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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. As I previously said the firmware engineer that does most of the trigger code is away most of this week. You wont hear anything until probably this time next week.
  2. G4+ ECU Tuning Functions > VVT Control > Tuning VVT Control > Cam Angle Test Record the smallest cam angle value from the cam angle test as your offset on the DI/Trig 2 VVT
  3. In the dash software, make sure the ECU stream is set to LINK - CAN_BUS_BASE_LCC. If that is already correct then check the white/green wires go to the correct pins in the 6 pin plug - I have no idea what colours are attached to which pins in the USB cable.
  4. Your CAN setup in the map is correct. The acknowledge error suggests either the CAN wiring is wrong or the dash is not set up to match. Assuming it is a Link branded dash it should already be set up to match. So maybe attach some pictures of your wiring so we can confirm the correct pins have been used etc.
  5. Yes. Correct. The TP main must cover full range. This is taken care of during the auto calibration, the ecu records where the sub stops working in relation to the main.
  6. Can you attach your map so I can take a look. A V88 doesnt have CAN2 as far as I remember - it just has CAN1 on the 6 pin round plug below USB.
  7. What is the question? Set up looks ok to me.
  8. I suspect there is not something initialised correctly in the background for table one. Sometimes this can happen when you first set something up and you choose "no" when you get the message "do you want to clear the * table and set the axis to default values". So try turning E-throttle mode to off, then back to set up mode, it should ask you again if you want to clear table 1, choose yes. Then I suggest if you dont want the X axis like your old set-up, then go into axis set-up and set it to none.
  9. Your picture has the correct settings.
  10. If the cam is hall, then set trigger 2 type to optical/hall and set pull-up to on.
  11. Trigger set-up below should work assuming you have a 36-2 crank wheel and a single tooth on the cam. I dont know what the offset will be but try 230 or -130. Most of your fuel settings are fine. For deadtimes and short PW adder I would copy the values from ID's datasheet below:
  12. Yes, CAN2 L is on the main header pin C35, and CAN 2 H is pin C27. CAN 2 and CAN 1 are also available on two 5 pin sockets internally (need a CANPCB cable to connect)
  13. In your log your E-throttle target shows 8.7% all the time. 3.2% is coming from the idle base position and 5.5% from the E-throttle target table. So it appears there is something wrong with your E-throttle target table, you have an axis set up wrong or something. Can you attach the map as it is now - as it seems it is different than the one you attached above.
  14. Adamw

    base map

    There is a E36 base map included in PC Link.
  15. You have the cam angle test running in the video and log, the VVT will not work when running the test - all cams are sent to the home position. From the look of all the errors you probably have to reset the VVT offsets. Your video is too blury for me to see what is going on.
  16. Adamw

    Link user CAN help

    Yes, the G4x is much more flexible with CAN inputs. But most of the G4X ecu's have a 3 axis accelerometer on board anyhow.
  17. What is the engine? Does Trig1 signal and Trig2 signal turn green and say yes when cranking? Has the ECU been unlocked?
  18. Adamw

    Link user CAN help

    I think the ID 217055998 is still correct as their document is missing some of the ID. But looking at that DBC file again I do see one possible issue, I think we should be looking at byte 0, not byte 1. So leave everything else the same but try changing the start position for CAN DIG 8 to 3. You could receive them as CAN analogs but they are not all that useful in G4+ as you cant apply filters and units etc to a CAN input.
  19. Adamw

    2ZZ-GE idle issues

    Ok, it doesnt look like idle control has been set up or tuned at all? Do another cold start using the attached file, log entire warmup to operating temperature, this will give a starting point for the idle base position table. 2zzmr2map V0.1.pclx
  20. On hot cranking one of your crank teeth events only reaches 0.65V, so with the arming threshold at 0.8V, this tooth would be ignored. So try trig 1 arming threshold like below to see if that helps:
  21. It could still be either. The only way to know is to look at a factory wiring diagram to see if the tacho was originally connected to the coils(hi level) or to the ecu (low level). It is only one wire, why dont you try it to see if it works? If it doesnt work connected direct to the ecu then you will need a tacho booster. Most likely if it is a cable driven speedo, then the ecu will get a electronic speed signal from the speedo.
  22. Flex fuel sensors transmit two signals over one wire using a variable frequency and pulsewidth. Only the DI's 1-8 can interpret this. If your car doesnt have cruise control then you could splice into one of the cruise DI's (DI6 or 7) or if you have cruise then the easiest option is probably DI8 (originally the start signal, which is not very important).
  23. Ah ha. Pinout is wrong, you are connected to pin 2 & 3 instead of 3 & 4.
  24. Everything looks fine in your map and you are using a recent firmware so no issues there. The errors can only be wiring or the dash config. If it is a Link branded dash it should be pre-configured - but it wouldnt hurt to check if you havent already done so. The ECU stream should be set to "LINK - CAN_BUS_BASE_LCC". If no joy there, then can you give us a couple of photos of the CANF wiring etc so we can confirm the right pins are in use.
  25. Yeah, this is weird. Im not convinced it is a trigger issue as all of those "trigger 1 states" are normal for start up. But what gives me a little doubt that it may still be trigger related is the dwell sits at zero for those first two start attempts (and your 3 trigger error counts). I assume from the voltages that the attached triggerscope was done at idle after it restarted. It would be good if next time you can try to catch a triggerscope of a hot crank when it doesnt start. Your triggerscope matches the expected pattern quite well.
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