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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Yes, you can load the ST205 map into any G4+ ECU. After loading you will just need to set up the inputs and outputs to match how your car has been wired.
  2. These are the spare inputs it has on the expansion connector. Flex fuel would use one of the DI's, the AN Volt would do oil or fuel press. Speed is already connected via the main connector. There are a couple of other AN Volt inputs on the main header that you could re-purpose for the other pressure sensor. For instance the old airflow meter pin can be reassigned, or the factory MAP sensor pin (the V88 has a onboard MAP sensor) or the narrowband O2 sensor pin. Yes it has 4Mb internal logging, there is a fix set of channels that are logged - you can have it log all the time or enabled via a switch or via conditions. Logging rate is user selectable but 50Hz max. It can also log unlimited channels to harddrive when a laptop is connected. List of channels logged by the internal logging and the approx length capacity below:
  3. There are two different S13 ecus, one with a 64pin plug and one with a 76pin. I think they were referred to as "long header" and "short header" back in the Vipec days. Which one is it?
  4. Im not sure what your question is? If an aux output is assigned to the tacho function then the signal the ecu outputs is a 0-12V square wave. The 5V you are measuring is because it is a pulsed signal so you are only measuring the average of the two states (ie, roughly half way between 0V and 12V). If your car has a high level tacho (any tacho that originally was connected to the coil negative terminal) then it needs about a 50V signal to work - so you will either need a tacho booster or the tacho can sometimes be modified.
  5. The V88 can do all of that, but the important information you are missing is what specific model plug-in is it. The amount and type of spare IO is different on every model. The v88 doesnt have true flex fuel support, but you can do fuel and ignition overlay tables etc based on ethanol content.
  6. Adamw

    Fuel getting hot

    That is pretty normal fuel temp, remember your metal fuel rail is bolted to the cyl head which spends its life at 90°C so it is going to conduct to the fuel pretty quick. It is unlikely your problem. As above, a log and your tune is really needed to help.
  7. Hmm, I must admit I have never tried, but it is intended to work. Did you have the "Use Antitheft lockout" set to yes in the starter control settings?
  8. For Lambda 2, unplug the first lambda so that only lambda 2 is connected to the bus, (you dont need to change anything on the main Mode tab - leave only one channel set to Link CAN lambda and ID 950), then go to CAN devices tab, click Find Devices, when it finds the device, change the parameter drop down box to "Lambda 2" and then hit the send button. Press apply, ok, do a store, power everything off. Plug all CAN lambdas back in and re-power up, both should now be identified and working. For power, prefereably they should just be connected to an ign switched source - let the ECU control it. With it powered from the FP relay you will get CAN errors logged every power-up - it will still work fine, just the errors will annoy you everytime you look at the runtimes screen.
  9. Ok, sorry I'm running out of ideas, it is a bit difficult not being there. Can you grab me a photo of the "All frames" section of the light client software with a wheel turning . Also, click the "save trace" button and email me the trace file. [email protected].
  10. They are great sensors. They are direct mounted to the engine in the OEM application and are very reliable in my experience. In my last job we ran them on a whole category of 30 single seat race cars (direct mounted in cyl head which was solid mounted and a stressed part of the chassis) and they were the only sensor on the car that we never had fail. The only thing Im not a big fan of is the connectors are a bit difficult to work with. We potted ours and used a pig tail with a DTM4 instead but these were for quite high level cars.
  11. Adamw

    PC Link New Layouts

    They are just xml files as far as I know. If you understand what you are looking at then you probably know enough to copy/paste page sections out of one into the next. Make back-ups before hacking it up though!
  12. The TGV inputs are connected at the ecu end to analog inputs (0-5V) rather than a digital input that is needed for the ethanol% & temp. So you could possibly use the TGV wire but it will need to be moved at the ecu end to a DI. There arent too many spare DI's on the WRX104 ecu, does your car have cruise control?
  13. In at least one of those logs there is approximatly correct RPM showing and coupled with your timing light flashing probably means the ecu is happy with the trigger. Have you tried your trigger offset at 300°? You may just be firing on exhaust stroke rather than compression?
  14. Adamw

    Wheel Speed Sensors

    I cant remember if they need the pull-up on or not, try it and see. Either edge should work equally.
  15. In the last log where it appears to be idling ok for a while then stalls, the only cause I see is just before the stall the driving wheel speed exceeds 2kmh so the idle ignition control disables, as soon as the ignition drops from 30deg to 10deg it stalls. Im not sure if the car did move slightly or that is just noise on the speed sensor signal. Anyhow, I have bumped up the speed lockout to 10kmh in the attached map. Since it appears that it may be sensitive to ignition timing it would be a good idea to get a timing light on it to confirm base timing. I made a few other changes to your map, you can use the file compare function to see what I changed. But some basics to start - I turned off IAT trim - in modelled mode this should generally be off as the air density calculation is all part of the model. I have populated your charge temp approximation table with numbers that will be in the ball park. I have greatly reduced accel enrichment using numbers more typical, I think it would possibly flood with the tiniest touch of throttle as it was. I turned off closed loop lambda - get it so it can run continuously own its own before you re-enable that as it will just fight any change you make. And I changed a few basics in the idle control settings. Im not convinced these changes will solve your issue but lets start with those and see what happens. The VE numbers in your fuel table for instance look a little smaller than I expect yet the lambda was on the rich side and CLL was pulling 20% fuel out so it seems like something else is a bit off somewhere still. MAP is also higher than normal at idle suggesting the engine is not that happy (could be base timing). Im also not convinced any of these things would explain why it doesnt re-start after it stalls. It that happens again, can you do a pc log and a triggerscope of it cranking during a re-start attempt. I will PM you about the backfire issue. Baserev4.pclx
  16. Ok, so that would suggest the message is making it through ok. The scaling in the ecu master manual is a bit vague, can you try changing the multiplier to 10 and divider to 1 in the Link Stream 1 like my pic below (they are opposite to this in your map currently).
  17. Im not going to be able to help much further tonight as just about to head home, but can you take a look at the CAN 2 status on the runtimes screen like below (power off/on everything first to reboot). Are your CAN lambdas working/being found?
  18. I just took another quick look. In the ecu config, change the ID on channel 3 to 1635, it looks like I made a typo when converting that from hex.
  19. The find devices tool is only for reprograming Link CAN Lambdas, it wont find any 3rd party devices. Do you get any wheel speeds when the wheels are turning on the misc tab of the runtimes screen?
  20. Configs attached with oil pressure switch added. You will need to fix some of the alarms and displays in your dash config as some of the channel names have changed. I have also set up the "Map switch" and Launch Control" switches that are connected to the dash to be transmitted to the ECU. Map switch will be received into the ECU as "CAN DIG #1", Launch will be CAN DIG #2. Alex182.zconfig SubaruWRXV1-2G4XXtremePlugin_Wasser-LLK_3zoll-tb_Link-CANLambda_Link-3Bar-Map_AIM-MXS-Strada_v3.pclx
  21. Adamw

    R8 Coil wiring

    I would expect the stock coil grounds would go to a main ground point on the engine somewhere which would be fine. If they dont then you would be better to run new grounds.
  22. Assuming it is all wired right and you are getting valid wheel speeds or showing in the ECU master software then that should be all. I assume you have the USB to CAN programming tool.
  23. Update the ecu firmware to 5.6.8 and ethanol content has been added to the transmit stream so you wont need to modify the ECU set up. Aim havent yet updated the dash end to include ethanol content however, so you can import the CAN set up for the dash that I have attached below. To import this CAN protocol, click the "arrow+" icon at the top of the RS3 screen, then click import and choose this .xc1 file. Then open your dash config, go to the ecu stream tab and click change ecu. Choose the generic custom from the Link menu. It will then pop up a screen about renaming channels, make sure the check box that says "try to keep original names" or whatever is unchecked, then choose ignore at the bottom. Save your config and transmit to the dash. LINK_Generic Custom_@20201027_025442_009492.xc1
  24. I just took another look and dont see any obvious mistakes. In the RS3 live measures screen do both those channels show "-" ? On the ECU tab in your dash config, does it show "DanielCPG2" as the ecu type?
  25. Ok, Eth content and a few extras have been recently added to the MXS stream so update your ECU firmware to the latest 5.6.8 and that should work. Coolant press and boost position are sent to the dash in a 2nd stream. I have changed your boost switch set up in the ECU a little so that it uses a cal table to create a "switch position" rather than just working on raw voltage. Low boost is position 0, med is position 1, high is position 2. You may need to set up the voltages in cal 7 to match whatever voltage your switch outputs. In the dash these 0/1/2 values will be translated to LOW/MED/HIGH. I have also attached the CAN protocol file (**.xc1) that you dont actually need, but you can import into RS3 if you want to see how it is done. Khalid new CAN.zconfig LINK_DanielCPG2_@20200121_055456_001949.xc1 Sendtolink.khalid New CAN.pclr
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