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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. There are really no "typical settings", even basic stuff like the size of the hole through the boost source nipple or ignition timing has a big influence on the response of the turbo control system. There are some examples in the help file which I have attached below but I even see big differences in very similar cars so I wouldnt take it as gospel. I suggest following the guide in the help file here: G4+ ECU Tuning Functions > Boost Control > Closed Loop Boost Control > Closed Loop Boost Setup Guide
  2. The old two wire sensors are not good options. They were orignally designed in 1970 by VDO for use with their consumer level gauges, gauges in those days where very low resolution and were really just an indication what was going on. The problem with them is they are very low resistance so they need a strong pull-up which consumes a lot of your available 5V output current, they are not linear, and their resistance curve varies significantly with the sensor temperature. Have a look at Honeywell MIP series, decent sensors for about 50-60USD depending where you are.
  3. Cruise and launch status are already in the default generic dash stream. I dont know how configurable the powertune dash is to receive the others, but the basic process is described in their document here: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0036/0615/1235/files/Custom_stream_setup_LINK.pdf?v=1620629266
  4. Use the >online>monitor channels tool in the dash software to see if any speed is coming through. Those channels should still have been logged regardless whether the CAN was working or not.
  5. Try the attached dash config. There was a divider of 10 on the DI speed channels in the dash config which would have made the speed read 10X lower in the dash but still should have shown something, so I have removed that. I dont see much else wrong. I also renamed the channels to "LF Wheel Spd" etc to make it clearer. ABBEY350Z07_03_2022_V2.U26
  6. Can you do me a few more trigger scopes of cranking. I suspect there may be a small spike of electrical noise coming through intermittently which upsets the edge count. Does it have stock ignition system? Resistor spark plugs and leads?
  7. Ok, can you attach the triggerscope file .llgx. and your tune, .pclx
  8. Adamw

    Speed Sensor

    Yeah it should be. The only problem is the Nissan reluctor speed sensors output quite low voltage at low speeds so may not be enough to register until about 20kmh. Connect the sensor between gnd and any DI and give it a try.
  9. Are you using the latest firmware in the ECU 6.21.14? This sounds like you may have the problem that has already been fixed:
  10. Did you try defaulting the USB adapter? Instructions here: https://github.com/SeeedDocument/USB-CAN-Analyzer/raw/master/res/Document/11.Restore the default configuration description.pdf Can you also link to the video you mentioned as the link you gave only goes to a picture. Perhaps attach your tune also.
  11. The 4 wheel speeds are already broadcast in our standard Generic dash stream. But from memory with the SDL since it was sold as a low cost dash, motec placed many restrictions on its CAN capabilities, (many of which are not documented anywhere), Im struggling to remember all of them but im pretty sure there is a restriction that it can only receive the first 7 or 8 frames of a compound message. Can you check if Oil temp and Oil press is coming through. We can possibly get around this by doing a custom stream at both ends that fits into 8 frames, or we could possibly break generic dash in half and send it as two 7 frame messages on two different ID's rather than its normal 14 frames on a single ID.
  12. Adamw

    View canbus data

    Generic dash is what is referred to as a compound message - or sometimes called a multiplexed or row counter. So with this technique you send multiple frames all with the same ID, typically we use ID 1000 or 0x3E8. One of the bytes in each frame is used as a further ID so that the receiving device knows what data is in each frame. This further identifier is called the Compound ID/Frame ID/Multiplexor or row counter. Example from Generic dash below, Byte 0 is the frame ID. So if the receiving device receives a frame with a value of 2 in byte 0, then it knows this frame has Inj DC, Inj PW & ECT in the 6 data bytes. Generic Dash 2 is what is referred to as a sequential message. With this technique even though you still only set one ID in the software, the ECU will send out only one frame on that base ID, then each further frame is sent with an ID that increments by 1. In generic Dash 2 there are 4 frames of data, so the first frame gets sent on ID 1000, the second frame on 1001, 3rd on ID 1002 etc.
  13. The G4 does have internal logging.
  14. Unfortunately not. The firmware engineer that does the trigger code has just gone on holiday for a month and he has many other high priority tasks to get through upon his return. I will put it on the list of feature requests but unfortunately it wont be in the near future. You best option will be to fit a more conventional trigger disc on the front pulley and use that with the existing cam sensor.
  15. Adamw

    View canbus data

    Correct, it uses decimal. We have added a small note above the ID field to make that clearer in the next release. 0x700 would be 1792 and 0x702 would be 1794.
  16. Load is usually not relevant since you are just trying to compensate for the change in air density. If it is going lean only after a hot restart that would suggest the sensor is reading hotter than the air actually is. As you say this might be an air flow issue or sometimes the mass of hot metal around the sensor can cause it. A temp sensor in the intercooler plumbing just before the throttle body often works well as the pipework doesnt have a lot of mass and it is hard to not have the sensor in the air stream. The other cause of lean hot restarts I have come across occasionally is with fuel systems with surge tanks with the return going back to the surge tank. After a hot restart the rail will be 100deg C or so and depending on how the plumbing is oriented etc you can end up with the very hot fuel (low density) just circulating between rail and surge tank and it takes a long time for that to come back down to normal. If you wanted to try a 3D IAT, out of the MAP/TPS/RPM options you suggested I would go for TP or MAP as those are more indicative of how much fuel and air are moving through the system which would cover both the possible causes mentioned above. Another axis option to consider on the 3D IAT table is engine run time. So at high IAT's you add some extra fuel for the first couple of minutes or whatever it needs before it fades back to a more typical IAT compensation.
  17. Adamw

    View canbus data

    No, cant see the raw data at this time. Can you give us some more info about what you are trying to do, along with your tune and a pic of your sniffer data.
  18. Logging status is for the internal (ecu log), not PC Logging. There is no way the ecu knows if PC Link is logging or not.
  19. All CAN lambda's are programmed as Lambda 1 by default. To change this, go to >ECU Controls>CAN set up>CAN devices. Select the correct CAN port/module that the lambda is wired to, then hit find devices. Once found change the parameter to Lambda 2 and click send. You will then need to power cycle the lambda and it will show as Lambda 2 next power up.
  20. I dont but I could possibly set up a starting point. Does this one have the 18-2-2-2 flywheel trigger and the half moon thing in the distributor/CAS? What size injectors? Is that a ford idle valve? is it going to be boosted or NA? What does it have for a MAP sensor, ECT and IAT sensors? Maybe give us a list of what inputs and outputs you have stuff connected too.
  21. I think the black plug in the 05-06 model. Picture below is looking into from the wire side of the connector housing. Pin 1 = 12V or 5V should work Pin 2 = signal Pin 3 = Gnd
  22. Yes trigger 2 is wrong polarity, you will need to switch the +/- wires at the sensor connector. As I said at the start, this trigger mode can only work with distributor ignition, it is not capable of direct spark. The cam sensor on DI1 is not considered using this trigger mode. We dont currently have a trigger mode that can use 2 x flywheel sensors and a cam sensor.
  23. What G3 ECU do you have? Just a G3LEM (26pin connector) or G3 Link plus?
  24. So what is the problem? Is it displaying moving values but they dont match the gauge? Or is it just a static value not moving? Or is it zero? Attach a copy of your tune.
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