suggest possibly you have the TPS pinout wrong. Does the AN Volt drop to zero when you unplug the TPS?
  14. Im assuming it was modified by Link? My first thought is possibly the main power supply is missing, the type of symptom you describe is often what you see when the ecu is only getting power from a back feeding aux. As soon as the E-throttle is pulling current the back feed cant supply enough power so the ecu shuts down. A quick test you could do is get some small jumper clips and connect power straight from the battery or other known good source in the car directly to the TVS diode as shown below. +12V goes to the striped end, gound to the other end.
  15. No, it took me a while to figure out what was going on... You have the front cam sensor wired to DI3 (two teeth), and one of the AVCS ones at the back (4 teeth) wired to trig 2. You need to swap these. Trig 2 needs to be connected to the front sensor that has the 2 teeth on the back of the sprocket. Also, the sensor that you currently have wired to trig 2 is wired incorrect polarity - make sure the ground goes to the opposite pin when you shuffle the wiring around. May pay to check the other AVCS sensor also.
  16. Sorry, not sure what I done there. I must have closed that CAN window without hitting apply or something. Fixed copy attached. 2GRMR2 New CAN V2.pclx No test function on CAN outputs - only physical pins. The easiest way to test a CAN output is just change the offset to 1.
  17. Yes, also keep it cranking for a couple of seconds after you click capture.
  18. Doesnt matter in this case. Mostly used with missing tooth wheels and vvt. That was one of the reasons why we changed it - yes in G4+ you could assign the fuel pump function to more than 1 aux - but only one would ever work and you have no way of knowing which one. This used to catch people out. Yes this is how you are meant to do it. Once you get used to it it is nicer to use than the old G4+ method. For example with idle control in G4+ you would have to first set up the idle valve in the aux outputs menu, frequency, polarity etc, then go to the ign menu to set up Idle ign control, then move to the idle speed control menu to set up the idle control. Now everything to do with the idle control including set up of the output and testing etc is all in the one menu. Yes, use a GP output as per your example. That output will then function just like a standard FP control with prime etc.
  19. I suspect you might be using the trigger scope wrong, you need to click the capture button when the engine is actually cranking - not before.
  20. Yes dwell would remain the same. There is no charge cooling coef in traditional mode.
  21. Try these files. I have changed the CAN transmit in the ecu as I didnt like how some outputs were 4 bits wide, some 8 etc. So I made all parameters 8bit wide. In the PMU I set up two new functions "Fan low speed" and Fan med speed, these have logic so that you dont end up with an ambiguous result when for example ecu is commanding all 3 fan outputs (or speeds) at the same time. I then use the choose equation to specify different DC depending which channel was true. I dont see any way to test if the logic works how I think it should so please give it a try. If not use the variables inspector to see where it is going wrong. If this doesnt work we can just use a math block in the ecu to generate the duty cycle and send that to the PMU instead. MR2 New CAN and FAN.pmu 2GRMR2 New CAN.pclx
  22. Adamw

    Error code 76

    In the throttle body there are two independent throttle position sensors (we call them TP main and TP sub), there is two so they can be compared to each other, if they ever read differently then ecu knows there is a problem. Fault code 76 means the readings from the two sensors arent matching each other (there is about 2% error allowed). So this could be just a calibration issue, it could be a failing sensor (need to replace the whole throttle body), or it could be a loose connection/wiring issue. Have you got any logs? If not can you give us one with just a few free revs in the garage. And a copy of your tune.
  23. With the engine running, hit F12 to go to the runtimes screen, then ecu status tab. Check what lambda 1 status and error show there.
  24. Wire the map sensor to AN Volt 1. Make sure the calibration is correct so that it reads the same as BAP with engine not running. Then disable fuel or ignition so it can’t start and do a trigger scope capture while cranking. Attach the scope file here and I will help you with settings
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