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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Hi Grant This is the one form of idle control not supported. It kinda like a mini E throttle unit as its a DC motor controlling the opening with feedback from the ISC position.
  2. Before worrying too much about accel fuel the tune will need to be relatively close to start with as you could end up compensating for a particularly lean spot in the main map.
  3. Simon

    qr25de navara

    Another thing to check is that its not one of the direct injected variants. Currently direct injection is not supported in our range.
  4. I haven't used one myself but have assisted others with them. I'm assuming they got a result in the end.
  5. You could try spinning the EPM in a lathe or drill and see if you get a clean RPM. If you do then it can be an indicator that the drive of it is actually speeding up and slowing down. Such as you might get with a slack cam belt or play in the drive. Next step will be checking the signals out of the EPM with a scope.
  6. The MSD unit is likely to require a rising spark edge as apposed to the more conventional falling spark edge.
  7. Try with the trigger mode on 1 tooth per TDC with sensor set as opto hall. (this will just send the signals through with no decoding. Make sure you have a power and ground to the sensors along with the signal wire to the ECU.
  8. Hi Matt If you can take a trigger capture with the Storm ECU and email or post it here we can check the pattern and advise.
  9. Yes the tune can be transferred across. It is as simple as opening the old map in G4+ PCLink while connected to the G4+. You will however need to check how the ignition is configured along with the rest of the I/O setup. There will also be all the new functions in G4+ that will need to be turned on or off as required.
  10. The issue with altering the triggers in this case is the need to keep the factory system happy. The triggering on all our ECUs is the same so would expect all to have same issues However the Storm or Xtreme would allow you to scope the signals using the trigger capture function.
  11. Simon

    Link G4 Evo 4

    G4 has a basic gear cut. Not to the level of the G4+ but with the addition of a geartronics or equivalent unit works well for sequential boxes.
  12. Simon

    Link G4 Evo 4

    1. Anti lag is a decent amount of work to get set up and tuned to suit drivers preference. Launch is not so bad. 2. Is that with Lag off? If lag is off that would indicate far to retarded timing at idle. If lag is on and active you have ignition retard happening then after a minute of anti lag things will be getting very hot.
  13. Simon

    connection problem

    Hi Supra Make sure you have the latest PC link http://www.linkecu.com/app/site/media/sitemedia.nl/id.144837/.f If that fails to connect the ECU might require a firmware update.
  14. Simon


    Yes all xtreme functions are available in the Thunder + more.
  15. Changing the cam gear will not effect the position signals. The trigger signals will need to be scoped to see what they are doing. In some cases the way the factory uses the sensor means we are not able to piggy back off them and you need separate sensors for our ECU.
  16. Sorry missed the V8 having been fitted bit given its 3 in and 8 out there is 99% chance that it is a 12 V power supply and the unit is a sequencer igniter.
  17. No unfortunately not on the on board logging this was some what limited in the V series the only logged parameters are as follows The following parameters are able to be logged in ECU logging mode: AN Volt 1 to 11 Inj timing Anti-Lag Cyclic Idle Knock Count Global Anti-Lag Ign Cut Knock Level Global AN Temp 1 to 4 Knock Threshold BAP Launch Limit Batt Voltage MAP CL Stepper Limit MAP Limit Digital Frequency 1 to 6 Mass per Cyl (x100) Dwell Time Max Ignition E-Throttle Limit MGP ECT Overrun Fuel Cut ECU Temperature RPM Limit Engine Speed Speed (DI 1 to 6) Fault Codes Speed Limit Gear TP (Main) GP RPM Limit 1 and 2 Trig 1 Err Counter IAT Under Voltage Ign Angle Voltage Limit Inj Actual PW Wake-Up Status Inj Duty Cycle (Sec) VVT Cam Position ECU Logging Parameters from ECU firmware version 4.9.9 onwards The following parameters are able to be logged in ECU logging mode: AFR Target Inj timing AL Active Fuel Table (Status) Knock Count Global Altitude Knock Level Global AN Volt 1 to 11 Knock Threshold Anti-Lag Cyclic Idle (Status) Launch Limit (Status) Anti-Lag Ign Cut (Status) MAP AN Temp 3 and 4 MAP Limit (Status) BAP Max Ignition (Status) Batt Voltage MGP Boost Target Overrun Fuel Cut (Status) CL Stepper Limit (Status) Percentage FCut Cruise Switch Mode (Status) Percentage ICut Differential Fuel Pressure RPM Limit (Status) Digital Input 1 to 12 (Status) Speed (DI 1 to 6) Dwell Time Speed Limit (Status) E-Throttle Limit (Status) Timer 1 ECT Timer 2 ECU Temperature TP (Main) Engine Speed Trig 1 Err Counter Fault Codes Under Voltage (Status) Gear Voltage Limit (Status) GP RPM Limit 1 and 2 (Status) VVT Cam Position IAT Wake-Up Status (Status) Ign Angle WGate DC Inj Actual PW Wideband 1 Inj Duty Cycle Inj Duty Cycle (Sec)
  18. Simon

    map switching

    When you select the 3 table option in the boostcontrol settings. It will ask for table activation for tables 2 and 3 (table 1 is the default table) You will set the activation to be you virtual aux.
  19. Does it have 6 outputs to the coils or only 3? It is likely a sequencer igniter if its got 6 outputs and in that case the red is likely to be 12V
  20. For the G4 and G4+ these can be found in the basemaps folder of PCLink
  21. You need an external controller that will then convert the signal to a 0-5V signal. This is then wired in to a suitable AN volt input on the ECU. You are not able to connect the sensor directly.
  22. Crank signal edge will not effect the igniter, it could affect the ignition timing timing. The Spark edge will however have an effect. If the spark edge is wrong the igniter will get hot at the point the key is turned on and engine not running. If the spark edge is correct the igniter should stay cold. If there were non resistive plugs (in wasted spark) , a HT lead that had broken or a coil internally arcing could all cause an igniter failure.
  23. Yes this could have an effect depend on how the factory is using the sensors. In our ECU you will need to have the pullups for the triggers set to off.
  24. Simon

    Trigger 3s gen4

    Note that the later 3SGEs with VVT used 3 teeth on the cam and in this case you will need to use the 3SGE VVT trigger mode.
  25. Simon

    map switching

    The switch will give 6 different voltages. With 3 virtual aux available you can have the equivalent of 3 DI inputs. You would set the voltage conditions for each virtual aux to suit your switch and then select what you want switched based on the virtual aux.
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